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Inflamed Ascent

Is she preparing for the trip of her career or something bigger?

By Jordan PoliePublished 4 years ago 97 min read
Inflamed Ascent
Photo by De an Sun on Unsplash

Tonicity stood boldly arguing with Alaric who owns the Balloon Fleet. Tonicity had been given orders from Alaric that she would be due to deliver a large shipment of supplies soon but her balloon was in dire need of full engine rework. Tonicity knew she needed someone well versed in all things beyond just engine repair. She really needed a right hand man for her crew.

Alaric had heard word that another Balloon Fleet was on the verge of hiring an old friend of his from previous years so he sent immediate word out to Clay that there was opening on Tonicity's ship. Clay was to appear the next day at the docks at Bay Six if interested at 9 am sharp.

Clay was ecstatic to hear from Alaric, he dressed dapper with his toolbox in hand in case work would start immediately. Tonicity stood at the ready of the docks peering at Clay as if he was dressed too nicely to be a mechanic. Tonicity stopped him and introduced herself. Asking Clay to quickly follow her to her Captains Quarters. Tonicity questioned Clay about his skillset and work ethic. Clay had a decent answer for all of her questions. Luckily for Clay they were all answers Tonicity could accept. Clay spoke to Tonicity with excitement of meeting her. He was eager to be given an opportunity to work for Alaric even if it were through Tonicity and her ship.

Tonicity explained that the job would be multi faceted. Sometimes she would ask for him to clean the decks, other times be her right hand man at the head of the deck, and even taking charge if ordered. He needed to be able to work any job. Clay agreed that nothing was beneath him as that aspect was important to Tonicity and anyone joining her crew. He had done his homework asking around town about her the day before. They were near the same age of twenty-nine. Tonicity was only a few months older than him.

Clay also shown a bit of eagerness to please Tonicity with a glimmer in his eye. It had been a few years since he was excited to work. It was even longer since he had been out in a balloon. Before their meeting ended Clay stood up and shook Tonicity's hand. He thanked her graciously for allowing him the opportunity. Tonicity knew he would be a great fit and offered him the job after a moments pause of contemplating any repercussions.

Clay accepted with a warm nod and shook her hand again. Tonicity asked for him to go as politely as she could muster. He had taken quite a bit of her morning up already. He needed to report back tomorrow morning early at 9am sharp again with clothes he could afford to get dirty. Clay again agreed and hurried off toward his townhouse.

Clay's family was poor growing up. Considering he came from a rather broken home. His father died from the Stoic, a plague that crossed the Pandorex one colony at a time. Any smaller village had no hope of survival. There seemed to be no cure from the Stoic. The Stoic would create concrete lungs. The ill's heart would eventually stop. This was only fifteen years ago when the Stoic wave rushed through Pandorex.

The Stoic took a third of the population with the wave as it passed. The remaining were left with wounds of trauma and heart break of loss of family and friends alike. Once the wave was isolated it stop just as quickly as it came. Which no one to this day knows what created the plague that took so many lives. Clay's mother was troubled with continuing to raise her boys alone. She quickly fell short from despair of loss. She fully relied on the boys to care for the home along with the small farm on their own. Clay and his brother both left the farm behind years ago. Their mother was moved to the town Asylum when Clay was sixteen. While Clay was the oldest he helped raise his brother Carper the best he could.

He explained to Tonicity over the coming month in every passing about small glimpses into his past life. Which she never minded as Clay's work spoke for itself. He was quick, efficient and always did a good job while even cleaning up after himself. Clay spoke about how his little brother who was four years younger. He was a bit more free spirited. Clay's younger brother Carper was described as always running with a tougher crowd. Clay told how his brother was married with a child and lead of life of hardship by choice it seemed.

Clay talked about how Carper had gotten into trouble at fifteen years old. Clay had nothing to trade except his labor as he had no coin to get his brother out of trouble. The farm wasn't worth enough so Clay couldn't get his brother from the encampment that he was sent to. The charge was Carper had stolen expensive binoculars from the wrong fellow student with a high profile last name. The students parents wanted Carper hung for his crime. Nearly everyone agreed it should have been treated as a petty crime. Instead the town jury swayed that he be charged with labor until he was seventeen years old or immediately sign the next ten years of his life to the Aussinial Charged Armed Forces also known as the ACAF Relief.

Carper consulted no one not even his brother. He agreed to sign for the ten years hoping to escape the likes of his poor street hood ways, but according to Clay had married his school girl love before flying to the heart of Pandorex in Siberia Flats in Russinia to fight a battle he had no business being in. To Clay he should have been able to save his brother. At the very least been able to talk his brother into saving himself by taking the three year labor sentence. Clay would never forgive himself for what happened. He would always feel like a father who let their child down. Clay wanted nothing more than to go to Russinia to be with his brother now somehow.

In only three weeks Tonicity announced to the crew they would head over the Pacific for the next big shipment going to Russinia. The supplies were mostly to help to support the war between the Patrionids and everyone else. Since the largest shift of Pandorex the five colonies fought for the largest landmass in which the Patrionids stood their ground.

The land was not nearly as important as the resources in the land. The most valuable resource on Pandorex was now ground salt. It was able to be converted into a highly renewable energy source for heat and light. With heat you could power Diggers, Balloons and Lighters. Diggers ground out more ground salt while Balloons could travel over the vast empty land sourcing resources without landing. Lighters were almost the most important of all though that could be powered. Light protected the land masses from what lurked in the darkness and shadows.

Darkness seemed to be the biggest fear now on Pandorex. Any colony thinking they were immune to what came in the darkness would be fighting for their lives. Each colony was now surrounded with layers of traps of automatic Lighters, manual Lighters and Light Barriers to protect the people from not only outsiders, but the creatures that came from the core. These creatures lived in the crevices after Pandorex cracked only 80 years ago. Manual Lighters were a part of the layered traps and were capable of burning anything that flied within range. These jobs were highly skilled and mostly managed by ACAF Relief or the oppositions Lighters called themselves the Burner Patrions. They were even more elite and were specifically difficult to penetrate as the outside world of Pandorex knew trying to access Patrionids land.

Tonicity has had 2 successful runs to and from Russinia of course with ACAF Reliefs help. This 3rd run would qualify her and her crew for an upgrade from Alaric. This upgrade means a faster balloon that would be manned with ACAF Relief for additional support. This was one of the highest honors of all of Alaric's ships on his owned fleet. If in another three weeks the 6 week journey would be successful that would make Tonicity the youngest and only female ever in all of Pandorex to receive such a balloon and honor. Tonicity's mind was set on getting to Russinia, then back home to her well deserved title.

Clay was slightly shook by the short notice. Three weeks wasn't enough time to do what needed done. He had recently been given a daunting task of running full diagnostic and gear upgrades to the entire engine. Clay knew two weeks wasn't long enough to complete what Tonicity had ask for. The last week he would be asked to finish all necessary last minute preparations. He went home that night and sat by his fire, dazing into his plate of potato grub getting cold when suddenly there was a hard knock at his door.

Clay was startled by the break in silence. His hope for help slowly opened the door. Carper, Clay's little brother clomped in and no quicker than Clay could stand, Carper wrapped his arms around him. Must had been 4 years since Clay had heard from Carper and that was just that he had been stationed in Russinia and had a baby boy who was healthy. Letters were few and far in between for the following years. Clay never held any of the lack of communication against Carper. Carper was built as a man of few words.

When Carper spoke he always said what he needed to and not much else. Carper was never much of a people person. He could be social if necessary, but even hanging out with the hoods when he was younger he always stood back. He was just a loyal but troubled kid with little direction until life made more for him. Carper was strong willed. He had a huge hole in trusting others so if he could do it himself he always figured out how.

Carper would normally wear his ACAF Relief uniform but civil wear always suited him best which was roughed khaki shorts and torn sleeveless dress shirt and his lucky goggles around his neck. He kept his dead father's red bandana tied around his upper right arm always unless ordered to take it off. The bandana was a somber gift and reminder for Carper to never quit fighting. He carried a ruck sack with his uniform. Carper didn't have much else he carried with him, but memories.

Clay was overjoyed pulling Carper back with both hands on Carper's shoulders. He was looking Carper over for new scars or battle wounds. To which Clay was surprised he saw none and pulled Carper back in for a tighter hug. Finally Carper said enough was enough as he pushed Clay backwards lightly. Carper found Clay's plate. Helping himself Carper ate his brothers cold Potato Grub while Clay stood dumbfounded happy that a solution might have just landed in his lap.

Clay stood across the table with his hands holding the table down staring intently at Carper. Carper chewing Clay dinner spoke between a mouthful, "What's good brother?" The look wasn't new to Carper. He knew Clay needed some kind of help with something as he nearly always found himself hunting, fishing, cleaning or taking care of something with Clay while they were growing up with that look in Clay's eyes.

Carper barely remembered taking care of their mother. He felt the memories were far more out of reach. Most likely Carper put them there intentionally as they only drew a fury of loss and sadness. He had little patience with the past. Clay was a father figure but Carper also knew how to take care of himself or at least how to survive on the bare minimum. For Carper the best thing he did was leave with ACAF. He hated thinking of his childhood. The only thing he would ever come back to Bay Pier Pacific was for his brother Clay. Never once would he ask about his mom, even if Clay would bring her up.

Clay asked Carper if he would be willing to volunteer while he was around on the balloon where he recently became employed. He talked about how he had to get this job done. Maybe it was the best job he thought he might have ever had with Alaric's backing. Clay explained how he had to be on it when it left in three weeks as if it was his only mission in life.

Carper wasn't much interested in his brothers droning but listened. He was available for three days to help Clay. Carper's short leave only brought him here because his troop would be taking off back to Russinia from here. His family was last known to be in Russinia. He didn't know much else but he was to end up back there. Carper was willing to help Clay as long as he could crash on the couch.

Clay was excited Carper agreed and said he would bring him with him first thing tomorrow. Clay wasn't surprised Carper would work through leave. He was a bit nervous what tomorrow would bring as he was going to try to keep Carper hidden from the crew. More importantly he needed to keep Carper from Tonicity. He knew she wouldn't be pleased knowing that Clay couldn't do the job on his own. He feared that she wouldn't let him go on the trip to Russinia where he could get to spend more time with Carper and maybe finally meet his nephew. This was the real reason he wanted to go so badly on this trip. Knowing now that was where Carper was going too just empowered Clay much more.

The next day both Clay and Carper arrived at the docks before seven am. The sun barely peaked over the ridge of the waves of fog from the surrounding cliffs. The morning gave Clay a fear down his spine for what was going to come if Tonicity caught him getting help. How would he explain this to her? He was hoping she would be far too busy with last minute preparations that she wouldn't have time to notice him or his brother.

The balloon sat in the lantern lights that surrounded the outside rim of the deck. Carper looked in awe as he adored the beauty of balloons. He wasn't the biggest fan of flying but in ACAF he had to fly numerous times to active battle in parts of the outer wall of Patrionids. The balloon struck him smaller than expected.

The deck was just longer than it was wide. Three balloons held each third of the boat. The largest balloon holding the middle of the ship. A wide staircase was centered going to the lower deck off entering from the dock. It was easy to see how storage was handled as a part of the deck had two large doors built into the deck floor to open up to a lower storage area below just beyond the stairs. To the right of the stair case was a built in cabin he figured probably the Captain's Quarter's. On the top of the cabin was the steering deck.

Carper was more keen on what laid on both sides of the right and left of the balloon deck. Lighters were placed strategically. One Lighter was toward the front deck and one slightly more towards the back in case of an attack. Carper followed Clay down the stairs to the engine room to get started on the work straight away.

Tonicity made her morning rounds as usual. She was typically first to arrive to her balloon. She would awake from her bed above the saloon on Darlington Avenue just off the docks. She would wash and dress up promptly. Never wearing anything much that was too telling of her beauty. She never ate breakfast as her routine was quite set. Tonicity would rush past the bar keep staff as they prepared for the day always greeting them by saying good morning but rarely making eye contact.

Tonicity kept her eye on the prize which didn't include a tremendous amount of small talk or being unpleasant necessarily. Just that she had a goal of strengthening the supplies going to the war effort and she believed her balloon and crew could be vital in the effort. She had to stay focused and kept her movement always toward her end goal.

