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The Frozen Wild West

John “Snowshoe” Thompson was a legend in the Frozen Wild West. No one could track a man through the snow and ice as he could, and he had brought more than his fair share of outlaws to justice.

By Cody DepaPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
A.I Generated Art using DALLE-2, Cody Depa Collection

The icy winds howled through the barren landscape as John “Snowshoe” Thompson trudged through the knee-deep snow, his long coat flapping behind him.

He had been traveling for days, following the faint trail of a group of outlaws who had robbed the bank in the nearby town of Frostbite Falls.

As he crested a hill, he saw the faint smoke of a campfire on the horizon.

He crouched low, making his way towards the camp as stealthily as possible.

As he drew closer, he could hear the rough voices of the men he was tracking.

He counted six of them huddled around the fire, trying to keep warm in the frigid conditions. They were a rough-looking bunch, with long beards and scars crisscrossing their faces.

John knew he had to take them by surprise if he wanted to stand a chance against them.

He pulled his trusty revolver from his belt and cocked it.

Taking a deep breath before he burst into the camp.

The outlaws were caught off guard, and John was able to take down three of them before they even had a chance to draw their weapons.

The others were quick to react, however, and a fierce gunfight erupted.

John was a skilled shot, but the odds were against him.

He was hit in the shoulder, and he knew he couldn’t hold out much longer.

Just as he was about to make his last stand, a shot rang out and one of the outlaws fell to the ground.

John turned to see a group of lawmen riding into the camp, guns were drawn. The remaining outlaws quickly surrendered, and John was able to bring them to justice.

As he lay in the infirmary, recovering from his wounds, John couldn’t help but wonder what other dangers the wild, icy frontier held. But he knew he would always be ready to face them, no matter how cold it got.

John “Snowshoe” Thompson was a legend in the frozen Wild West.

No one could track a man through the snow and ice like he could, and he had brought more than his fair share of outlaws to justice.

But this latest case was unlike any he had faced before.

The leader of the gang he was after was a ruthless killer named Tommy Frost, and he had a reputation for leaving no witnesses behind.

John had been on Frost’s trail for weeks, following his tracks through the snowy mountains and across the icy plains.

He had been close to catching him several times, but Frost always seemed to be one step ahead.

Finally, John caught a break.

He tracked Frost to a small town on the edge of the frontier, where he had been holed up in the local saloon. John knew he had to act quickly if he was going to take Frost down.

He strode into the saloon, his hand resting lightly on his gun. Frost was sitting at the bar, a smug look on his face.

I’ve been expecting you, Snowshoe,” Frost sneered.

But you’re too late. I’ve got a whole gang of men behind me, and you’re just one man.

I don’t need any help to bring down a snake like you,” John replied, his voice calm and steady.

Frost’s men stepped forward, drawing their guns.

But before they could fire, John was already in motion. He drew his revolver and took down two of Frost’s men in quick succession.

The remaining outlaws hesitated, unsure of what to do. Frost seized the opportunity and made a break for the door. John chased after him, their guns blazing.

They stumbled out into the snowy streets, both men panting and covered in sweat despite the freezing temperature. Frost took cover behind a water trough and fired off a shot, narrowly missing John.

John returned fire, hitting Frost in the leg. Frost fell to the ground, his gun slipping from his grasp.

“It’s over, Frost,”

John said, approaching the wounded outlaw cautiously.

“You’re not going to be hurting anyone else.”

Frost glared up at him, hatred burning in his eyes.

I’ll get out of this,” he spat.

I always do.

But John knew that this time, Frost was wrong.

He had finally brought the notorious killer to justice, and the people of Frostbite Falls could sleep safely knowing that he was behind bars.

As he rode back home, John couldn’t help but feel a sense of satisfaction at a job well done. The icy Wild West was a dangerous place, but he was more than ready to face whatever challenges it threw his way.

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About the Creator

Cody Depa

Photographer by Profession, Writer by Passion. I like to write about travel hacks, tips, and inspiration for the aesthetically-minded traveler. I also enjoy writing about modern fashion and art/photography :)

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