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The Planet of Lush

An Erotic 'Doctor Who' Tale

By Pandora DarkbloodPublished 6 years ago 6 min read

Curiosity had gotten the best of her. From the second they landed and she saw the look on The Doctor's face, she was intrigued. Even more so when he forbade her from leaving the TARDIS.

"Trust me, Rose," he had warned, "Of all the places in Time and Space, this is not where I wanted to bring you."

It was a strange warning. No fear or anger in his voice, just a strained anguish that she could not place. The TARDIS never went anywhere by accident, of that she was certain, so why did she bring them here? Didn't he want to know? But he had only glanced at the scanner before the color drained from his face and his words became raspy and forced. He paced the floor, raking his hands through his mussed hair. Every now and again he was back at the controls, trying to persuade his stubborn Blue Box to move. She had heard him whisper...

"Anywhere but here..."

He finally accepted that they were stuck until the old girl wanted them to move, but he had perched himself in front of the door, shifty and nervous.

"What are you on about?" Rose asked. "Can't we just have a look?"

He stared at her. Something in his gaze was dark and foreign to her. Not anger, not fear, just... different.

"We will have to wait, but we will wait here," The Doctor repeated.

She sighed and plopped down into one of the chairs. They had been there maybe an hour, and soon the temperature was rising in the ship. Rose felt suddenly hot and unsettled. She removed her jacket and fanned herself with her hand.

"Is it getting warmer?" She looked to The Doctor, who was beginning to sweat and had also removed his jacket. He cursed silently to himself. The TARDIS was supposed to protect them from the effects outside, but it was creeping in. He went to the controls again and pulled with all his might. Rose wondered why she had never noticed how strong his arms were before. Maybe it was because he always seemed to be covered, but the muscles tightening in his biceps as he pulled was... distracting. She moved closer to the scanner, and The Doctor moved back as if to avoid her.

"What is it?" she asked, looking concerned.

"Nothing," he breathed. "Just a little... dizzy." He took his place again by the door.

"Tea?" she offered, and he simply nodded.

She quickly prepared their refreshment and walked over to him. He made no eye contact and accepted the drink. They sipped silently and Rose waited. Before too long, the Time Lord was asleep soundly and she begged her to forgive him and she moved him to the chair and slipped outside the door.

As soon as she set foot on the ground, something in her changed. The air was sweet and thick. The ground was lush and green. All around was this haze of brilliance and beauty. She felt like she was high. She began to giggle light-heartedly without provocation, and a pressure began to mount in her belly. Walking was like floating, and each step brought her joy. She wondered why The Doctor was so against this place. This wonderful world made her feel so amazing. She wandered to a hill covered in red flowers and lay on the ground. The pressure she was feeling grew and finally she began to place it... pleasure. Sexual need. It had been some time since Rose had last been touched by a man, and traveling with The Doctor, she hardly had allowed it to cross her mind. Now, in this field, she could not control it. Her body came alive as if being caressed by a thousand hands. Slowly, without knowing, she removed her top and lifted her skirt above her knees, revealing her green underwear and matching bra. She rolled greedily in the flowers and had lost all sense of self. She was so alive with desire, the ground was fondling her and soon she was quaking with the deepest orgasm of her life.

The Doctor sat up abruptly. He knew he had been slipped some of his sleeping powder he used to give Rose when her nightmares became too real to sleep. He looked around frantically, sure that she had already gone.

"Damnit, Rose!" He ran to the scanner, but there was no sign of her.

"Why?" he called out to his stubborn Box, "Why would you do this to me?" He gritted his teeth. He knew there was only one way she would return. He was going to have to drag her back in. Even as a Time Lord, he had no power against the seduction of the atmosphere outside and considering how he already felt about his companion, he had no idea how he was going to be able to touch her let alone drag her once outside. In preparation, he threw on some extra layers of clothes and bravely ran out the door to find Rose.

It didn't take long for The Doctor to feel the effects. He was soon giddy and rock hard. He fought through it, running at full speed. He stopped in his tracks when he heard it. The sweetest moans and sighs of pleasure he had ever encountered. Like being beckoned, he followed the sound, quickly forgetting his plan to drag her to the TARDIS. His heart was pounding in his chest and nothing could prepare him for the sight. There she was, his love, in all her naked glory rolling in the flowers shivering with need. Cries of unending ecstasy ripped through her as he slowly approached. She spotted him, her eyes heavy with a dreamy look of smoldering fire.

"Doct..." she tried. "Doctor..." as if begging for him.

In all of his hundreds of years, nothing was more exhilarating thans the moment his body came down on top of Rose of its own accord. His mouth was all over her, kissing, licking, nipping every inch or flesh beneath him. He could not fight it, nor did he want to. He had wanted her for so very long, not was the culmination of all his dark secrets. She gripped him close to her, pulling him so close. He devoured her with his mouth, all but tearing his clothes off. He found her delicious center with his mouth, flicking his tongue over and over, greedily sucking in her release and groaning at the beauty of it. She tried to put him in her mouth, but he wouldn't have it. He scrambled on top of her and finally joined with his companion. Rose literally cried as he thrust into her.

"Yes," she breathed. "God, yes."

The doctor was not gentle as he pumped into her over and over, his hands everywhere, his mouth attacking hers. They reached the peak together, crying out for each other and collapsing completely sated. Hours went by, still connected at the core. Kissing until their mouths were raw. The familiar whirl of the TARDIS came as it materialized around them and sped off into the vortex. As if released from a spell, they looked at one another, naked and attached at the soul. They both stood awkwardly and rushed to cover themselves.

"Ahem... I told you not to go outside..." The Doctor stammered.

"I...I'm sorry..." Rose flushed. "I just wanted to see what was so secretive..."

"Yes, well... Maybe next time... you might think to listen..." he whispered.

"Yes..." Rose trailed off, knowing damn well she wouldn't.


About the Creator

Pandora Darkblood

Just a naughty Librarian with a fire in her soul.

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