Tonicity walked the empty deck at eight am the time she normally would arrive. Most of the crew were not scheduled to arrive until nine. She opened the hatch where supplies were normally loaded. She slid down the emergency bypass pole as she always did. This was the small bit of adventure she included in her day. She would lightly smile to herself every time. The smallest things were hidden joys to Tonicity.

Most ladies were not meant for the bypass pole or for balloon flying for that matter. However, Tonicity was built a bit more rugged than most ladies left in Pandorex. While most woman were for cleaning, house keeping or easy manufacturing, she was brought up differently.

Tonicity had a strong tomboy side. Dirt was worthy of being called makeup on her as she had a cuteness to her face. Tonicity wore her fluff skirt that puffed from her lower back over her bottom. She wore it overtop her leg tight tanned shorts. Her tight knitted grey leggings with her strapped boots that went just below her knee completed her signature look. Tonicity always had on a peasant style blouse that showed just a hint of skin of her breasts to tell that she was indeed a lady but not one to mess with.

Tonicity was shorter than most adults. However, she stood with confidence and was well respected by her crew mates. She was the only balloon in the fleet that Alaric fully entrusted to do her own hires. However, Clay was a bit of an initial frustration. Tonicity questioned why Alaric was so adamant about interviewing him. She normally would have posted the job with the Councilmen for recommendations first.

Tonicity allowed both male and female crew which was scrutinized by the Bay Pier Pacific Councilmen. She had learned that asking for their input would help with the political aspects of the fleet. The Council ultimately had little say over Alaric's affairs though. Only his failures if he didn't deliver the supplies he signed contracts for with the Council. Alaric had never failed a delivery as all of his fleet would make the trips needed and had for the last 6 years. Tonicity was quite the gamble for Alaric being his only female Captain, but he saw the pursuit inside her.

Tonicity came with a balloon record that was undeniable. She raced four years prior to switching to a career for Alaric as Captain of one of his Balloons. Which he was happy to have her on board as no one else on the fleet had her skillset or leadership skills as it had turned out. Tonicity had the fastest route delivery times on record for Bay Pier Pacific. Alaric had the Councilmen eager for signing many more future contracts if Tonicity could deliver this order of supplies.

As Tonicity landed on the lower deck she was surprised to hear clanking in the engine room. She was surprisingly impressed that Clay was in so early. Then she thought to herself that she hoped he realized that he got paid by the day. Either way she needed him through the end of the afternoon shift. As she propped open the engine room door she was even more surprised by sparks and a man in a weld helmet who wasn't Clay at all.

Tonicity quickly turned around to shield her eyes from the flash. She landed her hands against the door of the engine room slamming the door shut making a loud noise. As Carper stood he flipped his weld helmet up and spun around just as shocked that it wasn't Clay. He was due anytime to come back from town with the next gear pack for installation on the engine.

Carper cleared his throat purposefully in hopes of getting the strange woman with red hair to spin around. Maybe she would meet him, then leave so he could get back to work he thought. After all, what was something so breathtaking from her backside doing in an engine room?

Tonicity turned toward the welder fire glaring off to the side of Carper. She could barely see the silhouette of the smudged face stranger working on her engine. She had her forehead wrinkled and her hands on her hips.

Tonicity quick to say, "Turn that off if you will. Exactly who might you be?"

"I'm Carp, exactly. Who might you be ma'am?" Reaching out his soot covered glove to shake her hand. He was witty and smart to respond to her blunt professionalism.

She looked at his hand and gave him a quick glare in disregard. "Excuse me Carp, you're on the wrong ship." She was quite stern.

"No ma'am. This is the right ship. Clay's been working on her. I'm here to help him, on my own time and we are getting her ready for his boss. I believe I missed who you are." He turned off the welder and pulled his helmet off completely. He edged closer to Tonicity backed up against the closed engine door. He was closing the gap between the two of them within a few steps.

Tonicity was very thrown by this entire meeting. Who was this stranger? Why was he on her ship? She became slightly angered by this apparent waste of time. Clay would surely hear of this. She intently looked at Carper as he stood just a step from her now.

"I'm the Captain." Tonicity was fit to be tied.

Carper spoke up quickly, "Captain, ma'am it is a pleasure. Never met a female Captain before." As he grinned meaning slight offense but also complimenting her in his own way. He took one more slight step. He tried reaching out his hand again to try to shake hers.

Tonicity caught Carper's eyes just then. No sooner as she did her heart instantly started beating faster as if she were trapped under water slowly losing air. What was this feeling? Was this fear or flying? She had never felt such an instant rush of adrenaline from meeting someone. She used her palm against his chest to push his body back slightly. She used her other hand to open the door simultaneously.

She could barely breathe let alone get out her next words, "Nice to meet you, Carp." She spoke swiftly.

Somewhat blatantly she rushed herself from the room as she squeezed out the door and up the stairs. Tonicity couldn't remember breathing between the escape and getting to the first deck.

What was that encounter? Tonicity thought to herself of other times adrenaline coursed through her body. Was there ever anything like that she feeling she thought that just maybe she had experienced before? Never quite in the way she had just experienced it she thought. Carper was not what she had pictured from the stories Clay had told her from the past weeks. Nor was it anything of what she imagined the morning to be for herself. She gasped for air as her mind asked more questions than she had answers to. Just then she felt a hand on her shoulder.

"Morning, Tonicity. Everything okay? It looks like you seen a ghost!" Spoke Clay.

"Oh Clay. Yes, I mean no. I...I am fine. I just met your brother."

"Tonicity! I'm..." Worriedly Clay hurried to apologize.

" need to apologize Clay. If you needed a hand you should have spoke up. I would have added someone else on for a few days to keep things on time. I will let this slide, you understand my expectations do you not?" Tonicity was on edge but spoke with confidence. She did not want Clay to know she was a bit uneasy by her encounter with Carper.

"Yes Tonicity, yes I will ask for help next time. I do know your expectations. The job will get done as expected. As for my brother..." Clay paused.

"Yes, Carp." Tonicity stood patient trying to decide what to do with him.

"Yes Carper. He goes by Carp. He can be quite something sometimes. I hope he meant no offense." Shaking his head Clay was embarrassed.

"Nothing I haven't seen before. I know what you are speaking of Clay." Tonicity laid into affirmation of Clay's worry.

"Tonicity he didn't do anything to embarrass me did he? I will ask him to leave, just say the word! This job is everything. I appreciate what opportunity you have given me. I know he is my brother but if he didn't treat you right I will make him go." Clay was quite adamant in his response.

"No, he was decent enough. A bit smart but nothing I can't handle. or put in place if need be. He can stay and help. How long did you need a hand Clay?" Tonicity was fishing for how long might she might have to avoid the engine room.

"He is here the next three days. He will lend a hand, stay out of your way, no cost and I will keep him in line. He will stay with me and eat half my share of meals. He's not getting away with another last night..." Clay loved to over share hoping Tonicity would care enough to ask a follow up questions.

"What happened last night Clay?" Tonicity was surprisingly interested more than normal.

"He showed up, he does that sometimes. It's been years of not seeing him and then he ate my cold dinner!" Clay exclaimed giddily as he was able to share without too much prodding for interest.

"Funny." Tonicity half smiled as if she understood the joy that Carper had in doing that to Clay. "Well, work is to be done. Get to it then?"

"Yes, yes of course and thank you Tonicity! You won't regret it. I will keep him out of your way. The job will be done as expected." Clay announced as he bounced down the steps to the lower deck. Tonicity nodded in reassurance more for herself than to Clay. She was trying to remain hopeful that the free labor would be worth the odd yet questionable encounter she had with Carper.

As Clay approached the engine room he prepared a lecture in his head. "Carper, hey put the welder down a second."

Carper turned off the welder and had the biggest smile on his face, "Took you long enough, I met the ol ‘Cap’n. Think you forgot to mention a bit of info there bro!" He exclaimed in an excitable tone intrigued by the balloon Captain being an attractive female.

"Carp, she's my boss you even so much as glance in her direction..."

Carper cut Clay off, "You'll what? You know I can take you." He snickered.

"I will switch you myself into the darkness. She is my boss and she has been good to me man. Please don't mess this up for me, Carp." Clay pleaded.

"Bro, I can't help it if I lay with her or if she wants me to. She is fire. You should have warned me Clay. I will bet you a days wage she will be with me in bed!" Carper was confident and overly forward about his pursuit. Carper had been challenged inside. He saw only the breasts that he trapped between him and the door earlier. To him the conquest was worth upsetting his brother. He had been on tour for over a year. Any female, of any kind, were forbidden, among other distractions. Even his marriage and child were absent in his mind due to time away. War and the mission was all ACAF wanted the men focused on.

"Carp, I am asking you please. Do not lay with her or pursue her. She is something no doubt. From what I hear she doesn't take kindly to anyone going after her or even flirting with her, man. She can hold her own. I really need this job. I can't have you ruining this for me. Please!" Clay was insistent that Carper let this go. If not for his own flesh and blood, hopefully for Carper's own well being.

Tonicity had a reputation for publically embarrassing guys at the saloon as she would walk though on her way to her room. She had one time bashed a guy's head right into his mug for making a sly comment towards her. She of course threw coins on the counter to replace the mug and apologized to the bar keep for making a mess. Everyone hooted and hollered at the occasion as it was well received entertainment.

Most females were well respected while being treated with the common gentlemen’s regard or courtesy. However, intoxication got the best of some men. Tonicity really could handle her own against many men. Not always in strength but typically in out smarting them. She rarely had to though after that occasion at the bar. Every man in Bay Pier Pacific soon heard word she was a tough anti-touchable type. Probably was best just keep your distance as she had no interest in men’s ambitions. As Clay told this story to Carper he listened intrigued.

Carper wittingly smirked and nodded to his brother as he turned the welder on and flipped his helmet down. "We will see bro." He said as the sparks started again. In which Clay didn't hear his remark but saw the smirk from his brother. Clay was worried and decided he should keep a watchful eye over Carper.

Later that afternoon lunch was served in the balloons dining hall as normal. Carper and Clay split their portions. They bantered back in forth. Carper would tell a story of his time on tour. Followed by Clay responding back with a mundane story about the easier life he had been living in Bay Pier Pacific.

Clay asked about Carper's wife and son. Carper didn't have much to say. He spoke about how he thought they were well. He had consistently sent them all the coin he had earned from ACAF. Carper told Clay how long it had been since he had been back to that part of Russinia to see his family, nearly since his son was born. Lunch ended and then they went back to work in the engine room.

To Clay and Carper’s amazement Tonicity was in the engine room examining their morning work.

"Tonicity, hi, is there something I can help you with?" Asked Clay surprised to see her double checking his work. She had never checked over his work before he thought to himself.

"Yes, actually. Please ask for this additional part when you make your gear run Clay." Tonicity stood hopeful holding a piece of paper out for him. She avoided eye contact with Carper fiercely. In her peripherals she could see Carper pretending to get back to work. However, she could also see he was burning holes in her with his eyes dancing up and down her.

"Yes, I was about to make another gear run. I will happily get this done for you. Carp you need any direction or you good?" Clay had grown concerned to leave his brother alone with her. He wrestled with knowing he needed to do this job Tonicity had asked.

"I'm good bro." Carper stood ready to get back to work.

"Err, alright then. I will be right back. Tonicity are you good?" Clay somewhat pulled her closer to the engine room door by her arm then as he asked.

"Yes?" She questioned him asking her if she was good in a bothersome tone. "I will be better once you get me that part. Thank you." Tonicity had no time for whatever Clay was asking. She had very little patience and her expectations were always set high for completion.

"Alright then. I apologize. I am off." Clay reassured her with a half smile and shot a glare at his brother before heading off to get the parts from town.

As Tonicity was about to step foot through the engine room door she stopped and turned to look at Carper.

Carper was faced away from her with his nose buried in the engine clanking around with a wrench. She could see him trying to loosen a gear. Carper held his biceps flexed and strained. He was quiet built which she scoffed at. How was he suppose to impress anyone she thought.

He definitely was not what she had imagined him being in real life. Not at all the picture she had from the stories Clay would go on and on about. She pictured a scrawny punk on the younger side. Maybe he would be with no manners and an alley dog type behavior always looking for scraps. He didn't appear like that to her in the flesh. Carper was real. Which Tonicity still questioned if he was indeed real. Even with him being feet away he felt unreal to her. Tonicity started to sweat as she thought about him trapping her against the door again. As she was dazed in thought he had snuck up on her inches from her face.

