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Masturbation For Men 101: Myths, Facts & Benefits!

But more importantly, is it safe for our Health?

By Edwin Betancourt Jr.Published 4 years ago 7 min read
Photo by Kimona from Pexels

As I type this, it is March 2020 and if you’re aware of what’s happening in the world then you know that we are in a crazy time where people are being isolated, quarantined and practicing social distancing.

During this time, I have seen people talking about masturbating as a means to feel pleasure since they are scared to hook up with someone and catching the Coronavirus.

If you follow me on Twitter (@CrazyEddyBee) then you would see I am a huge advocate and supporter when it comes to Masturbation, but some men believe that self pleasuring is dangerous to their health.

My last article talked about the dangers of masturbation if it isn’t done correctly. I mean seriously, who wants a friction burn on their Johnson? Not me that’s for sure!

In this article, I will be explaining whether it's harmful to our health and even debunking a few myths. Now, keep in mind I am not a health physician but I am a 30 year old man who chooses masturbating rather than hooking up with every Tom, Dick and Harry.

Masturbation Will Cause Hairy Palms!

This is the craziest myth I have ever heard! Many older people have told young men that if you masturbate you will get a condition called ‘hypertrichosis,’ aka ‘werewolf syndrome’. Now, let’s stop and think about that for a second. How in-the-full-moon-heck will having skin contact with yourself and probably ejaculating on your hands, cause them to get hairy? It’s not surprising that this folk tale and urban legend was originated to scare younger men into a religion or cult and if having hairy hands wasn't enough to stop masturbating, they also said you can get 'blind' too!

Masturbation Causes Guilt & Depression:

It should be noted that this was the argument in the 1800’s when researchers wanted to correlate Masturbation with Depression. Masturbation can cause a person to feel guilty because of their social, cultural and religious views. For example, let’s say a Christian man is feeling frisky and he decides to masturbate, now I’m sure the bible has something to say about masturbation because we’ve all seen those Facebook ads about how a man who masturbates is self-raping himself *cue long eye roll*. His masturbation would be frowned upon a few seconds after he finishes that run and he’ll start feeling guilty and hating himself.

But this idea that Masturbating causes Depression has been debunked a few times because Depression isn't just something you feel because of a quick session with yourself

So can Masturbating cause depression? HECK NO! It can cause guilt sure, but it cannot cause Depression.

You see, when you masturbate you are releasing Endorphins which are neurotransmitters that are associated with joyful feelings that can improve your overall mood, kind of like exercising and doing yoga. Endorphins are what is going to fight off depression before it can even start.

Can Masturbating Prevent Prostate Cancer?

Now this has been a question I’ve seen get asked many times by people and the answer is simple: No one knows!

Doctors have realized that men who masturbate have lower chances of getting Prostate Cancer but they believe it has less to do with masturbation and more with the fact, the men who have self-pleasured themselves are living active and healthy lifestyles.

It’s also believed that when you masturbate, the chemicals in your sperm could flush out the negative germs that could cause Prostate Cancer. Apparently, when we masturbate and have intercourse we are producing two different types of Sperm.

When we masturbate our Prolactin is 400% less than what it is when we have intercourse with a partner. Because of this, our sperms have different counts (we produce less through masturbation) and chemicals. But it has yet been proven that these can protect us from Prostate Cancer.

Is Masturbating Safe?

Yes, Yes and Yes! Now, I had previously written about how you should always use lotion when masturbating and I even wrote very specific products you should use (Baby Lotion, Coconut Oil, Vaseline) and products you should never use (Hand Creams, Soap) and how it all depends on the speed and grip of how you’re moving your hand. Now, that all pertains to the action being done and how you can be safe, but these next few points pertains to whether the action you are doing has any negative impacts on your health.

STD/STI/HIV/AIDS Infection: Are not possible to get when masturbating. This should be common sense but you aren’t putting yourself or your health in danger when you decide to masturbate without a condom. You also reduce any chance of pregnancy by 100%...again common sense.

Grip: Whatever technique works for you during your alone time can have its effect on you when you decide to have sex with a partner and that’s because your hand is built differently than a vagina or anus. If you’re with a woman, then you might notice your sensitivity is different than when you pleasure yourself, that’s because your grip has a lot to do with the pleasure you feel. When this occurs, you should switch up your technique a bit so you don’t rely on a tight grip, because you can’t guarantee your partner will have the same grip as your hand. This is very vital if your partner is giving you a hand job as well, you shouldn’t shun them because their grip is either scratchy or weak but instead you should communicate with them. Also, it’s vital to remember if you are pleasing another penis by giving them a hand job that you communicate with your partner or else your tight grip might be too painful for them to bare.

Watch Where you Ejaculate: Guys this is important! Most of us masturbate when laying on our backs and many of us explode rather than just “shoot out”. Now, I’m not saying you’ll get something as similar to the film There’s Something About Mary where Ben Stiller’s character masturbates and his semen somehow ends up hanging from his ear, but if your eyes are wide open and you shoot your load in them…let’s just say Lemon in your eyes feels a whole lot better. Also if you already have an STD/STI it is important to ejaculate away from your face as you could potentially spread the infection to another part of your body.

Bruising Is Possible: Just like friction burns you can bruise your member based on how hard you are going. No one wants a bruised penis.

Do Not Do It In Public: I get that some people need to get off through Sexual Exhibition or need to post new content on their Xtube page, but it is imperative that you do not take out your penis in public as it is against the law! As a New Yorker it is important you do not do it on the train, on the bus or in the rain, Sam I am! But all jokes aside, don’t do that because you will end up as a Sexual Predator.

It Reduces Stress: Masturbating is the perfect activity to do when you are feeling stressed out. As mentioned above, self pleasuring releases Endorphins in our brains which causes us to feel a whole better than we did before. Instead of hitting the bottle, your annoying coworker or taking part in narcotics; just spend some time with yourself and release the stress away…pun intended.

It Makes Us Self Aware About Hygiene: Now this isn’t for all the men out there, but for those who don’t believe in cleaning their rooms or their nether regions. Masturbating has you using your hands and now more than ever, we as a society we are being vigilant and washing our hands even more. It should be noted that before and after you masturbate you should clean your hands, if you don’t want to get those germs from the day on your face you wouldn’t want to get it on your penis either. Most guys use Fleshjacks, cleaning out your fleshjack after every use is vital to both you and your health! Just because we are alone when we’re masturbating doesn’t mean we should be messy fools.

Masturbation is shunned by society as a whole and I think it’s crazy when that occurs because it’s part of everyday life. It sure as heck beats us going online trying to find someone to hook up with and catching some sexually transmitted disease or infection.

I hope you all stay safe during this crazy time in our world and I hope you treat your Johnson with love and care!

Relationships may come and go, but the relationship with your penis could last a lifetime. So treat them right!

fact or fiction

About the Creator

Edwin Betancourt Jr.

Edwin is a published Author, Poet and Playwright hailing from the Bronx, NY. When he isn’t working on stories, he can be found creating homemade lip balms and customizing dolls.

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