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Trapped With A Monster

By: Me

By Chris p dubPublished 3 years ago 8 min read

"I'm sorry." he mumbled with a soft raspy voice, "How'd it end up this bad?" he flipped to his back, and stared at the cracks on the ceiling. Reminiscing moments without aching sore pain. "God, please kill me. I deser..." Clenching his bloody broken fist. With a thin silver chain wrapped around. And hanging on was a small heart-shaped locket.

“GET UP” Kira yelled out across the room. As red lights flash and illuminate the room.

“GET UP!! THEY GOT IN!! WE HAVE TO GO!” She screams in tears sliding the door shut. Throwing herself back up against the door, grabbing her necklace. With a horrified look as if her blood ran cold. Craig jumps out of bed catching sight of the chaos going on out the door window. Everybody was running and muffled shrieks were heard as he felt the ground tremble beneath his bed.

“What's going on?!?! Kira!” Ben jumps from his bunk and runs over to her.

“You ok? What happened?” He asked

“Th-They're, They’re inside.” She begins to stutter in tears. Ben’s face washed out. He chokes back. With a moment of silence between them and nothing but the screams of panic lashing in the back.

“Ok, But are you alright? Are you hurt?” She nods her head no. Ben begins to collect himself as he changes his expression. Craig begins to feel lightheaded and as if the ground had turned to quicksand. Sinking in slowly. Like he was being swallowed and dige-

“CRAIG! Bring the damn water bottle!”. Craig grabs the bottle and brings it down to them. Ben takes it and begins to pour it over Kira's face. Craig can see blood splattered on her face.

“Here. Keep giving her some water. Lemme take a look outside.”

Ben hands the bottle to Craig and rises and peeks out the window.

”I can't make anything out. It's too dark and everyones moving too fast” Outta nowhere a long and thin shadow leaps from the crowd back into the stampede of people and Ben immediately staggers back.

“What?” Craig asks.

“We should probably wait a little bit before we leave. We'll get seperated in that crowd. And I think we all need a moment too.” Ben said.

“Alright, are we going to wait for help?”

“Everyones leaving,” Kira muttered.

“What do you mean?” asked Ben.

“All the officers and soldiers began to leave like everyone else. But I had to come and get you guys.” she said.

“That doesn't mean they are all leaving and that they won't come back. Right Ben?” Craig asked.

“Maybe but let's just stay put here for a while. Kira needs a moment”

The screams died down and people coming and going came to nothing. The flashing lights haven't stopped. Ben and Craig sit on opposite ends of the room. While kira sits on the bed.

“What do you think?” asked Craig.

“Sorry what?” said Ben.

“We’ve been here too long Ben, and all we've heard are people screaming.”

“Maybe we should leave. I don't think there's going to be any help” Ben said.

“Leave? We can't go out there, ” said Craig.

*Sigh* ”We can't wait forever.” Ben gets up and begins trying to find his switchblade and batteries.

Kira looks up in confusion and asks “We can't go out there! You don't know wh-” BANG! As a crack of thunder fills the hallway outside the room.

“NOOO!!” A woman screams, along with the sounds of shells hitting the ground. BANG! Ben quickly jumps to the window and takes a look and sees the same long thin monster. With white wide eyes with a grin that runs back to its ears. With every passing flash, you see more of the long, thin, dry body. So slender and thin you can count every bone inside. With its torso gutted like a fish.

“PLEASE!!!” shouts the same woman. BANG! Another round goes off.

“We have to go.” Ben whispers quickly.

“Craig grabbed Kira. we're going to leave right now.”


“ What? Why? What's going on?” asked Craig.

“SHHHHH, Keep it down. We're going to leave.” Ben said. Kira looks up in disbelief as Ben hands her the flashlight.

“No, please. We can't go, We can wait, we have to wait!” Kira cried out.

“SHHH! It's gonna be fine just hold this and we're just gonna go somewhere safer.” Ben helps Kira get outta bed. Craig begins to slide the door open ever so quietly. Ben puts his cap on and takes a step out with kira.

“Just look at me. Don't turn your head ok? I'm right behind you guys.” Ben whispers to both.

Kira begins to walk out and Ben points down the hall past the doors keeping a lookout. Craig follows and catches a glimpse of the monster. It was viciously pulling and ripping splotches of black and red. As if it were a child splashing in the water. Until there was nothing but the sound of bone scraping concrete. Craig restrained the urge to give up and scream. Ben directs Craig down the hall as they all begin to quietly walk. Every step had to be quiet. Halfway there a soft breathless laughter quietly echoed. Kira slowly turns around and drops the flashlight.