"Cap'n? Hello?" He chuckled waiving his dirty greased hand in her face.

"Mmm, yes?! Hey, excuse me!" Tonicity was startled. Where did she go for a moment? She took a step back from his closeness.

"You were staring at me." Carper’s eyebrow raised with pleasure.

"Err, if I was it was not out of indecency. I assure you." Tonicity fired back.

"Well, I was staring at you. Only fair you'd stare back. I never did get your name, Cap’n." He had pure confidence that he could win her over.

"Please, my name is Tonicity Shaw."

"Nice to officially meet you Tonicity, I already said I'm Carp. Heh, not one for shaking hands are ya?" Carper knew he was beginning to lighten her up.

"Typically, I don't do the small chat, meet and or greet, Carp. Not to be unpleasant. I simply wanted to thank you for your hard work and time." Tonicity was short and was not about to feed into whatever he was trying to do by prying to shake her hand.

"Yes, of course. Anything you need Cap'n." He smiled at her and locked eyes. He meant what he said. Tonicity didn't realize that he would have done anything she asked. Nor did she recognize how completely serious he was then. He did respect her authority even if he was in pursuit of her.

"Anything you say?" Tonicity was fascinated yet half joking when she said this to him. Who says they would do anything for a stranger? She had no idea what he was up to. What she did know was looking into his eyes made her heart beat abnormally fast. She was exceptionally warm with him standing so close.

Tonicity didn't mind if he was setting a trap or if maybe she was. She somewhat enjoyed his remark of willingness to do anything she needed after pondering the thought. Tonicity would accept his offer by stepping into the ring with him. She knew she could end whatever he had planned quickly by just kicking him from the balloon if all else failed. She didn’t need his free labor badly enough to risk her own sanity she decided.

Carper reached out his greased hand in one last try asking for a handshake again from Tonicity.

She took his hand. Instead of Carper shaking her hand, he held his gaze with her. He raised her hand to his lips while gently kissing the back of her hand.

"Anything at all my Cap'n." Carper said calmly and quietly to her. He slowly released her hand then returned to the engine to work.

Tonicity lost all her breath while she was in a state of shock by his actions. She had the slightest smile in the corner of her lip. She had never felt a trap so sly. In the moment Tonicity was bewildered and then slightly agitated he could just pretend it didn't occur as quickly as it had. Who did he think he might be getting away with all this? Why did he think it was okay to kiss her? Does he have no decency? But maybe it was decent? Maybe kissing her hand was a sign of bowing to her command and rank? Or was he mocking her? Tonicity’s mind rattled back and forth over Carper’s actions. She had no idea how to take the encounter other than to back into the door slowly and find the handle while she let herself out. All the while she was watching him work. Again with his nose buried in the engine. Flexing his arm muscles as if nothing happened. How strange she contemplated.

What she didn't know is Carper had the biggest all teeth smile on his face when he was walking away from her. He knew exactly what he had done to her. He was excited that he had accomplished so much in half a day. Clay couldn't know of this which keeping Tonicity a secret was all the more adventurous. Carper would ensure of their encounters being between them. He had to keep this escapade a secret to not upset Clay. After all it was in good fun anyways to Carper. He thought no real harm would come if no one knew.

The day went on. Before Carper and Clay knew it the work day had ended. The crew one by one filed off the ship returning to their homes and families in town. Some of the crew went off to second jobs. Others had a routine of going to the saloon to grab a drink.

Carper begged Clay to stop at the saloon with him. He said for one fast Slug before they hit bed to do it all again at work. Clay was hesitant. He knew there would be a chance of running into Tonicity there. She was always first on her balloon and last off. Which meant she would come into the saloon just as they would be finishing or sooner.

If Clay could avoid Carper and Tonicity being in the same close space there shouldn't be any problem. He really had a great plan. Carper was persistent though and could talk his older brother into anything if it meant he got to spend time with him. Clay was a sucker for getting that "father-son-bonding" in. So they headed to the saloon for just one Slug before heading home or so Clay thought.

"I have to hit the head before we leave out Clay. Which way to the bathroom?" Carper asked after having one round.

Clay pointed to a small hallway that turned to stairs just beyond a few doorways.

Clay had ordered another round. He was thoroughly enjoying the time with his brother that he hadn't seen in so long. He couldn't remember the last time they got to shoot back and forth stories and memories of the past like this without distain. He reminisced while Carper walked away.

Carper got up and started off to the restroom. Then from the corner of his eye he saw what seemed as though the whole bar slowly shifting its focus to Tonicity walking in. As heads raised and glasses seemed to stop in mid air she made her way from the door, to across the bar, to the stairs. He became entranced. Carper slowly followed behind her without her realizing.

He stood outside her door nervously for a few minutes. He wasn’t sure why he was there. Yet he felt a bit anxious so Carper knocked lightly.

"It's open." Tonicity shouted from the other side thinking it must have been the barkeep asking about her dinner.

He opened the door to find an empty bedroom with a window. To the left was a pass through to a small eating area with kitchen. To the right was a door to a room that was closed. He cleared his throat.

Tonicity opened the door and walked in the room with her white tank torn at the bottom and her shorts with hair brush in hand running it through her red hair. "Oh, you are not who I was expecting."

"Should I go?" Carper asked with a half eyebrow raised as this is a different setting with a much different look than he could imagine her in. She was a bit rough looking almost rugged he thought. Not the Captain confidence outfit she was pegged for in his head.

"No." She shook her head. "Hmm...yes." She nodded questioning her choice. "I say why are YOU here?" She emphasized.

Tonicity was torn on her decision. Confused slightly as she was not expecting company nor that the company be Carper. What was his deal? Who did he think he was just coming into her room? Then again she did say come in. How uncomfortable was he trying to make her? Apparently very inconveniently uncomfortable.

"I thought it best I should explain my behavior earlier Cap’n." Carp wasn't sure what else to say to explain why he had followed her up the stairs. He knew how to be forward but even for him this was a bit much. He seemed to be doing what he could to stay composed.

Tonicity sat on the edge of the bed and crossed her arms as if to guard herself from him and opened her hand for him to continue.

"Well, you see. I think to blame you." Carper started to explain.

"What?" Tonicity was somewhat upset by his start of an explanation. "Me? What did I do?"

"Ma'am, let me finish please. Before you get all bunched and bothered." Carp knew he was bordering an unknown territory with her. He had only heard things like this didn't bode well with Tonicity and other men.

Tonicity scrunched her face waiting for him hesitantly to continue.

"Look, you caught me. I was definitely probably looking at you earlier, but I can't help it. I have been out of town awhile and have not had a luxury like the looks of you. And yes I'm blaming you." He smirked and coward behind his words waiting for her to come swinging.

"What do you mean luxury, Carper? That's the biggest fools tale I think any man's ever wove for me. You have got to be kidding." Tonicity wasn't buying any of it. Carper was handsome, however she definitely could not figure him out. He acted like he wasn’t afraid of her. She was not really afraid of saying anything out of line to him either. She enjoyed the fact of his forwardness though which surprised her.

"Luxury…I mean it. Your red is a luxury and your kind of boss with your strong temper. You can hold your own. You can't buy that Tonicity. I don't mean to be so..." Carper lost his words as Tonicity stood up and started to walk towards him.

Standing just a step from him Tonicity was close enough to share air with Carper. This made Carper more nervous than standing outside her door. Tonicity had control of the room. She could sense that he was being slightly genuine in his confession.

"So...completely foolish?" She smiled at him looking him dead in the eyes.

He smiled back. "Yeah!" He laughed at himself lightly.

"There is something I should say to you Carper." Tonicity was hesitant but needed to start somewhere. Explaining all of this to herself was all she could think of since running into him that morning. She needed to get out what she knew if she were going to try to get him to understand..

"Yes, Cap’n?" Carper was hoping for her to continue being smart and witty as he appreciated her playing this game with him. He didn't mind looking silly as long as he could continue to be this close to her. She smelled like warm vanilla.

"I truly love and care for your brother and his well being Carper. You need to know that." Tonicity was complacent and point blank with Carper.

Carper did not see that coming. He slowly backed up a few steps from her. He looked puzzled without a true understanding. Was she really saying what he thought she was saying? His brother? Wow! He could barley find words or an escape. He needed to gather and connect with Clay. Carper wondered if Clay knew about how Tonicity felt for him.

"Oh okay, I see. Yeah Clay is great and a real piece of work drunk. He is probably wondering where I went. I should get back to him." Carper was quick to leave without Tonicity having the chance to explain further.

Carper rushed down the steps in a madness. How could Tonicity like Clay like that? How long had they known each other a month or so? What was wrong with Tonicity? How could she like Clay? Carper's head was buzzing from the drink and he was frustrated things had not gone better with her. He found Clay finishing Carper's second drink as he took too long in the bathroom or so Clay thought. They gathered themselves. Carper threw Clay's arm over his shoulder and walked him home.

The entire walk was quiet as Carper tried navigating whether he should ask his brother about Tonicity. He knew if he did potentially it could lead to Clay being upset. Clay would definitely ask him not to work with him the next few days. Carper decided that he would be better off trying to let go of the idea of asking Clay anything about Tonicity. He had no interest in getting caught up in worrying about a matter Clay was obviously not being completely honest about with him. That must have been why Clay was so strong to say that Tonicity must not be messed with. Clay had feelings for her too. Carper had completely convinced himself of his brother and Tonicity having a relationship no one knew about. Maybe Tonicity was so sharp with Carper because of this he exaggerated.

Carper carried his brother the last few feet to the door of Clay's small town house. Clay patted Carper as if to thank him for carrying him the last few blocks. Clay stumbled into his house and waved Carper to the couch. It was all Clay could do to get one boot off. He barely made it to his bed as he plopped down half hanging off. Carper laid on the couch as he was mildly amused his brother got so drunk as quickly as he did. What a light weight. Carper then quickly shifted to Tonicity in her torn white tank and shorts. Her red tangled hair in a mess as his eyes felt heavy as he fell asleep.

The next morning hit Clay hard. As the morning callers rang the bell in the center of the Pier for 6am, Clay didn’t move. He could barely muster enough strength to raise his eyes open. He had not drank like that in years, since probably the last time his brother was in town.

Carper on the other hand had no problem. He was already awake and making coffee for the both of them. Carper poured a cup for Clay while kicking him in the leg urging him to wake up. Clay grumbled, covering his eyes, as he rolled over. He really didn't know how he was going to get any work done today and hoped Carper might cover for him at work.

"What if you went with a letter for me Carp?" Clay muffled under his arm.

"A letter? You trinket. If you can't hold the next days drinking habit you need to not go out with me brother. You could have said no." Carper knew Clay was trying to get out of work.

Clay rolled onto his back as his arms fell hard straight out in exhaustion. This made his body hang even more off the bed. "Yes, I can't drink well okay. Laugh it up Carp but I need you to cover for me today. Take a letter in case you run into Tonicity. Please bro. You win. I think I'm dying damn you Carp." Clay laid like a limp body sprawled across the bed wearing pale green shade on his face.

"Fine, write a letter then." Carper heckled Clay knowing his brother was in no condition. He then started to hear snoring coming from Clay. He had fallen asleep again. Carper shook his head with a half smile as he wrote a letter in briefness for his brothers so called illness and missing work. He signed it Clay, folded it up and put it in his pocket. Carper decided he would just go in without Clay. He would keep his head down hoping he wouldn't encounter Tonicity. He washed his cup of coffee out and headed out the door to the balloon.

Carper arrived to the engine room early again. He went ahead starting work before any of the other crew arrived. He knew what needed to be done so he just continued re-gearing the engine section by section. He laughed thinking to himself that his brother was actually hired for this job.

Clay knew half of what Carper does about engines he pondered to himself. If only Tonicity knew Clay wasn't as skilled at engine repair as he was given credit for. Carper clanked around and worked for a few hours before realizing he felt like it should be lunch. He stepped one foot out of the engine room as Tonicity was opening the door with one foot entering the engine room. Both trapped face to face inside the door frame. They were unsuspecting of the other being there.

"Carper! I wasn't expecting you." Tonicity was floored as she was startled. After last night she didn’t think he would come back.

"Cap'n! Yes. Hi. Sorry to have got you by surprise." Carper was a bit off put as well as he was wanting to avoid any meetings with her today.

"Oh, no. You’re quite fine. Please proceed with where you were headed." As Tonicity tried to take another step into the engine room Carper stopped her. He put his arm up against the door frame blocking her from moving.

