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Dermatologists Debunk 8 Body-Odor Myths | Debunked | Science Insider

Expose the Truth Behind 8 Body-Odor Myths"

By Victor JuliusPublished 11 months ago 3 min read

"Let's talk about body odor myths and facts with Dr. Michelle Henry and Dr. Devlin Bonacelli, two board-certified dermatologists from New York City. As experts in the field, they debunk common misconceptions surrounding body odor.

Myth: Everyone's armpits stink, except mine.

Fact: Not everyone's armpits have a strong odor. Approximately two percent of the population has a specific gene mutation (abcc 11) that results in odorless armpits.

Myth: Sweating is a good way to detox.

Fact: Sweating is not an effective method of detoxification. The liver and kidneys are the primary organs responsible for detoxing the body. Sweating helps regulate body temperature but does not eliminate toxins.

Myth: Smelly foods only affect your breath.

Fact: Certain foods can affect body odor. Foods like cruciferous vegetables (cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli) and red meat can produce sulfuric acid and alter body odor. Similarly, consuming lots of fish can lead to the production of trimethylamine, which has a distinctive smell.

Myth: Deodorants block sweating.

Fact: Deodorants and antiperspirants serve different purposes. Deodorants mask odor, while antiperspirants reduce sweating by blocking sweat glands. Aluminum-based ingredients in antiperspirants are effective at reducing sweat.

Myth: Antiperspirants containing aluminum are dangerous.

Fact: The presence of aluminum in breast tissue does not directly correlate with breast cancer. While alternatives to aluminum-based antiperspirants exist, current data does not suggest a causal link between aluminum and cancer. It's essential to educate oneself and choose what feels comfortable.

Myth: Blocking sweat glands in one area causes excessive sweating elsewhere.

Fact: When sweat glands are blocked in one area, the body redistributes sweat evenly across other glands. The goal is to minimize odor-causing bacteria growth by reducing sweating in specific areas.

Myth: Smelly feet indicate bad hygiene.

Fact: Smelly feet are not necessarily a result of poor hygiene. Feet have a high concentration of sweat glands, making them prone to bacteria and yeast growth. Proper hygiene, including washing feet with antibacterial soap and wearing absorbent cotton socks, can help reduce foot odor.

Myth: Your signature scent never changes.

Fact: Our body odor can change due to various factors such as hormones, aging, diet, and skin barrier changes. Hormonal shifts during puberty and aging can lead to differences in body odor. Additionally, changes in our skin's protective barrier and oxidation of certain compounds can contribute to scent variations.

body odor is a natural part of being human. While everyone's odor may differ, it's important to be kind to ourselves and others. Maintaining good hygiene, using suitable deodorants or antiperspirants, and having a balanced diet can help manage body odor. If there are concerns beyond normal body odor, consulting a dermatologist or healthcare professional is recommended."

Additionally, maintaining good overall hygiene practices can significantly reduce body odor. This includes regular bathing or showering with antibacterial soap, thoroughly cleaning areas prone to sweating, such as the armpits and feet, and wearing clean clothes made of breathable fabrics. Using talcum powder or antifungal foot powders can help keep your feet dry and prevent bacterial or fungal growth.

It's important to note that if you consistently experience excessive or unusually strong body odor that is not alleviated by regular hygiene practices, it's advisable to consult a healthcare professional. They can help determine if there may be an underlying medical condition contributing to the issue and provide appropriate guidance and treatment options.

Remember, everyone's body chemistry is unique, and what works for one person may not work for another. Finding the right balance of hygiene practices, diet, and possibly using products like deodorants or antiperspirants can help manage and reduce body odor effectively.

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About the Creator

Victor Julius

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