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Do you know the role of pubic hair?

Pubic hair

By Opr HermidPublished 4 years ago 3 min read

Have you paid attention to your body hair? Hair, pubic hair, armpit hair... These hairy little guys often make people happy and worry.

Most of the hair is exposed, and the hair in the private part is the most secretive. Have you ever wondered: Why is there such a thick hair in that place, like a small flower bush?

What magical power does the Mao underneath have?

Hair does not exist for no reason. In fact, it can be regarded as a kind of self-protection of human beings.

Protective function: We know that the private parts are very sensitive and fragile areas. They are different from other skins and are more tolerant of bacterial infestation. The hair acts as a filter to prevent foreign bodies and bacteria from invading your small garden.

Heat dissipation: Like the hair on other parts of the body, the hair on the private parts also plays a role of heat dissipation. The sweat ducts in the perineum of the human body are relatively large and densely distributed, and the amount of sweating is relatively large. In addition, the location is relatively secret, and the ventilation is not good. The presence of pubic hair can increase heat dissipation by sweating.

Cushioning & irritation: When making love, you can avoid direct skin contact and play a buffering role. It can protect delicate skin and there are many nerve fibers on the pubic hair follicles. Friction can bring subtle pleasure!

Mao's cold knowledge

The length of the hair underneath the male is generally 4-8 cm, and the length of the female is generally 1-7 cm

Pubic hair is generally replaced every six months, about 10-20 pieces of hair fall off every day

There are also those who don't grow hair at all, it's not a disease!

Like hair, pubic hair will fall out, and gradually become thinner and turn from black to white with age.

Every adult has about 3,000 pubic hairs.

Shave or not?

Shaving pubic hair is a personal choice and aesthetic, and it will not have much impact on health. But it is always good to be natural, so Mama Olive does not recommend that you shave it off!

If you really shave, be aware that no matter what method you use to shave, the skin underneath will be very sensitive, and you should keep it clean! Try to wear cotton underwear as much as possible so that the skin can breathe!

Is there a problem with sparse pubic hair?

As mentioned earlier, some people are born without pubic hair, so sparse pubic hair may just be a physical problem.

The presence and density of pubic hair mainly depends on two factors:

Androgen levels in the body

The genital hair follicles are sensitive to androgens

If the body hair is light, the pubic hair may also be sparse. This is also related to family history. In short, it has no effect on physical health. It has nothing to do with sexual ability and fertility, so there is no need to worry.

Of course, in rare cases, some diseases can also cause sparse pubic hair, such as hypothyroidism, inflammation, tumors, trauma, and certain congenital diseases. However, this possibility is very small.


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