Carper could hardly breathe. He was enraged. She was toying with him he thought. She commented on him looking quite fine. He knew what she meant and it wasn’t what she said but how she said it. He stood in the door way tight against Tonicity at an uncomfortably close range. The tension grew between the two. How could she act as if she wasn’t going to address what happened after last night and what she said?

"Why did you say your in love with my brother, again?" Carper had no clue why that poured from him like it did but he had nothing to lose. He felt almost angry with her. He needed to know why she would say such a ludicrous thing. Even though he didn't want her presence to bother him, he was finding it difficult to let go.

"I'm unsure you really want me to further explain Carper." Tonicity's eyes dropped to the floor and the glow of the engines fire lit up her pale skin. She was distraught and feeling cornered. She knew she had to say something as she could feel his intensity. He began to breathe against her neck in anticipation. She felt as if lava could spill from his lungs if she didn’t answer him.

"Look at me, Tonicity." Carper's words were bold. He didn't waiver. He knew exactly what he wanted from her. A simple explanation was all he was asking for.

"Carper, I'm afraid you won't like my answer for you. I hired your brother and he has been kind and protective of my ambitions and his job. He deserves to continue having a place on this ship." Tonicity raised her voice slightly hoping Carper would take the hint to back down. Staring at him in hopes he would back off his rage and come to an understanding.

"Are you threatening his job? If I don't what Cap'n... I can't help that I am drawn to you whether by choice or not. If I could simply understand why you make me so…mad. Why'd you say you love him?" Clay was even more angered now. Not only did she love his brother but she was willing to put his job on the line. None of it made any sense. He was growing mad not only in frustration but in a bit of insanity. She had a way of carrying herself that only he was off put by. Never had he been so perplexed by a female who didn't eat out of his hands when he marked his prey. Why did she love his brother? Why wouldn’t she answer him?

"I'm not risking his job Carper. You sir are. The way you eye me is unreasonable. Your brother has been a brother to me. Having my back and such. I won't apologize for your lack in comprehension. Even in this short time of knowing him, he means a great deal to me. You being drawn to me as you say is a dangerous projection. My making you mad is only out of pure extinguish of your so called manhood." Tonicity was hoping she had made herself more clear. She had no time to play this cat and mouse game any longer. She could feel the clock in her head ticking faintly. She knew he wanted her. For her to risk Clay or her success with her upcoming trip, for what? Practically a stranger wanting a sexual escapade. This made no logical sense to her. He felt so familiar, but she couldn’t help but question everything about him.

"Unreasonable? Heh, my manhood is perfectly intact. Don't flatter yourself Cap'n I'm not even really trying." Carper looked Tonicity dead in the eyes. He could feel the intensity build inside him as he was even more enraged by every word she spoke.

"Yes Carp. It's unreasonable for you to be having any eyes for anyone other than the mother of your child. Or did you perhaps think I knew nothing of you?" Tonicity could not have made it any clearer now. She knew where she stood. Whether she questioned everything about Carper's motives or not. She wouldn't blatantly harm Clay, Carper's wife or his child knowingly. She had a hard time bringing herself to even think of the notion. How could he forget them to look at her?

For Carper the war had done many things. It had taken his father when the Stoic came. The Stoic only spread so fast because the war drove people to the larger colonies. More people meant more sickness. The war caused his small family farm to fail. This lead to a poorness to reign havoc on their livelihood. War had stolen his future with his wife in the quiet country side.

Who knows if his wife and his boy were alive or even thought of Carper from time to time. He knew his coins went to them. Hopeful for them to have happiness as he worked to keep them safe, even if he couldn't be present in their lives. For him he lived day by passing day as if returning home was never meant to be. Never might it ever happen for him.

He had been gone four years now too long. Only a few months after his son was born. Surely he was not missed. He would write letters home every once in awhile to never get anything in return. Even when his company got letters in piles from their loves, he didn’t get anything. Carper found himself reminded that a lifetime ago he held his boy in his arms and just as swiftly as the feeling came it crashed as a wave and floated back away. His memories seemed almost faded and unreal to him more like a dream.

"They have nothing of today or the of now Tonicity. Tell me why I can't look at you. If that's all I do, where is the harm? I will stay out of your way I only have 2 days left until I leave. You will never be bothered by my looking at you again." Carper hoped to somewhat downplay the situation. Possibly he might escape without getting into a more serious discussion that would make him more angry or upset. He knew she would have nothing of him wanting to have her lay with him now. It was all a silly challenge anyways. Why bother with her?

"Carper." Tonicity could feel him as if she reached out touching his chest. She knew he was afraid of the realization she had painted for him. He had backed down unrealistically fast. She thought he would have fought her harder but was pleased that she might have won. She could live with the fact of him looking and staying out of her way. She would continue getting the extra help over the next few days and then he'd be long gone never to be seen again. All of this pleased her as the clock inside her head seemed to tick louder.

"Tonicity." Carper smirked and looked her deep in the eyes. Hopefully she would drop the entire last few moments as if nothing had happened. He pressed his tongue against the back of his teeth. Carper knew it would be hard to resist but she wasn't worth the seriousness or realness that life brings in if he spoke any further. He wanted anything but seriousness from her. He had a strong feeling she didn't know what fun was. He choked it up to that she really must be a prude after all. Clay must be right. Something didn’t sit well with that thought entirely for Carper.

For a few seconds it was as if time stood still. All past, present and future were tied to them questioning each other’s existence. Their hearts synched and the heat from the engine flared. He couldn't help but start to slightly understand she genuinely didn't want to hurt anyone in Carper's life. She fathomed his life was complex and could visualize an empty barren wasteland in front of him. He could only see her. She could only see him looking at her.

Clay had shared enough of Carper’s story it wasn’t difficult to put together. He felt alone and she had far enough pieces to allow him comfort in familiarity. Carper was giving her further evidence of how separated she thought he might be from his true reality. Carper couldn't afford for someone to care but had a hard time escaping the understanding that grew inside himself. He would do what she asked and do anything of her wishes of just looking.

Tonicity started to innocently smile to match Carper's smirk that peaked into a smile. As they both looked intently into each other's eyes a calmness rose.

Tonicity half laughed in the silence to break the nearing awkwardness in the moment and said, "Where IS Clay?"

"Ha, yeah, he drank mine and his own last night at the saloon while I was with you. He can not handle his next day in any fashion. When I left he was snoring." Carper laughed out loud. Tonicity tried holding in a laugh herself.

"So...just to clear up what just happened." Carper wanted to verify he didn't misread Tonicity. How were things seemingly alright? Why wasn’t he angry with her?

"Yes..." Tonicity waited for him to continue.

"You are not in love with my brother. As IN love?" Carper asked half serious.

"No, I love him like a brother and don't want anyone to get hurt. You can understand this, Carper?" Tonicity was adamant that he grasped why he needed to stop pursuing her for them both to be alright.

"I understand Cap'n. Except..." Carper paused. He knew he had just dug himself out. He also knew he should take this opportunity to let things be. He was struggling and couldn't let her get away knowing he was still craving her. She made him hungry to have her so close to him. He didn't comprehend why he needed that feeling of her closeness. He needed more than just being able to look at her. He enjoyed how she played well with him. She shut him down when he wasn't use to that happening.

He leaned in toward her placing his soft puckered lips on her forehead.

"I will see you around." Carper knew he was laying her wishes on thick. As he quickly stepped through the door and walked up the stairs leaving Tonicity with what just happened yet again.

Tonicity was stunned and blushed. She quickly became a bit infuriated that Carper would do such a thing to her but knew he was only being smart. She hoped they wouldn't run into each other again like this. He had a way with pushing the boundary between the two of them. She stayed faithful that he would just look at her from a distance. She had to stay focused he couldn’t keep distracting her. Every day drew closer to the balloons next trek across the Pacific Desert and the dangers that awaited the supply route were no easy thing to prepare for.

Bay Pier Pacific sat on the edge of a cliff and was one of the largest dock towns in the Aussinial Colony landmass. Each colony was divided into quarters. Each town resided in a quarter like Bay Pier Pacific while each town were self governed. The Colony as a whole elected a small council of representatives from each town to help keep towns from over utilizing resources or to share needs as necessary. The cliff overlooked what was once the vast ocean of the Pacific but now it laid a long desert between the other four Colony's.

To the west was Russinia being the closet. Further Northwest of that the land mass of the Patrionids is found. Each land mass rose high above large stretches of desert where very few dared to venture on foot. Just south of the Patrionids landmass is where the Southern Isles. These Isles are a series of medium land masses that had been colonized by a plethora of long bridges between isles. This was where Tonicity was born and grew up.

Northwest from the Southern Isles is the Tundra. A cold nearly desolate land mass. Raiders had inhabited it as a way to live without strict governance by the other colony's and rarely did they participate in matters of the war with the Patrionids. The Raiders had their own agenda’s.

Each land mass vastly different than the next but the dangers were all the same. The darkness and what came from within it.

The world had gone through chaos. Pandorex had been ripped crevice after crevice as the plates shifted 80 years ago by a domino effect one right after another. Volcanic eruptions occurred in the hundreds while the oceans either evaporated due to extreme heat or the water pooled in deep wells beneath the surface.

The sky screamed and the human race for five years went mostly underground to escape the harsh world above. Many didn't survive and after fifty years of adapting the people alive on Pandorex were left to cope with the new world left behind.

There were water pockets where the oceans once were so via digging with Diggers they found a new way of life. With new inventions they found how to survive. Pandorex adopted to food of high protein from plant based materials mostly of fungus. The world had created a new outlook. The people created new governments and all old things they once new were erased for a fresh start. The goal was to stay alive and work together.

Work to stay alive was more like it though. Families were allowed two children in most colonies. Most families had one child if any. Life was difficult on Pandorex. Everyone had a purpose planned or not. People were sent to work early at the age of 17. If work was not assigned many had that planned out life before they were even born by family lineage. Others were created by virtue of seen potential by a professor during classes and we're allowed to choose skills to hone in on. Such the case for Tonicity.

She raced balloons for the journey back and forth between the many Southern Isles but not for sport. She held plenty of records for fastest trips from certain points, highest team kills, and most advanced maneuvers with a small crew balloon. She flew for a clan in the race. The main goal of the clan was to clear hundreds of miles of desert between and around the Southern Isles to keep creatures from the crevice away.

Some racers were assigned to lead these dark, mysterious, and deadly creatures to traps. Other racers were to simply see if a trip stayed clear after a few weeks or months of creatures being wiped. Many died in these races and the clan people Tonicity flew with were a hard group of workers who did little messing around. They went for the adrenaline and knew rarely if they would they make it out alive. Tonicity had seen creatures far too close for comfort and had memories she wish she could forget of the darkness and the creatures.

She had nightmares of clan members who had died before her eyes. This happened during a race as a fleet of balloons were attacked by an unanticipated group of creatures that had not yet been discovered. On this particular run the creature type were semi-flyers. They would climb rock pillars or cliffs and dive off. Gliding in for an aerial attack on balloons and eat the crew as food. People had adapted to balloons as they were far more agile than land machines for fighting the four types of creatures but semi-flyers were the sneakiest. They were the most relentless as they had no fear of killing themselves if they killed something else in the same last moment of life.

The trip Tonicity couldn't shake was the one where as the fleet came through the last stretch of the race on her trip she had been down many times they were ambushed. Six balloons were roaring through a spread of rock pillars in a haze in the moonlight. The balloons were tightly in formation, but quickly started getting picked off one by one and not responding to radio crew. This route was cleared days before the racers were going through and should have been fine.

As Tonicity's balloon came through the rock pillar she was second to last in the formation. She quickly rose up the pillars about 50 feet. She saw the balloon ahead get hit by three semi-flyers that performed a type of kamikaze attack on the balloons main air hold and then straight for the deck. Scraping their claws into the crew fighting for their lives with absolutely no hope to spare. Tonicity quickly called for two of her crew to harpoon rock cliffs. These were just ahead and she used them to slow the balloon as it raised above the rock formations. As they rose even higher to narrowly escape Tonicity sent warning to the last balloon. She told them of the dangers the other four had, that left no survivors. She could see the fear from a distance in the crew that was torn from the sky. It was as if she were there with that crew and could hear the screams of those racers whenever she flew. They were an echo in her head. The ticking of the clock was the metronome that silenced their screams in her head. It gave her more purpose to be further prepared for what could be out there. Even if all should be well. She would plan for the worst.

