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Lipstick Diaries

Girls Night Out

By Keisha AndersonPublished 3 years ago 5 min read

Have you ever been f*cked in a nightclub bathroom stall by a complete stranger? Chuckles. I have. For twenty minutes of the thirty-seven years of my existence I had the most intense and unforgettable orgasm in all of my sexual life and he was a total and complete stranger....

So I thought.

The weekend started like any other. My girls Janice, Leah, Renee, and Faith dragged my mean introverted self to another lame nightclub on a Saturday night. Where I would down drinks, eat chicken wings, sing karaoke, or sit back smugly observing the patrons. Intentionally concentrating on the drunk couples who were tonguing each other down or feeling each other up. I'm not afraid to say that it turned me on.

I hadn't had sex in over two years since my bad breakup with Yuri. My Russian boyfriend of ten years who refused to marry me. He kept saying that he didn't want things to change between us by getting married so we didn't. During the tenth year of our happily non-married relationship, I gave him an ultimatum knowing for sure that he would choose marriage. After all we've been together for ten whole years. A decade. I knew he would choose that.

Chuckles. Well, he didn't. He packed up his things and left without a trace. His last words were, "I can't do this anymore". He changed his number, his job, and probably even his name. Leaving me to feel the most insecure, unfinished, and unhappiest I have ever been in my life.

I've tried Oprah on Sundays, a shrink, self-help books, and even church (and I am not religious by any means - I doubt there really is a God). But nothing could shake the feeling of inadequacy from my heart and soul. I felt only Yuri could do that.

Everyone else thinks I'm depressed and that is why I was to visit my family for Sunday dinner to assure them I wasn't suicidal. And to also meet my little sister's new fiancé. Bad timing for me, but I wanted to be a supportive sister.

Back to the nightclub.

I had downed a couple more Margaritas than usual anticipating visiting my family. My inhibitions were gone and I felt amazing. My girls and I laughed and joked at our table for a bit. Reminiscing on old times, high school times, old flames and new ones before deciding to hit the dance floor.

We jokingly grinded on each other dancing and enjoying the night. Catching the eyes of a group of guys who were a bit younger than us but who were enjoying the view. In a blur, one somehow ended up between me and them.

He was gorgeous. A combination of Brad Pitt and Mark Wahlberg. He smelled like heaven and alcohol. He kept grinding his pelvis against my bottom and I could feel how hard he was. How big he was down there. We danced, laughed, danced, laughed and kissed?!

It was long, passionate, and with plenty of tongue. I had forgotten we were in the middle of a dance floor at a nightclub. So did he. We didn't care who was watching. The connection between us was so real, almost like we had known each other in another lifetime. I felt one of his hands creep up my bra and cup my breast. He squeezed it so tight yet so gentle. I wanted all of him right now and I could sense the same.

We snuck off to the women's bathroom. His hand behind my waist he ushered me into an empty stall. He shut the door behind us and immediately grabbed for my panties, ripping them completely in half. He lifted me up by my ass, straddled my legs over his shoulders and buried his face in my juices.

I moaned loudly, it felt so good! His tongue flickered all over and inside catching every bit of liquid. I inched towards an orgasm with every flick of his tongue. Seconds away from exploding, I let out a long moan. He put me down, spun me around and bent me over. He dropped to his knees spread my butt cheeks and began licking and slurping all over again.

My knees buckled as he used his other hand and guided his fingers up into me. I suddenly orgasmed all over his fingers. My knees buckled and he caught me. I spun myself around and unbuckled his pants. I dropped to my knees and took all of him into my mouth. He was nice and erect. I slurped and sucked imagining it was Yuri returning to me.

"I don't wanna cum yet," He whimpered, before pulling away from me, pulling me up off my knees, bending me front over and shoving his dick into me. It was throbbing and wide. I felt my walls collapse around it as I gripped the life out of it. With every inch of his thrust, another part of me opened up and relaxed.

The tension flowed from my body and I succumbed to him. After ten beautiful thrusts, I turned around, sat him on the toilet and sat on top of him slowly guiding him inside of me. Wetter than a can of paint. I rode him like a bull, pulling on his hair, grabbing at his shirt, and tonguing him down. It took ten minutes before he came and I came again for the second time. He held onto my waist keeping it down over his penis as he emptied his contents. Grunting and grinding as it released from him.

We cleaned ourselves up and laughed about it the entire time. As we exited the bathroom we looked at each other and passionately kissed one another good-bye. Then went our separate ways, timely looking back at each other happily at the same time as we walked away from one another. We both needed that moment for ourselves. I could feel it.

The next day at my family's home, waiting on my sister to arrive. I felt amazing. Almost like a new woman. All I could think about was last night and how great the sex was. I secretly hoped I had even gotten pregnant just feeding into how amazing he was and how amazing I felt after. I made plans of going back to the same nightclub every week in hopes of seeing him again. We were connected on levels I didn't know existed.

The doorbell rang. Excited to see my sister, who was finishing her senior year in pharmacy school, I ran to the door and threw it open, "Hey Carlissa!" I hugged her and planted kisses all over her.

"Your in a good mood," She replied surprised. It was not my usual mood of solemn resting bitch.

"I guess I am," I agreed squeezing her tightly. I felt a slight bulge from her stomach, "What's this?" I touched her shirt.

"My fiancé Scott is bringing in the bags," Carlissa answered shyly, "I'm four months pregnant". She smiled contently rubbing her belly, looking past me at our parents who were approaching the door and greeting her gracefully.

"Congratulations!" They shouted happily overhearing the news and swiping Carlissa up into a hug.

I helped her into the house excited to finally be an Auntie. I turned around just in time to see her fiancé coming up the driveway. He immediately dropped the bags when he saw me.

My heart fell into my chest and I swear I stopped breathing. It was the bathroom stall guy. He was completely ghost pale.


To Be Continued...


About the Creator

Keisha Anderson

Re-discovering my passion for writing.


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