It echoed down the hall. Everything froze. They all turn and look and see the creature looking right back. It began to slowly turn its body and begin to crawl with its wide eyes locked onto them. With a steady slow pace, one hand over the other and the other and the other.

“Go go go!” Ben begins to repeat. Craig immediately turns around and runs but a few steps in, Ben turns and sees Kira frozen. Petrified in place.

Ben returns and grabs Kira “Kira!! Let's go!”. He turns again and sees it still with the same pace and the same grin.

“Let's go!” Ben pulls Kira by the hand and begins to run. Craig at the end of the hall stops. He looks and finds a club.

“Over here!!” He waits by the double doors. Ben hauls Kira past the doors and drops to the ground. Craig slams the doors shut and sticks the club between the door handles then turns the lock.

“Oh god” Ben sighed

“What now?” Craig asked


“What is that?” Craig looks up and sees another monster throwing itself down the stairs. Ben picks up Kira and says,

“We gotta go to the cafeteria.”

“Please stop. I don't wanna go!” Kira cries. Ben jerks her and pulls and they start running. BAM! crashing into the doors behind the monster immedietley gets up and bolts quickly. Too scared to look back at what is running at them and closing the space in between them. Bam. Bing! BAM! Each slam sounds closer than the last. Ben suddenly throws Kira ahead. Turns around and leaps at whatever is chasing them. They ran and ran straight past the cafeteria. Craig, already away, slows down for a breath. Kira runs into him and they both fall down and they turn and try to look for ben.

“Where's ben?” Kira looks up at him and says in a shaky tone,

“I don't know. He was right here.”

“DAMN IT! What the hell do we do?” Kira begins to cry. Craig, unsure of what to do, he picks Kira up.

“We're getting outta here.”

“How? we don’t even know where to go.” says Kira. They wandered the halls in fear and Trepidation. They wandered for a while. Not a sign of anything. All that is heard is an eerie silence.

“Why do you hold that?” Asked Craig

“Oh, this?”

“Yeah, the necklace. Why are you holding it?” He asked once more.

Kira looks down at her hand holding it close to her chest and stays silent.

“We shouldn't have left ben. We could've helped him.” she said.

“And do exactly What? You froze and I was too far ahead. We couldn't have done anything.”

“No! That's not true! Don't say that!” She exclaimed.

“He could even be ok and we can go back for him!

“NO! There's nothing that me or you could have done! He probably did that so we can get out of here!” he shouts. Kira looks at Craig with confusion.

“The lobby is up ahead. Maybe we can leave through a window or leave through the back. I don't wanna be stuck here.”

Craig and Kira continue walking the halls. They catch a glimpse of sunlight at the end of a hall.

“Look!” Kira points to the end of the hall. Craig turns and sees the light. he and Kira began to run.


Craig stops running and looks back at Kira kicking at whatever grabbed hold of her.

“HELP, PLEASEE” she struggles to kick off what has her foot. He runs over to her, grabbing her by the shoulders and he begins to tug and pull her away. But it tries to climb her hup. The monster looks up and Craig sees a mutilated human face with a terrified look mouthing its jaw and lips “I'm sorry Kira, I'm so sorry” Craig takes off ripping the chain off of her neck.

“No! Nonononono Please!” She cries and tries to grab Craig in desperation.

He takes off leaving her. He dashes to a set of doors, slams it shut and locks it.

“CRAAIIGGG!!!” she shrieks.

He falls back up against the door. He quickly wipes his tears and closes his eyes as if her scream wasn't piercing into the back of his head. He opens his eyes and wipes his tears.

“I'm so sorry.” He repeats in an achy voice as he starts taking steps. He slowly walks down the hallway. With every step muffling Kira's screams and the air to a still halt.

He whispers to himself “Please.”. The hallway seemed to stretch further and further away. As if every step he took towards the light brought him back 2. His chest sank deeper and deeper, approaching the light of the window. Feet away from the corner he begins to quicken his pace. He began to wonder if this was it.

‘Am I'm getting out?’ he asked himself. He turns the corner and his relieved expression quickly fades. His legs tremble. His shoulders begin to sink as he loses sight. There was one standing in the way. He wondered why this one didn't look human. Why did it look that way? Why does it look so sad? And lost consciousness.

"I'm sorry." he mumbled with a soft raspy voice, "How'd it end up this bad?" he flipped to his back, and stared at the cracks on the ceiling. Reminiscing moments without aching sore pain. "God, please kill me. I deser..." Clenching his bloody broken fist. With a thin silver chain wrapped around. And hanging on was a small heart-shaped locket. With a saddened creature gnawing and eating his torso and bellow.


About the Creator

Chris p dub

Yuh i'm just vibin

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    Chris p dubWritten by Chris p dub

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