The journey they had to Russinia would take six weeks to land in Pyongyang Supply Circle. They would need to make four stops to fuel. Fuel centers were strategically set all across the desert every few hundred miles and manned by typically a Raider who thought the Tundra was too cold.

The trip was so long only because they couldn't travel in a straight line to Russinia and would avoid the dark. There were patches of weather predicted to avoid as well. Several creature clusters that had been identified would either need to be gone around or fought. Tundra Raiders were always up to something and lived somewhat like pirates. Tonicity had done the trip twice and would do this trip too regardless of what might await her. She was not afraid. She was going in prepared for what may happen out over the Pacific Desert.

Carper felt good about leaving Tonicity in the engine room to boil over how he left her. He sat eating a whole meals portion since Clay was ill he would miss lunch. He sat quietly smiling to himself going over the smart way he gave Tonicity what she wanted. He pondered if he could get away with sneaking back to the town house to check on Clay but then thought that his brother should be fine. After finishing his food Carper paused to look out over the balloon edge before returning to the engine room. He stood with his arms bent resting on his elbows on the balloon railing near the Captain Quarters not far from the Lighter.

"Ahem, Carper. I know your working for free but work is to be done none the less." Tonicity had snuck up behind Carper gazing out over the desert.

Without turning around or acknowledgement Carper continued looking over the landscape.

"Doesn't out there scare you Cap'n?" Carper spoke sincerely insinuating that the desert was no place for her.

"It's my job to go. Not to fear." Tonicity spoke with brilliance. Gracefully side stepping his concern.

"It's my job to look, not touch." Carper turned his head and looked over at Tonicity with her arms folded waiting for him to get back to work. He smiled out of the corner of his mouth. Then picked himself up from leaning on the balloon rail and headed toward the engine room.

Tonicity stood watching him as he walked away. She was getting use to him thinking he was sly. As long as she would get what she wanted. He returned to work for her while he only looked at her for a few seconds. Tonicity considered her anything granted.

The day progressed. Tonicity was happy with how balloon preparations were going. She stood looking out of her Captain Quarters door as her crew tiredly left their posts for the day. The last to leave was Carper coming up the stairs from the lower deck with a piece of paper in hand.

Carper had thought long and hard about his day on the ship with the work he had done. He put in at least three days worth of Clay's work in today alone. Carper was proud of himself. He thought he deserved taking tomorrow his last day to rest up for when he went back on tour. So he wrote on the bottom of the letter for Clay's sick leave a small note for himself. He knew she couldn't argue with his choice. He had volunteered and worked hard for her. How could she argue? He headed straight toward her with mission in his eyes.

"Here Cap’n." Carper handed Tonicity the letter.

"Dear Cap'n," clearly giving away who wrote the letter, "I'm out sick. -Clay" Tonicity paused and looked up at Carper. She then went to read on.

"PS...Carper isn't coming back tomorrow."

Tonicity's heart sank in her chest as her skin grew pale. He wasn't coming back? What happened?

"For why are you not coming back Carper?" Tonicity was trying not to let on her current state of feelings.

"I put my work in Cap'n." Carper was brief and hadn't realized Tonicity wasn't in color. He was ready to get back to the town house to eat and rest.

"Carp, can I have a moment?" Tonicity's forehead wrinkled as her eyebrows scrunched and her throat felt like it was closing up. She felt so lost in herself. Why was she so torn up on him not coming back tomorrow. He did a good job. She had seen the work he could do. She had no doubt he did his fair share maybe even more. Why didn't she want him to go? What was his reason for not coming back tomorrow?

Tonicity walked to her desk and sat down on the edge holding her hand out guiding for Carper to sit.

Carper was frustrated. He didn't know what there was to talk about. He obliged but had a part in him that wanted to say to her there isn't anything to argue or talk further about. He had felt he did the work. That's it and no more to say. Carper sat in the chair looking up at Tonicity waiting for her to talk. He was curious by what she might have to say, but couldn't get past looking at her from this angle. Her chin was strong and her lips were heavy and looked almost wet. She had beautiful breasts with a small smudge of dirt on her right collar bone. Carper could feel himself drawn into her pause as she glowed lightly from the lanterns on her desk.

"Tonicity? You going to say something?" Carper broke the silence.

"Mmm, yes. I'm trying to find a way to say it Carper." Tonicity was trying to answer questions for herself quickly in her head. Every answer unraveled more questions. She quickly felt overwhelmed. Nearly sad. She kept going back to the saddening feeling of him leaving.

"Just shoot your shot Cap'n." Carper sat there in patience as her beauty had him distracted. No matter what she had to say he wasn't coming back tomorrow. His mind was set.

"Carp, I am grateful, first off for your volunteering. I know we have had our little..." Tonicity was cut off.

"Eye sex." Carper was blunt.

Somewhat blushing Tonicity continued, "Uh ahem, no I was going to say run ins. I appreciate your level of respect and know it must be difficult for you seeing a woman such as myself as Captain."

"Wait a moment there miss, don't go putting such filth in my mouth. I never let on it was difficult to accept you as you." Carper had stood up and placed his hands on both sides of hers trapping her on the desk.

"Cap'n your strong, bold and quite feisty as a red haired beauty should be. You meet my match with your flame and light it. Is that why we are here? Because you want to talk more about our eye sex Tonicity?" Carper was serious and had grown extremely urged by her words.

He never meant to question her authority. Unless he was joking of course, but he would hope she didn’t take offense. He did respect her. He thought what she had on the balloon and what she was preparing for was bold of her. She was strong enough. He was a bit worried for her well being, but trusted that she knew what she was doing. Carper wanted her to admit though that she wanted him as badly as he wanted her. Carper enjoyed how she smelled like warm vanilla as her fear rose the scent grew stronger.

Tonicity was once again surprised and realized she shouldn’t be by the two of them being in this situation again. She didn't mean to make him feel like he had disrespected her. She was trying to say that she knew he hadn't been under an authority like hers. She was going to try to ask him to consider working one more day.

She wasn't ready to say goodbye to him yet. She knew she might get another day from him if only she were in a better position to explain. Her plan had been a bit foiled as now she was flustered by his eyes tracing her face. Her heart started to beat faster while her breathing quickened. She had to stay in control even though she had no way to logically think as every breath was being stolen by Carper.

She closed her eyes and calmly breathed in as much as she could and held it for a few seconds. Then breathed out through her nose slowly.

Carper watched as Tonicity gained control quickly. She opened her eyes to find Carper's eyebrow raised and him almost smiling impressed by her will power.

"Carp, yes." Tonicity was short in her response.

"Yes?" Carper took his hands from her sides and freed her. It was what he wanted to hear but not how he wanted to hear it. Yes?! She did just say yes she wanted to talk more about their eye sex right? He thought to himself. She wants to talk about what keeps happening, huh, okay?! He was suddenly hit with a bit of nerves and excitement. Curiosity built inside him more. What was she going to say?

"Yes, I said yes Carp." Tonicity stood up and walked around her desk putting her hand out again urging him to sit before she sat in her captains chair.

Carper sat down. He waited for her to speak patiently. His body wanted to react by running away. He sat trying to act as if he didn't want to turn and run from her. He struggled with wanting to hear her next words and being so close to a deep conversation.

"You asked if I feel the same flame. Yes. Yes I do. Carper, you came here to work. It speaks for itself. You have surely done more than a fair part of what you volunteered for. I am simply sad to have you not watch me tomorrow as we had agreed. Per Captains orders, I now ask that you appear tomorrow at nine am sharp or before if you so choose, to watch me and do as I say. Do you understand Carper?" Tonicity lightly smiled as Carper's ears turned a slight red.

"Yes, Cap'n." Carper smiled and stood up placing his hands on her desk. While leaning over it he said, "I got your orders, Tonicity. I will see you."

Carper turned to walk out. He couldn't believe she was so honest with him. It made him want her more. He enjoyed the idea of this game with her. She was so strong and forward. She said exactly what she wanted him to hear. He knew it. He craved her more now than ever. Maybe he could get a part of her in bed before he left after all. His ambitious behavior struck him as a possibility. He wouldn't give up hope that he could get her to lay in bed with him.

He walked home happy he had to work tomorrow. He was working for something else now. Not for what needed done on the balloon, but for her to feel him watching her. He could feel himself start to salivate over the thought of the lantern against her face in her Captain Quarters. The way her hair smelled of vanilla. His lips kissing places of skin he hadn't seen with his eyes yet. He could feel himself growing harder as he got closer to the town house.

He quickened his pace and opened the door to find Clay still alive, but curled up with a pan laying beside him on his bed. He was asleep so Carper headed to the restroom to splash water on his face.

Carper closed the door. He looked at himself in the mirror while smiling and shaking his head. Tonicity wants him to look at her. She practically asked him to undress her with his eyes as an order tomorrow. He felt himself grow harder as his shorts tightened against his cock. Tonicity wanted to be watched as she sat on her desk. As she sat on her desk for him to watch as she unbuttoned her blouse. His thoughts trickled out as he turned the water on. He placed his hands under the water and closed his eyes.

Tonicity wanted him to light her flame. To make her hot inside. He swallowed hard as water sprayed out of the sink onto his shirt. He opened his eyes to notice the water on his clothes. He quickly closed his eyes again as he splashed water on his face. He turned the faucet off and took his shirt off. He used it as a towel for his hands.

He couldn't help but continue thinking of how he would watch Tonicity as she lay down across her desk so he could see down her blouse. He could see the side outline of her with the slenderness of her back and how she held herself up with her elbows on her stomach. He pictured the curve of her bottom and traced down her legs. Her knees bent with her folding her ankles he could see her bare feet. The way she laid across her desk and ordered him to do what she wanted of him made him hungry for her. Before he knew it he had his hard erect cock in his hand. He kept thinking through how he couldn't touch her, but simply craved her.

Carper was rubbing on his hardness patiently as he salivated over his thoughts of her. Tonicity would watch as he was watching her. She was working on him in his head. She was lightly stroking the skin showing from her undone blouse, tracing her breast outline. Carper was still watching her intently. He started to pant slightly as he continued taking his hand wrapped around his erect cock and stroking himself as these images of her played in his mind.

He could picture her sitting up on the desk and placing one leg on each side of him. She was confident and smiled at him as if to encourage him to continue on himself as she watched. She was practically begging him as she bit her lip.

He sat in the chair opposite her Captains chair while she straddled him on top of her desk. He stroked harder up and down on his hard cock until she stood in front of him gazing deep into his eyes. She pushed the wheeled chair back creating space for her between the chair and desk. He paused to wait to see what she would do next.

She placed her hand on his shoulder and leaned toward him which was a perfect view clean down her shirt. He stayed paused his hand wrapped tight and firm down toward the base of his penis holding himself as his thighs started to tighten. She leaned in and breathed against his neck. Then she moved down his bare chest. Tonicity continued as she lowered herself in front of him to the floor. She watched as he held himself in his hand nearly ready to ejaculate.

Carper could feel her eyes on his hard, long, thick cock. He breathed heavily at the sight of her watching and waiting for him to cum for her. Tonicity sat on her knees fully clothed in her shorts and torn tank top. Carper was willing to oblige her completely. She looked innocently in his eyes with her hands folded in her lap waiting for him to move his hand. She looked back down at the head of his cock glistening with anticipation and licked her top lip slowly.

Carper took his thumb and index finger and pulled his flesh on his cock upward forcing wetness from his cock. Tonicity re-adjusted herself eagerly as she bit her lip for him and nodded eagerly for him to continue. Carper sat back slightly watching her gaze at him about to finish. He wrapped his hand around his cock again quickly stroking himself up and down for her. Just for a few strokes had him tightening his muscles ready to cum. He closed his eyes in darkness. He felt his warm cum start to coat his hand. His cock slicked making stroking himself easier as he relaxed.

Carper opened his eyes to find himself in the restroom with his shirt at his feet. Tonicity was no where to be found. He scooped his shirt up wiping himself off. Carper thought to himself if only she were here with him. He would ask her to lick his load off to clean him up. This made him smile. He bet he could get her to do that for him. He was slightly impressed that he got off of not even being touched by her in his fantasy. Just the thought of her wanting him and looking at her. Just the thought of her watching him in return. All of it started to excite him again. He stood up and went back to the sink and washed his hands and face again. He shot himself a smile in the mirror before leaving the room.

