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Captivating Beauty of A Transformed Mermaid

Mermaid's Sacrificial Love

By TestPublished 2 years ago 6 min read
Lisa, The Stream goddess chapter 22-By Noah Adetilewa

Captivating Beauty of a Transformed Mermaid

The outside world was unknown to her, but she could see a glimpse of it through the window in his room.

Oluseye, a thirty-one years old Lawyer came to buy eye glasses frame from Oyinlola’s clinic and met Shewa in Oyinlola’s office; he lusted after Shewa’s attractive body at first sight, she looked like an angel on earth to him; and when he later discovered that she was a surgeon; he wondered how God could possibly blessed one person with so much beauty and brain at the same time.

Oluseye kept coming to the clinic every day for one reason or the other just for him to see Shewa; on few occassions; Oluseye would checked through the window to know if Shewa was in the hospital. Few weeks later, Oluseye summoned up enough courage and asked: “Dr. Shewa, do you mind going out with me to a dinner tonight?”

Shewa knew how Oluseye had been eyeing her body through the window for days, even though he was a handsome young man, and a Lawyer; she knew the young Lawyer was only after her body; moreover, her heart had been taken by prince Adelabu. “Barrister Oluseye, you know I am a very busy person in this clinic; and beside that, I am already engaged to another man,” Shewa lied.

Oluseye was not surprise by what Shewa said about her engagement to another man; she was a stunning beautiful young lady who many men would run after; and he said; “Dr. Shewa, you are only engaged and not yet married to the man; why not try me first and then compare which of the two of us you would like to spend the rest of your life with?”

Shewa was tempted to accept Oluseye’s suggestion, and then remembered goddess Lisa’s warning about men; “Shewa be very careful how you relate with men; they would be attracted to your beauty like ants are attracted to honey; it’s better to focus on the man for whom you sacrificed your immortality,” Lisa had said to her as a warning.

“Lawyer Oluseye, it’s too dangerous for any woman who is already engaged to another man, to start a fresh relationship with a new man; that is not in my best interest, please Oluseye, let me be,” Shewa replied firmly. Oluseye studied the beautiful young woman in front of him, and from the way she said “let me be”; he realized that he had lost the chance to taste the ravishing young woman.

Oluseye was a playboy; his interest in Shewa was just to taste her pot of honey; he believed Shewa was too beautiful to be a wife material to any man because many men would fight dirty to have a taste of her Vzone; however, he would have loved to enter her Jerusalem and enjoy her beautiful body for about a year and later drop her and move on to another beautiful girl; unfortunately for him; Shewa refused to date him because she knew what he was after.

Many men kept coming to the clinic just to see the beautiful young doctor at work; some of the men would even stand behind the window just to see the way she moves around the clinic. To avoid more men from disturbing Shewa in Ibeju town, Oyinlola brought her back to their duplex in Odogbagede. The following day, Oyinlola and Shewa came to the palace of king Ologbenla at Akilo community.

The king and prince Adelabu welcomed the two sisters in the Royal court. “Oh king, my name is Dr. Oyinlola, and I am married to Dr. Benjamin Adekitan in Ibeju town, and this is my younger sister; Dr. Shewa, and we are both eyes specialist, I run a clinic in Ibeju town, and my sister will handle our eyes clinic in Odogbagade.”

King Ologbenla had seen the impressive clinic and the duplex at Odogbagede recently; and he had said to himself that Odogbagede must be very lucky to attract such multi-million Naira project to be sited in their community. He was very glad to host the wealthy family in his palace.

“You are welcome to our kingdom, I have seen the amazing hospital project at Odogbagede, and I was even jealous of my friend king Olusegun for all the wonderful things that had been happening in Odogbagede kingdom.”

Meanwhile, throughout all the exchanges of words, prince Adelabu kept looking at the beautiful younger doctor sitting by her older sister; he wondered if his father would allow him to marry any woman outside their kingdom; he was in love with everything about her.

Oyinlola noticed the prince’s apparent interest in Shewa, and she asked him; “By the way prince Adelabu, you are always welcome to visit my sister in Odogbegede; she is new in this environment, and when people see a prince like you around her they would keep their distance if they have no business to be at the clinic.”

Prince Adelabu smiled at the opportunity to see Shewa again; he stole a look at his father’s face, who nodded his approval, and he quickly said; “Yes Dr. Oyinlola, I just finished my youth service few weeks ago; I promise to keep her company until I get a job.”

Oyinlola was surprised that prince Adelabu was looking for a job, as a prince he should establish his own company; which means king Ologbenla does not have the financial muscle to establish his son in a business of his own, or may be the king wanted the prince to get enough experience first with an established company before setting his son up in his own company. The following day, prince Adelabu came to the clinic; he was told that Dr. Oyinlola had gone back to her base in Ibeju; but Dr. Shewa was in her office.

The prince was ushered into Shewa’s consulting room, and Shewa offered him to sit down on one of the three upholstery leather chairs by the window. The prince asked, “Dr. Shewa…” and she stopped him, “Please call me Shewa.”

Prince Adelabu was very pleased with her informal character. “Thanks Shewa, you can also call me Adelabu when we are alone, but you must address me formally when we are in the public for obvious reasons.”

Shewa smiled lovingly at prince Adelabu, and nodded her head as a sign of agreement. “Do you have any boyfriend; I mean, are you engaged to any man?” Adelabu suddenly asked.

She looked Adelabu straight in the eyes, and said; “There are lots of young men seeking for my love; but my heart is already settled on one man.” Adelabu looked troubled, and he asked with a trembling voice; “And…who is the lucky …man?”

Shewa studied Adelabu’s face critically to know if he means business about his interest in her or he was just interested in getting into her pants; “Adelabu, if you really want me as a wife; you are the man who stole my heart the first time I saw you.” The prince could not believe what she said, and he grabbed her two hands in his and gushed excitedly; “I wanted you since the day you and your older sister visited Akilo kingdom; I don’t want to have a fling with you, I want to marry you completely!”

Shewa kissed Adelabu on the lips, and he almost fainted because of the impact of her soft lips on his lips; he kissed her deeper with his tongue, and her mouth tasted like vanilla flavor when he responded to her kiss passionately.

The following week after they declared their love to each other; prince Adelabu visited his friend prince Adeola who was already engaged to a daughter of one of the chiefs in Odogbagede; Shewa accompanied Adelabu to meet with Adeola.

“Adeola, meet my fiancée, Dr. Shewa; her family owned the eyes clinic in your community,” Adelabu introduced Shewa happily to his friend Adeola. Prince Adeola had never met any woman as beautiful as Shewa in his entire life; he held Shewa’s hand firmly in a warm hand shake, and he would not let go of her hand until Adelabu took away Shewa’s hand from his, and said cautiously; “Ha, ha! My friend, you are already engaged and she is my wife to be.”

Adeola was visibly embarrassed, and he tried to smile but his face refused to respond to the effort because he wanted Shewa by all cost; looking at the pointed breasts of Shewa alone gave prince Adeola a hard on.


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