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The First Kiss

A ghost story

By papi AlexPublished about a year ago 6 min read

It was a dark and stormy night, the kind of night where the wind howled and the rain beat against the windows like a persistent ghost trying to gain entry. The old mansion on the hill had always been known as the place where the first kiss between young lovers took place, but that night, it was about to become known for something much more sinister.

As the storm raged on, a young couple, Emily and Michael, decided to take a stroll through the abandoned mansion. They had heard the legends of the ghostly first kiss and wanted to experience it for themselves. As they walked through the musty halls, they couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. The mansion was eerily quiet, as if the very air was holding its breath.

As they reached the room where the first kiss was said to have taken place, they couldn't help but feel a chill run down their spines. The room was dark and musty, and the only light came from a single candle flickering on a small table. As they approached the table, they noticed a small note lying there. It read, "The first kiss is always the sweetest, but it can also be the last."

As Emily and Michael looked at each other, they couldn't help but feel a sense of dread. They both leaned in to kiss, but as their lips met, they were both overcome with a sense of cold and fear. Suddenly, the door to the room slammed shut and they were trapped. The candle flickered and went out, leaving them in complete darkness.

As they frantically searched for a way out, they heard a ghostly voice whispering in their ears. "The first kiss is always the sweetest, but it can also be the last." The voice grew louder and louder until it was a deafening scream. Suddenly, the door opened and they were able to escape, but they were never the same again.

The legend of the first kiss in the old mansion on the hill was never the same again. From that night on, it was known as the place where the ghost of the first kiss still haunts to this day, waiting for its next victims to experience the thrill and mind-blowing terror of their first and last kiss.

As Emily and Michael stumbled out of the mansion, they were both shaking with fear. They had heard the stories of the ghostly first kiss, but they never expected to actually experience it themselves. They both knew they would never be the same again.

They made their way back to their car, but as they got in, they noticed something strange. The back seat was empty, but they could have sworn they put their jackets back there before they went into the mansion. They didn't think much of it and drove home, trying to shake off the feeling of dread that had settled in their stomachs.

As the days passed, Emily and Michael couldn't shake the feeling that they were being watched. Every time they were alone, they could hear the ghostly voice whispering in their ears, "The first kiss is always the sweetest, but it can also be the last." They tried to ignore it, but it was always there, haunting them.

One night, as they were lying in bed, they heard a faint noise coming from the closet. They both froze as the door slowly creaked open, revealing nothing but darkness inside. Suddenly, they saw a figure standing in the doorway, a figure that they recognized as the ghost from the mansion.

The ghost slowly advanced towards them, its eyes glowing with an otherworldly light. It reached out its hand and touched Emily's face, sending a chill down her spine. "The first kiss is always the sweetest, but it can also be the last," it whispered.

Emily and Michael were paralyzed with fear, they couldn't move, they couldn't scream. All they could do was watch as the ghost reached out to Michael and touched his face. Suddenly, everything went black and they both fainted.

When they woke up, they found themselves back in the old mansion on the hill. They were confused and scared, but they knew they had to find a way out. They searched the mansion and found a room they had never seen before. Inside, they found their jackets, which they had thought were missing, and a note that read "The first kiss may be the sweetest, but it is also the key to your escape."

They quickly put on their jackets and found a way out of the mansion. As they stepped outside, they realized that the ghost had been trying to show them the way out, not to harm them. They thanked the ghost for its help and drove home. From that day on, they never heard the ghostly voice again, but they would never forget their first kiss in the old mansion on the hill.

However, the experience in the mansion had a lasting impact on Emily and Michael's relationship. They both became obsessed with the ghost and the mansion, constantly talking about it and trying to find answers. They even went back to the mansion several times, but it was always empty and silent.

Their friends and family noticed the change in them and tried to intervene, but it was too late. The ghost had taken hold of them and they couldn't let go. They became distant and paranoid, always looking over their shoulders and jumping at the slightest noise.

Eventually, they both became so consumed by the ghost and the mansion that they started to neglect their jobs and relationships. They lost everything they had, including each other. They both ended up alone, still haunted by the ghost and the memory of their first kiss.

Years passed, and the mansion on the hill became a distant memory for most people. But for Emily and Michael, it was a constant presence in their minds. They both lived the rest of their lives haunted by the ghost and the memory of their first kiss, never able to escape the grip of the ghostly curse.

To this day, the mansion still stands on the hill, and some say that on a dark and stormy night, you can still hear the ghostly voice whispering, "The first kiss is always the sweetest, but it can also be the last." And some say that if you're brave enough to enter the mansion and find the room where the first kiss took place, you will see the ghost of Emily and Michael still locked in a never-ending embrace, forever trapped in the memory of their first and last kiss.


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