Clay was still in the same place curled up on the bed. Carper started a small fire and put on grub. He woke Clay and they ate quietly.

"Thanks for covering today." Clay said as Carper cleared the table. Carper acknowledged him with a slight nod. He did not want to let on he had a good day with Tonicity. Now Carper knew she was just as interested in him. He kept a straight face until his back was turned from Clay and then half smiled. He knew this secret was best kept between him and Tonicity. Clay didn't need to get worked up. Carper would be leaving after tomorrow and none of this would matter then.

"I'm headed to bed. Big day tomorrow." Carper collapsed onto the couch while he folded his arms behind his head. He was pleased how the day had went and his accomplishments with Tonicity. Tomorrow he would watch her alright. She would get exactly what she asked for from him. Clay layed down and began to snore almost as soon as his head hit the pillow. Carper laughed to himself. He closed his eyes and was quickly asleep, too.

The town ringer awoke the town along with Clay and Carper. Clay looked much better today with his color again. He showered and shaved while Carper made coffee. Carper prepared a small breakfast for them both. Carper rushed in after Clay was finished in the restroom to clean up. He was eager to get to the balloon before Tonicity to wait for her to arrive. He tried to appear unrushed to his brother but found it difficult to slow himself down. Carper drank the rest of his semi warm coffee before tying his boots. Clay hadn't noticed that his brother was more ready than him waiting by the door to go. Clay went about his typical routine. Carper grew slightly impatient waiting leaning against the door frame with his arms crossed.

"I'm going to go ahead." Carper opened the door and waved to Clay.

"Yeah. Right behind you Carp." Clay nodded back slowly. He continued on sipping his coffee and finishing breakfast.

Carper walked to the balloon. He could see someone’s outline ahead of him shaded in the foggy morning light. Tonicity, he thought to himself. He quickened his step to close the gap between the two of them.

"Morning." He spoke casually as he approached her.

"Carper. You're early." Tonicity turned slightly slowing for him to catch up.

"Yes, Cap'n. Just doing as I’m told." He smiled as he continued to walk past her. He stopped just before approaching the dock.

Carper allowed her to then go ahead of him. He slightly bowed for her to pass as she walked onto the balloon deck. She smiled with pleasure to his smart but kind gesture and walked aboard.

“Here to watch you today.” Carper spoke sincerely to Tonicity. He enjoyed that she was amused by his antics.

Tonicity paused by the stairs to the lower deck for Carper to meet her there.

"Carper, I do have new orders for you along side watching me." Tonicity was hopeful he would follow through with his anything statement for her.

Tonicity had thought carefully all night what she could have him do for her. She knew he was a quick study. She couldn’t think of any task on the balloon that he wouldn’t make easy work out of it. . Except what would be the thing she needed most she thought. Tonicity knew the Lighter Gun's had barrels needing to be cleaned yet. The two on her ship were in desperate need of attention. Usually she called in special help a week before take off but if this was something Carper could do it would save Alaric coin. Tonicity was pleased with this plan. Cleaning just one Lighter took the special help usually 2 days. Any time saved by Carper would be worth it though.

"If you'd please, I'd like to ask you to clean the Lighter Guns Carp." Tonicity stood with her back leaning against the stair railing with her elbows holding herself up.

Carper's eyes gleamed with excitement. Really? The Lighter Guns? How would she have known that in the ACAF that was his assigned skill? Not even Clay knew what Carper did for ACAF. Carper was even more excited thinking he would get to tear them full apart. She could watch him do what he was best at in life. Lighter Guns were his life’s work. His pride and joy. He was quite the enthusiast when it came to Lighters. Carper wanted nothing more than to get his hands on the project assigned.

"Yes Cap'n. At your orders, if it pleases you." Carper shot her a wink. He was off quickly down the stairs gathering his tools and just as quickly back up the stairs where Tonicity just watched against the railing now with her arms folded wearing a smile. She watched him start on the first Lighter Gun without hesitation.

Tonicity was glad she had chosen a task for him, apparently quite well, for his last day. She went on about her normal tasks checking in on the other crew as they arrived and assigning duties as needed. Every once in awhile she would notice Carper looking up at her. He would shoot her a simple smile. He then would wipe the sweat from his brow and swiftly return to tearing down the gun part by part and cleaning it. Before midday he was nearly finished with the first.

"Hey Carp. I think it's about time to grab lunch. How's it going?" Clay had worked all morning on the engine. He missed seeing his brother now two days in a row but was happy to find Carper sitting on the Lighter Gun seat checking over a few of the controls.

"I'm good. Let's eat." Carper hopped off the gunner seat. He noticed Tonicity float across the balloon deck watching his every move. He could hear Clay going on about something but was transfixed on Tonicity's eyes as she moved toward the dining hall for food as well.

Tonicity was just a few crew mates in front of Clay and Carper in line for food. Carper watched her nose wrinkle at most of the food options. She was nearly passed the greens and when she asked for the gravy to coat the fungus like slop she did have on her plate that made him smile. He watched her take her food back out of the hall probably heading to her Quarters he thought. Clay was still yammering on about who knows what. Every once in awhile Carper would nod to pretend like he was listening. As both went through the line splitting their portion Carper couldn't help but want to follow Tonicity once they were through the line. Clay stopped him as Carper took a step beyond the table.

"Hey, we can sit here Carp." Clay stated to Carper nearly walking away.

"I think I forgot silverware." Carper quickly needed a reason to follow her. He wasn’t sure why but he felt drawn to her.

"Nope got extras for you. Let's eat so we can get though the day. I think I’m up for a drink later, ha-ha!" Clay announced as if he looked forward to being sick again if it meant he could have time with his brother before he left on leave.

Carper was disappointed he didn’t have any other excuse. He stepped back to the table to sit down beside Clay. He tried not to feel pulled by her. Carper wanted to get up and go to her Quarters. He wanted her to know he was done with the first gun almost. He knew the second would definitely be done before the end of day. He felt accomplished and wanted her to know. Carper sat poking his food as Clay was trying to get his attention.

"Carp, you haven’t ate much of that. Can I...? Clay paused holding his fork over Carper's food.

Carper slid his tray over. "Here, I'm headed back to work."

Clay dug into his brothers tray. Carper walked out of the hall drawn to locating Tonicity. Clay hadn’t noticing Carper wasn't heading back to the guns but toward the Captains Quarters.

Carper stood outside the Captains Quarters door that was partially cracked open. He peeked in to see Tonicity finishing her food. She drank a bit of something from her cup spilling some out of her mouth. As she wiped the corner of her lip with her napkin she noticed him looking at her. She pretended not to see him watching her.

Carper stood quietly peering in at her. Tonicity purposefully took another drink and spilled another little bit this time it ran from the corner of her mouth down the inside of her cleavage. She undid a button knowing he was watching and smirked without him noticing. She took her napkin carefully wiping her breasts dry. Carper was eating her every move. She got up to walk toward the door and Carper froze. Should he dart away? Should he knock? He didn't have enough time to do either.

"I see you Carper." Tonicity whispered through the crack in the door. Carper bashfully smiled.

"You didn't see nothing, Cap'n." Carper opened the door. He slid in and closed it behind him.

"You definitely didn't see me finish that first Lighter. Nor did you see the amazing shine it's got on her now." He was anything but modest. His proud job shown through his words brightly.

"Your done with one?!" Tonicity was floored.

"Yes, Cap'n per your orders. I hope this pleases you?" He laughed to himself giddy and proud. He was stuck staring at her still unbuttoned blouse.

"Carp that takes special requested help two days to complete. How'd you do it so fast?" Tonicity was impressed by his work and timing. She definitely felt good about asking him to do this. She saved the fleet a lot of coin by going this route. Alaric would be overjoyed to know she saved four days work, too! She was thrilled.

"Cap'n that's my trained skill in ACAF. Lighters is all I do. We are built to do tear down and rebuilds as fast as we can without lacking in quality." Carper wished to reassure her his work was good.

"I trust you did well then?" Tonicity walked around him scaling him with her eyes. She walked past him toward the door.

"Mmm, yes. You can trust me. Tonicity?" Carper waited for her to turn back around.

Tonicity turned, "Yes, Carp?"

Carper walked up to her. He buttoned her top button on her blouse.

He shot her a smile before he walked back to the Lighter to ensure he was indeed finished with the first before moving on to the second.

Tonicity stood embarrassed as Carper left her standing there. She laughed to herself that she nearly forgot the game she had just played with him. What if she had walked out of her Quarters with her shirt undone like that for all to see. People would definitely notice as it was very unlike her. She had always presented herself as a professional that was clean and ready for the action. A button would surely give her indiscretions with Carper away.

Tonicity decided to wait a little longer before she opened her Quarters doors. She sat to watch the crew work from her desk that over looked most of the deck. She had a perfect view of Carper finishing on the first Lighter doing his last minute checks. He hadn't noticed her watching from afar until he bent down catching her eye. He gathered his tools before facing her. He was heading toward the other Lighter Gun. He paused mid deck, smiled, then waved at her slightly.

She waved slightly back as she shook her head no for him stopping. She thought to herself it was a good thing he was saving her so much coin and time. She knew she wasn't getting anything much accomplished while he was here today.

Tonicity spent the remaining afternoon doing crew check ins before she ended in the engine room with Clay.

"How's it looking Tonicity?" Clay was curious what she thought of the engine progress.

"I'm happy with the work done. Looks as if all will be done before departure." Tonicity was more curious about Clay's brother than her engine at this point.

"Say Clay, where will your brother go for tour?" Tonicity was hoping to fish out where Carper was headed for tomorrow.

"No idea. He doesn't talk war with me and I don't ask." Clay finished wiping his tools up and his hands for the day.

"Great work today, Clay." Tonicity acknowledged Clay as he started to walk out of the engine room. Clay waved bye to her as she waved back.

Clay met Carper finishing the last touches on the second Lighter Gun. Carper was completely in his element. He had glided around the Lighter Gun with high confidence. Tonicity watched as the two men walked across the deck. Heading to the Saloon she anticipated.

Carper locked a stare with her hoping this wasn't a goodbye. Maybe she would be close to follow them he wondered. He motioned his head almost to wave to her to come with them. She nodded at him once understanding his wishes but not following his command. Clay hadn't noticed Carper and Tonicity until just before passing her. She didn't even look at Clay. Tonicity's locked look with his brother.

Clay noticed Tonicity’s expression changed to a sad look as they walked by. Clay was mildly confused as he stuck his hand up to wave goodbye to her for the weekend. Carper could see her eyes start to welt up and he was torn apart by pretending not to. He faked a smile at her. He was desperate to tell her she was alright.

Tonicity stood in silence as her crew had all gone for the weekend, but more importantly Carper had gone. She could feel a sort of absence as she turned away from him so he couldn't see her face any longer. She closed her eyes tightly while folding her arms. She was holding herself together. Tonicity stood there with tears building in her eyes. She breathed in slowly and held it for as long as she could. A shiver ran down the back of her neck to her spine. The wind picked up as she let her air out of her lungs. Tonicity unfolded her arms and took her palms to dry her welted eyes.

She had better things to do than be caught up in a goodbye. It was all in good fun while it lasted. She decided he would be a good memory. She wouldn’t let this hurt her she thought to herself. He definitely was something though. Even if she couldn't put her finger on what exactly.

Carper and Clay both saw the look that Tonicity left them with. As they walked to the saloon Clay decided to confront Carper.

"Why'd she look at you like that?" Clay asked Carper.

"Tonicity? Bro, who knows why?" Carper hoped that was enough to play off the whole question. He felt sick to his stomach. He wanted to go back. If only to hold her and offer her comfort. He didn't want her to be sad by him leaving. If anything he thought she would be happy. He did everything she had asked. Why was she so sad?

"Did you and her!?" Clay looked at Carper sharply with anger. He pulled on Carper’s arm stopping him.

Carper pushed Clay's hand away.

"Clay, I only ever looked at her. I never touched her as you asked." He continued walking toward the saloon. Clay ran to catch up. Carper knew that was a slight lie he told. He did kiss her on the forehead, semantics Carper thought. Clay didn't need to know all the details. Carper was leaving in the morning anyways and wouldn't be back, maybe ever. None of this made any difference.

"Am I to trust you Carp? This is my job we are talking about. She's my Captain. If you did anything to jeopardize my going to Russinia." Clay was urgent that Carper was telling him the truth. He was hoping Carper could give him something more than just his word.

