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Parrot Talk: A feathered Guide to Sexual Self-Discovery

Lessons from a Bird's Unfettered Life on Embracing Our True Selves

By Evan BrownPublished 10 months ago 3 min read
Parrot Talk: A feathered Guide to Sexual Self-Discovery
Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash

I have never considered myself much of a writer, but if my tale can encourage even one person, I believe it's worth sharing. Plus, my therapist thinks it's a good idea, so here I am, exposing the intimate details of my journey. But hey, don't feel awkward, we're all adults here, right?

Now, where to begin? Oh yes, the parrot. No, I'm not going nuts. I promise it'll make sense.

In the summer of 2021, a parrot flew into my house. No kidding! It was a beautiful, exotic bird, quite lost, and probably seeking refuge from some predator or storm. I named him Picasso, due to his vibrant, art-like plumage. He was quite a character, and even though I was struggling with loneliness and a debilitating fear of intimacy, he brought some much-needed color to my life.

But Picasso wasn't just a parrot. He was a wise old bird. He was my sexuality guru, if you will. You see, Picasso, unlike his human counterpart, was unapologetically colorful, loud, and brimming with life. He didn't care what the other birds thought. He danced when he wanted, screamed when he wanted, and loved when he wanted. There was no repression, no self-doubt, just unabashed expression of his true self. And watching him, I wished I could be the same.

I've always been a bit of a late bloomer in matters of sexuality, and I carried a heavy sense of shame about it. Society's unfair expectations around sexual behavior and milestones can really mess with a person. Everyone is supposed to follow the same path, right? Date, get intimate, marry, reproduce. There's no room for deviations or self-discovery.

But Picasso challenged that. As I observed his carefree attitude towards life and love, I found myself questioning my preconceived notions. Why was I allowing society's expectations to dictate my personal life? Why couldn't I, too, live life on my own terms, embracing my true desires without shame?

This realization was groundbreaking, but it wasn't easy. Shame has a way of clinging to you like stubborn lint. It took a lot of introspection, therapy sessions, and soul-searching to start peeling off those layers. But once I started, I was unstoppable.

First, I educated myself. Sexuality is a spectrum, and there's so much more to it than just the binary of straight and gay. There are a myriad of identities, orientations, and expressions, each valid and beautiful. Self-education was not just liberating, but also exciting! I felt like a kid in a candy store, eager to explore every new flavor I discovered.

Second, I talked. I started sharing my experiences and insecurities with my close friends, breaking down that wall of silence around sexuality. Turns out, most people have their own insecurities, their own journeys. Sharing them can be incredibly cathartic and bonding.

Lastly, I learned to accept and love myself, regardless of societal expectations or standards. My sexuality, my journey, my pace, my rules. Just like Picasso.

Fast forward to now. I'm no longer the shy, self-doubting person I used to be. Instead, I've embraced my identity as a proud demisexual. It took me a while to understand that romantic attraction for me is rooted in deep emotional connections rather than physical appearances.

And as for intimacy? I'm taking it at my own pace. No rush, no pressure, just exploring and enjoying the journey of self-discovery. If anything, this journey has taught me to be patient, kind, and forgiving with myself.

My story ends on a hopeful note, with the freedom to explore, accept, and love myself without judgment. It's been a wild ride, and Picasso, my feathery guru, deserves a lot of credit.

Now, here's my message to you, dear reader: your journey is yours alone. No one else can tell you how it should be, nor should they. Embrace your desires, explore your identity, and above all, love yourself for who you are. Remember, we're all a little like Picasso: vibrant, unique, and beautiful in our own way. So go ahead, spread your wings, and fly. It's never too late to become who you're meant to be.

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About the Creator

Evan Brown

Adventurer at heart, writer by trade. Exploring life's complexities through humor, controversy, and raw honesty. Join me on my journey to unlock the extraordinary in the everyday.

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