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5 Signs He's Marriage Material And 5 Reasons You Should Dump Him Right Now

That is the only way to secure a future full with love and companionship.

By The Secret of 60'sPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Marriage is a significant step. And if you're reading this, you probably only want to be in a romantic relationship with someone with the intention of eventually marrying them.

If a man can make a woman fantasise and daydream about spending the rest of her life with him, he could be a genuine contender for her marriage. If a guy makes a girl feel like she's a mother who needs to watch over a toddler every time she's with him, he might not be ready for marriage yet.

Remember, ladies: simply because you are in love with him doesn't imply he'll be a terrific spouse to you. There are several variables to consider before deciding to marry someone.

That is the only way to secure a future full with love and companionship. If you're in a relationship with a person you can see yourself spending the rest of your life with, you need to fight like hell to keep him.

But if you discover that the person you're dating isn't really cut out for marriage, it's probably best to just let him go.

The trick is to be able to tell the difference. Yes, it may be tough to let someone go, especially if you love them.

But if he's really not made out to be your spouse, you're merely setting yourself up for disappointment by putting your expectations in him.

If you discover that he isn't going to be the person you walk down the aisle for, you should definitely dump him straight away. Here are some signals that you should marry him and some that you should divorce him.

1. Marry him if you feel comfortable talking to him about anything.

It's always nice to be with someone who makes you feel as if you can chat to him about anything. You should always look for a companion with whom you can openly express yourself without fear of being judged or condemned.

2. If he's terrified of commitment, dump him.

If he has a natural reluctance to commitment, you may want to reconsider being with him at all. A man who is unable to commit is unsuitable for a long-term relationship.

3. If he brings out the best in you, marry him.

If he occurs to bring out the best in you, you know it's a really good indication. You should always look for a companion that inspires you to be the greatest version of yourself. This is someone who can propel you to new heights.

4. Break up with him if he treats you like his mother.

You want to be in a marriage with a PARTNER, not a child. He can't expect you to always clean up after him. You should never marry someone who considers you to be his nanny.

5. Marry him if his regard for you is consistent.

You cannot be in a relationship with someone who does not appreciate you. That is why it is always preferable to be with someone who respects you and does not undermine your dignity or feeling of self-worth.

6. Dump him if he constantly emotionally drains you.

A man who is emotionally draining to be around might be a toxic man with a poisonous personality. And you should constantly keep your distance from harmful people.

7. If he loves you despite your flaws and defects, marry him.

You always want to be with a guy who offers you the type of love that you deserve – unconditional love. He loves you despite any defects or shortcomings in your nature.

8. If he is inconsistent with you, dump him.

You should never marry someone who is inconsistent with you. You don't want to be with someone who you can't rely on to be there for you because of how infrequently they are in your life.

9. If he speaks about the future with you, marry him.

A guy who discusses the future with you is clearly interested in your relationship. He is someone who is looking for a genuine future with you, and he is someone you can always count on.

10. Dump him if you have a feeling anything is wrong with him.

And, on occasion, your instincts will be superior than ours. If your gut instinct is simply telling you that something is wrong, you should probably pay heed.

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About the Creator

The Secret of 60's

I am an ordinary writer who write about emotional writing as well as sharing though related to relationship matter and advice the younger generation to have a better understanding when handling emotion toward relationship.

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