"Why Russinia, Clay?" Carper asked as they neared the saloon.

"To meet my nephew? Your son." Clay surprised Carper.

"Clay, if you make it can you tell them to write back if there still alive." Carper fired back annoyed. So that was why Clay had been so adamant about Tonicity and his job this whole time. Good for him. Carper hoped his brother made it alive.

"Wait, you haven’t heard from her?" Clay grew concerned.

"Not since he was six months. Let's drink. I'm tired of talking Clay." Carper had grown irritated.

"Fine. Let's drink." Clay dropped the subject. He was distraught that his brother hadn't heard from his wife in such a long time. Were they still alive? Clay tried hard to forget about the many questions he now had. Many questions circled on his upcoming trip which was the most important thing to him. Now it had grown even more important that he help his brother connect with his wife.

Clay idolized the idea of a family. He wanted one for himself one day. Even the thought of knowing his nephew in some capacity even existed filled him with happiness. He had never truly fallen in love or even had eyes for anyone serious. When him and Carper were younger the girls would usually go out with Carper then find there way pursuing Clay.

Carper had a jealously about him. He always questioned why girls never liked him for very long. His brother on the other hand seemed to always catch their heart. Each girl soon enough would throw Carper to the wayside. Clay never paid much attention to any of the girls though. He wanted to spend his time taking care of his brother and mom. They were far more important to him.

When Carper met Charlotte he knew this would be the last girl who would leave him and she wouldn't ever leave him for her brother. Clay had an instant distaste for Charlotte the second he met her. She scowled at him because he had defended Carper when they first met.

Carper, had punched another boy in school for making fun of Charlotte. Clay ran up to the fight as it had ended. A professor asked Carper what happened. Clay interrupted not knowing what all happened, but was willing to take all blame to defend Carper.

Charlotte sat on the wall overlooking the fight. She snarled at Clay for coming to her hero’s rescue. She thought Carper should hold his own without his brother stepping in. The scowled looks just made Clay hate her right then and there. His hate made Charlotte equally dislike him. From then on Carper knew Clay wouldn't ever get his girl.

Carper and Clay entered the saloon. They sat in the same seats as a few nights prior. After ordering drinks they started talking about days past when they were still in school. Carper would glance toward the door every few minutes anticipating Tonicity coming home for the night.

As one drink turned to two, Carper watched the door more heavily. Clay never noticed his brother watching the door. He was just happy to be spending this time with his brother. Laughing and being with him meant a great deal to Clay. As the night drew on Clay did everything he could not to think of what tomorrow brought. The empty pit in his stomach of when he had to say goodbye to his brother.

Tonicity sat in her Captain Quarters for some time. She knew Carper would be at the saloon. She wondered if she waited long enough maybe he wouldn’t be there still. She feared a goodbye anymore than what she had already endured. She could feel her heart swell. Tonicity knew she had no strength in fighting how she felt towards him. Her lantern burned out. She realized she should head home instead of wasting another match.

Tonicity needed to get some sleep. If she could get beyond today, she reassured herself, she would be alright. She calmly collected her thoughts then she walked slowly to the saloon. She was putting as much time as she could between her and home.

How could she, dare she say it, have an emotional feeling towards Carper? Who has a wife and son, a brother who loves him, and who works for her of all things? She couldn't allow for herself to be so entangled in Carper. She knew she couldn't run from him either. She continued to be engulfed in this torn feeling. She appreciated Carper’s wit, smart comebacks and brilliant traps he would get them in. She would miss him.

As Tonicity walked into the saloon Carper sat alone at the bar. He turned to look for her as she walked in. They both slightly smiled at each other and perked up. She paused for a moment before proceeding upstairs. Carper watched her every move. He had to wait for Clay to come back from the restroom. Then he could go upstairs to make sure Tonicity was alright. Clay finally returned after what felt like an eternity to Carper.

"I'm going to use the head, yeah?" Carper got up in a flurry as Clay sat back down. Clay patted him on the back as if to say, yes, go ahead.

Carper past by the restrooms and straight for Tonicity's door. Without thinking Carper walked right in. Tonicity turned in slow motion standing in her black bra and shorts. She looked tired, her face was pale, and red hair was a bit messy. Carper reached out wrapping his arms tight around her cold bare skin. He stood holding her tightly feeling her breathe in unison with him.

Tonicity wrapped her arms up around his back tightly in return. She was happy he was here. He took his right arm from around her and picked Tonicity chin up with the side of his index finger and his thumb against her bottom lip to look at her face. Her eyes glistened with flickers of patterns of the lantern light.

“I’m beyond looking." Carper gave Tonicity something to smile for.

Tonicity smiled as tears broke free from her eyes and flowed down her cheeks. Carper pulled her back into his chest to hold her again. He couldn't understand how such a strong woman could be so upset. Was it because he was leaving? He felt her pull away. He saw her take the backs of her hands and wiped the sadness from her face.

"Tonicity, am I fired for touching you?" Carper tried to get her to make eye contact with him. Maybe he could even get her to smile again. He hated the feeling of seeing her cry.

"Carper, I'm afraid this is goodbye." Tonicity couldn't stand the thought of missing him with the way she felt about him. She wish she could wake everyday and he be there by her side. She could picture tomorrow with him. Tonicity could see his glow, felt his touch, and now her adrenaline rushed through her body as she saw him looking at her.

"Cap'n goodbye doesn't exist if we don't ever say it." Carper smirked at her as he saw her chest rise and fall just out of reach from him. He took a step toward her. Tonicity stepped toward him. She looked fiercely at his shirt while she pointed at where her tears had soaked in.

"So those won't be goodbye? Then what will my tears be Carp?" She stepped up to his shirt. She pulled on the wet spot where her tears pooled from where he held her close to his chest.

"See you soon..." Carper paused as Tonicity pulled his shirt from where it was tucked inside his pants and now over his head.

Tonicity smiled while placing her hands on his chest. She could feel his warmth. She was drawn to his heart beating faster.

Carper wasn't sure what was happening. He pondered if this was the universe giving him what he desired of her. He let her continue. He grinned as Tonicity advanced her conquest.

Tonicity slid her hands down the front of his body to his sides. She took his hands into hers intertwining their fingers. She looked up at him. Since he was at least a foot taller she got on her tiptoes as he leaned down to meet her lips with his. Tonicity felt overwhelmingly happy. Her mind had completely calmed as they kissed slow at first then grew passionately intense.

Abruptly they were startled by a knock on the door.

Tonicity quickly put her finger to Carper's lips to hush him.

"Hello, Carp? You in there? You get lost?" Clay's voice was muffled by the door.

Tonicity and Carper both looked at each other wise eyed with surprise. Slightly embarrassed Carper tried hard not to laugh to give himself away as he tip toed ducking around to the kitchen area. He knew here he couldn't be seen. Tonicity grabbed a satin robe from her bed post tying it quickly around her waist.

Tonicity answered the door as calmly as she could muster, "Clay, I thought it was you. How are you tonight?" She played herself collected even though she hid his brother in her kitchen. She felt a bit of guilt for lying.

"Tonicity have you seen Carper? I didn't know you lived here." Clay tried poking his head into her room as Tonicity used her body to try blocking the door from opening.

"Seen him?" Tonicity shook her head slowly no. She clenched her teeth as she frowned.

"Alright. Sorry to bother. I'm headed home maybe he's there." Clay turned and started down the stairs waving behind him.

Tonicity thought to herself how close her and Carper were to being caught. She had never lied to Clay before. As she closed the door she leaned herself back against it to take a deep breath. As she closed her eyes. Tonicity’s lips were met with Carper's once again.

Carper had pulled her up to his lips by placing one hand on the small of her back and his other hand on her hip. He wasted no time finding his way back to her. Carper pushed Tonicity lightly against the door as his tongue danced with hers. Soon Tonicity became so breathless she took both hands against his chest pushing him backwards.

Carper fell back toward the bed catching himself. She was stronger than she looked. Tonicity had a wicked smile and started to laugh. Carper followed her laugh. He then ran at her slightly picking her up by her sides while swinging her onto the bed. She flung onto her back. She was laying there with her robe nearly undone. Tonicity fell into the moment as she stared past the ceiling into space.

Carper laid down beside her hovering over her. He watched as she dazed. He adored her lips as she was slightly smiling. Both laid in the quiet now. They could hear drinking and laughter through the door from downstairs in the distance. Carper thought to himself how did he end up here? He smiled at her and tucked her red hair behind her ear. With his other hand he traced down her body opening her robe.

Tonicity came from her daze and looked at his exploding eyes. She was quick to grab his hand before he wandered too far as he neared her buttoned shorts. She took his finger pretending to nip at him. Carper pulled back his hand and laughed.

"Where'd you go?" Carper whispered softly to her.

"I don't quite know. I'm here know though." Tonicity raised an eyebrow and flipped herself on top of Carper to straddling hi.

Tonicity took his hands into hers as she pinned him to the bed. She started kissing him softly, almost teasing him, on his lips. Her robe slid down her shoulders as if on purpose. Tonicity could feel Carper grow warmer. He took back his hands to wrap his arms around her. He pulled her closer to him as there tongues lightly danced against each other.

Carper wanted her badly now. He told himself to be as patient as she needed him to be. He had been with his wife along with a few other girls, but none of them had red hair. His pursuit was almost like an accomplishment he thought to himself. He would get to have her a strong red haired woman lay with him. His heart beat faster as he kissed her a bit harder in that moment.

Tonicity broke their kiss. She held herself up with her hand on his chest catching her breath. Carper was an amazing kisser. She found herself nearly dizzy, but was distracted by Carper's confident smile. He moved up toward the top of the bed landing his head on her pillow as she stayed on top of him.

Carper crossed his arms behind his head. He wished he could have taken a picture of Tonicity like this on top of him. She was beautiful with her straddling across hips. Her warm hand pressed against his bare chest, her smile and messy hair he felt like he could go on and on about her in his head. The black bra she wore was nearly see through. It didn't hide her breasts well at all. He could feel himself get harder between her legs. Carper was in awe. He didn't know how much longer he could wait before he tried to make things advance between them.

As he laid thinking of wanting to have his way with her Tonicity had plans of her own. She took her arms from her robe tossing it off the bed. She then backed herself up toward Carper's knees to allow access for her hands to undo Carper's button on his pants. Tonicity watched him as his eyes got bigger.

Tonicity watched as he lifted himself up enough so she could help to pull his pants down to his ankles. She spun around to remove his boots one by one, then his pants, and socks. She did all this so tediously and slowly. Carper stared at her backside while her butt moved up and down above him. She hovered lightly over his hardened full length exposed to her now.

Tonicity spun back around on top of Carper facing him again. She rested herself very low on his chest. She was careful not to touch his erect member. He took one hand from behind his head and brushed her hair back from her eyes. She looked up at him innocently. He looked at her with a complacent smile. Tonicity's hand wandered from his heart down his chest, to his stomach and slowly down the side of his erect cock. Carper readjusted himself knowing she was teasing him on purpose. He took his free hand smacking her on her bottom. He smacked her hard enough to get a reaction from Tonicity. She lifter her chin off his chest and opened her mouth shocked.

"Do it again!" She insisted as if to dare him. She world ensure that she would rain fury on him.

He smirked and smacked her butt again.

Tonicity had the biggest smile. How dare he think he could get away with spanking her for teasing him? She was ready to let him have more teasing and thought to herself she would be better off with the element of surprise.

Tonicity took her bra off by unhooking the back clasps. She pulled each strap from her shoulders letting her breasts fall open to the air. Carper was even more excited. He reached his hand out to grab them. He was immediately denied by Tonicity smacking his hand away. She slithered down the top of his body letting her breasts stroke down the front of him. She was careful to pick herself up before reaching his cock.

Tonicity stood up stepping off the bed. She undid her shorts sliding them to the floor. Carper loved watching as her breasts were large they moved with her. He wasn't surprised her panties were nearly see through too. Also black with lace which matched her bra. He could see she had been heavily sexually aroused by the two of them teasing each other. There was a darker wet black area as she slid out of her panties. He felt a small shock as he breathed in. He could smell her sex which coursed through his body. She stood up naked with vulnerability and pure intention. Tonicity saw Carper's eyes ignite with hers.

Tonicity crawled back up the bed over top of Carper. She was careful to make sure her body touched his as much as she could. She took each leg and laid them with her knees bent at both sides of him. He watched her as he removed his other arm from behind his head. His hands now rested on her hips. Tonicity kept her eyes locked with his. She took her one hand placing it on his shoulder. Her other hand she ran through the tuff of longer hair he had spiked in the front.

Tonicity bit her lip and picked her hips up enough to place herself as she wanted. She slowly breathed in as she forced herself down easily onto his length of cock. She took in as much as she could plunge inside her. Tonicity held Carper inside as he breathed in deeply with pleasure. She raised herself off of him. She then pushed his long thick cock into her as deeper this time. Tonicity flexed her back. This pushed the two to lock into place for a few seconds as she took his pleasure in.

Carper was excited of the thought of his feisty red head not messing around. He was slightly surprised she just went right for him. He could tell she just wanted him badly inside of her. He liked Tonicity on top and when she tightened against him he could feel his cock tightened inside of the wet walls of her pussy.

Carper took his hands lifting her up over and over again. Tonicity dropped herself hard against him. Each time not as slow as the last. He enjoyed her hips bucking against him as she gripped his hair. She held his shoulder tightly as Carper sat up a bit against her pillow to watch her ride him in bliss.

After a few minutes, Carper picked Tonicity up flipping her around to make her sit on his lap facing away from him. She rested her head on his shoulder as he kissed her lovingly while he held her up. He continued to thrust his hardness into her warm pool of moisture. He wrapped one arm around her chest grasping her breast as he thrust himself harder and deeper into her. As his pace grew faster he could feel himself get closer to the edge. He bucked his hips into her harder sliding himself in and out. Carper held her as he stopped kissing Tonicity. He looked her in the eyes. She could hardly breathe between him holding her so tightly and being caught up in his eyes exploding like a crackling wild fire.

Carper exhaled as he gave into the intensity his body felt within her. Tonicity felt his tense cock pulsating inside of her as her legs began to shake. She was ravaged by an orgasm herself from him filling her. The sound of him in her ear exhaling pushed her to climax. She heard it through her body like an echo. Tonicity collapsed on top of Carper completely relaxed. He wrapped his other arm around her. Then spun both of them to their sides. Carper grabbed the sheet to cover them up.

Carper breathed heavy in exhaustion. He couldn't help but feel happy he had done what he intended to with her. He was indeed in bed with her. This was real. Tonicity's hair was against his chest tickling him slightly. He blew her hair making Tonicity turn herself enough to look up at him. Carper was staring at her. He closed his eyes and kissed her on the forehead carefully. Tonicity's lip quivered with a rush of emotion as her eyes filled with tears. As she turned herself facing Carper's chest she could feel herself in such a strange place all of sudden.

Tonicity buried her face into his chest as she fought not to cry.

"Hey, hey, no crying. What's wrong?" Carper tried to unbury her face. He tried to get her to look at him.

Tonicity wiped a tear rolling down her cheek as she tried holding anymore from coming from her eyes. Carper held her cheeks as she looked at him.

"I'm happy, but I am afraid of who I am now." Tonicity said laying her head back down on his chest. He ran his fingers through her wild red hair.

"You are Tonicity." Carper said calmly.

The lantern beside the bed on the nightstand began to dim.

Tonicity turned over reaching in the nightstand drawer to replace the candle. She placed the candle inside the lantern then rummaged in the drawer trying to find a match.

Carper leaned off the other side of the bed pulling a full matchbook from his shirt pocket. He handed it to Tonicity.

“Here, you can keep these.” Carper was happy he could help.

“Thank you, Carp.” Tonicity lit the candle. She felt calm knowing he was there with her.

They both fell asleep as they laid tangled up in each other's arms. The lanterns light burned throughout the rest of the night.

Before too long the morning met the two of them. The ringer had started in. Tonicity wiped a bit of her drool from Carper's chest as she woke up. She had a growing pit in her stomach. He would be leaving soon. She would never see him again she was sure of it. Tonicity felt sad but decided to put on the bravest strongest face she could.

Tonicity questioned the guilt that she would have for the rest of her life as she watched him sleeping. She did everything she could to stay focused that they had only one great night together. No one could ever take this from her, but she could never have another.

Tonicity got up off him slowly and jumped into the shower. She put coffee on as Carper still laid in her bed perfectly content. She sat down beside him.

"Carp, hey, Carper." She ran her hand through his hair.

Carper opened one eye. He pulled Tonicity across him so she was laying with him cuddled and wrapped up in his arms.

"Shh..." He placed a finger over her lips. "What time is it?" He asked.

"Nearly 7." Tonicity smiled at him then kissed his lips.

"Mmm, damnit. I have to go Cap'n." Carper kissed her again. He rolled away from her grabbing his coffee from the nightstand. He sat on the edge of the bed trying to put himself together.

Tonicity flipped to her stomach and bent her knees putting her feet in the air and her hands under her chin holding her head up. She was between him and the pillow.

Carper put his cup to his mouth taking a drink. He then sat it back down. He wrestled with putting on his clothes while sitting on the bed. Carper stood to tuck his shirt in halfway and button his pants. He leaned over to kiss Tonicity on the forehead. He had to keep moving. Reporting for ACAF was at 7:30 am. He couldn't be late.

Carper grabbed Tonicity by the hand pulling her out of bed. He hugged her as he slid his foot in each boot practically dancing with her as he finished getting dressed. Tonicity tried hard to hold onto him. She fought to not to be overwhelmed by the sadness of him leaving her.

“Soon, remember? I know you're afraid, but your brave and strong, Cap'n. I’m happy you lit my fire. It’s been awhile since had feeling. Now I'm burned.” Carper glowed with honesty. He stood back from her holding each of her arms grasped in his hands. Engulfed in her glassed over eyes.

Tonicity stood with one hand holding her opposite elbow. She was quiet and had a difficult time trying to hide that she felt like a statue. She did everything she could to separate herself from being here with him.

Carper noticed how off she was. He couldn't handle seeing her cry again. He hugged her tightly around her neck, but she didn't hug him back.

"Hey, Tonicity. Soon remember? I have to go. Hug me back?" He urged and with desperation pleaded with her to hug him in return.

Tonicity unclasped her hand from her elbow. She fought every bit of herself be there with him. To hug him. Tonicity clang onto the back of his shirt tightly. She held him against her. She breathed in his smell while she felt his warmth against her body.

Carper pulled her back to kiss her lips softly one last time. He had to go. Carper backed away slowly from her opening the door to let himself out. Carper stayed in a stare with her. He smiled just before disappearing behind the door as it closed behind him.

Tonicity was heavy. She found the bed as she backed up. Falling she sunk into the bed with her hands to her face. Tonicity had left her room with him. She was physically there. Her soul however was now with him. She knew she didn't say goodbye to him, but to herself.

Tonicity had a strong feeling to open her hands to let her eyes see. There on the nightstand was the matchbook Carper gave her last night. She reached for it opening the book to see one match missing.

Tonicity knew then the reason why she had let herself sleep with him. She was in love with him. She was that match. He was her flame. That was all she knew. Tonicity held the book of matches against her chest. She laid in bed where she slept until the next day.

Carper was long gone. Tonicity had wondered if he ever went back to say goodbye to Clay. If she would ever see Carper again? What would that mean? What would he be like older maybe? She felt guilty fall on her as she came to logically think through her indiscretions. She had slept with another woman's husband. Tonicity had fallen in love with a young boys father. She couldn’t fathom taking Carper from the people she didn’t know. She knew Carper must love them though. She couldn't dare tell Clay about her affair with his brother. Tonicity was being ate up inside by her thoughts. She decided to do everything she could to push down her sadness, fear, guilt and longing for Carper.

Every day that passed was one day closer to her Balloon and crew leaving. Tonicity had to stay focused on her trip that was only a few weeks away. People depended on her to get these supplies to Russinia. Tonicity wouldn't fail, as she never had before. Clearly she wouldn't this time. She had to stay focused. She buried herself in the work needed to prepare for ascent. She moved her things to the balloon. Tonicity lived in her Captain Quarters and kept the match book Carper gave her close at all times.

A sorrow would sometimes fall on a random moment in the day. She would find her eyes swell up. She would quickly wipe her watering eyes. She swiftly would go about her day ignoring any reason that could distract her. Tonicity had become numb and immune otherwise to feeling anything but fiercely motivated to have a successful trip.

Clay found himself engulfed in Tonicity's every whim. She would call on him in the last two weeks to do odd finishing touches so that he stayed close. Tonicity hadn't realized but Clay did. Clay thought it was odd but took pride in knowing he was highly trusted by Tonicity. He would run any task that she would ask of him. Then the day before the balloon launch approached.

"Clay, may I please have a word?" Tonicity asked as she waved him into her Quarters.

Clay found himself lightly running across the deck not to keep her waiting.

Trying to catch his breath after being slightly winded, "Yes ma'am, what can I do to assist?" Clay rested his hands on his hips.

"I only wanted to give you the rest of the day to yourself. You have done all that I've asked. Please, have a seat." Tonicity patted the back of the chair as she continued to walk to the other side of her desk. As she sat in her Captain chair she slowly exhaled.

"Tonicity, are you sure? I'm just doin' my job. I don't need the day." Clay paused as he took a seat and saw her deep exhale. He looked puzzled, yet concerned. He could see a glisten in her eyes from the lantern flickering. She looked as if she were about to cry.

"Tonicity, hey it's going to be a great trip. We're over prepared. Got enough for a trip for twice as long. I’m packed already. Engine is strong and I think the Lighters..." Clay paused as he saw Tonicity stare at him as her eyes grew big.

"Clay." She spoke softly.

"Yeah?" Clay had no idea why she seemed so distant. Was she upset? He knew he didn't like her this way, but felt quite helpless.

"You may go now." Tonicity had spoken. This ended all hope of Clay trying to console her. She just wanted him to stop talking in the worst way. She wanted him to go. The Lighters made her feel and a memory flashed in her head. She had a glimmer of hope cross her mind as Clay brought up the Lighters. Tonicity didn't want that kind of hope. She needed to stay as distant as she could from feeling.

Clay slowly got up. He reached for Tonicity's hand on the desk. As he did she pulled her hand back and folded it into her lap. She smiled goodbye as he frowned. Clay left her. He closed her Captain Quarters doors behind him, leaving her in silence.

Tonicity sat still as she noticed her hands clenching the match book. A small sudden feeling of rushed blood circulated her veins and then a strange calm fell upon her. Tonicity collected herself without thought or a deep breath. She stared across her empty Captains Quarters at the door.

A small gust of wind came in between the door seem that blew out the lantern on the corner of her desk.

Tonicity blinked and awoke from her quite mind. She stood up smiling as she took the second match from Carper’s match book. She lit the lantern returning light back to her room. Tonicity took a scrolled map from her desk and went to the side table. She pinned each corner down as she unrolled the parchment. The map showed the journey ahead for the long six weeks that it would take to get to Russinia. Tonicity was eager that it was only a day away. Tonicity turned to grab the lantern off the corner of her desk as a knock was heard at her door.

"Come in please." Tonicity spoke loudly.

The door opened. "Captain, I apologize for the intrusion. I have word from ACAF on placement of two relief men for your Light Gunners." The younger teenaged boy handed Tonicity a small note with two names wrote out. He excused himself from her Quarters closing the door behind him.

Tonicity walked to her map with small note and lantern in hand.

She sat the lantern down beside the small piece of paper with the two names on top of her map.

"Carper Warin and Grey Helms." Tonicity read quietly to herself. She took a deep breath in and forgot how to exhale for a second. She picked the piece of paper tucked it into her breast pocket along with Carper’s match book.

Tonicity looked at the map intently. Her finger drew across the map a slow line from the docks to the first stop. She dropped her finger on that stop twice. She smiled, nodding to herself and went to sit in her Captain’s chair.

Tonicity sat thinking hard of how tomorrow would go. She knew she shouldn’t overthink so she took a deep breath trying to prepare herself mentally. She took the paper from her pocket. Tonicity pondered if Carper must have had something to do with how he was placed on her balloon.

Tonicity would wait until tomorrow to see him after weeks of not hearing from him thinking she never would. Then they leave for six weeks on the supply route together to Russinia. Tonicity waited for what tomorrow would bring. Carper had told her soon, she wasn’t sure tomorrow was soon enough.


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    Jordan PolieWritten by Jordan Polie

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