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John, The Lonely Cross-Country Traveler

John had always been a bit of a dreamer, and he had always felt a sense of wanderlust tugging at him.

By Cody DepaPublished 2 years ago 7 min read
John, The Lonely Cross-Country Traveler
Photo by William Felker on Unsplash

John had always been a bit of a dreamer, and he had always felt a sense of wanderlust tugging at him. But he had never really acted on it, choosing instead to stay in the safety and comfort of his small apartment in Miami.

But as he approached his 30th birthday, he found himself feeling increasingly lonely and unfulfilled.

He had a decent job as a software developer, but it didn’t bring him the joy and purpose he had always hoped for. He had a few acquaintances, but no real friends or loved ones to share his life with.

So one day, on a whim, he packed a bag with a few clothes, a sleeping bag, and a few other essentials, and headed to the airport.

He had always been fascinated by the idea of hitchhiking across the country, and he figured that there was no better time than the present to give it a try.

He flew to Miami and started his journey from there, hitching rides with anyone who was willing to take him.

He didn’t have any particular destination in mind, but he figured that he would just go wherever the road took him.

As he traveled, John encountered all sorts of people and experiences. He met truck drivers who told him tales of life on the road, tourists who were eager to share their travel stories, and farmers who offered him a place to sleep and a warm meal in exchange for some work on their farms.

As John traveled westward, he encountered all sorts of interesting people. One of the most memorable was a young couple he met in a small town in Oklahoma.

The couple, who introduced themselves as Jake and Sarah, were on their honeymoon and were traveling cross-country in an RV.

They had picked John up as he was hitchhiking on the side of the road, and they invited him to join them for dinner at a local restaurant.

Over dinner, Jake and Sarah told John all about their travels and their love story. They had met in college and had fallen in love over a shared passion for adventure and travel.

They had been married for just a few months, and they were excited to explore all that the country had to offer.

John was charmed by their enthusiasm and their love for each other, and he enjoyed hearing about their adventures. It reminded him of the sense of freedom and possibility that he had felt when he first set out on his own journey.

As they said goodbye the next morning, Jake and Sarah invited John to join them on their travels if he ever wanted to. John was touched by their kindness and generosity, and he knew that he would always remember his brief encounter with them.

John found that he was enjoying his journey more and more as he traveled. He was loving the sense of freedom and adventure that came with living on the road, and he loved meeting new people and learning about their lives.


He also met people who were less welcoming, like a man who picked him up in the middle of nowhere and then tried to rob him at gunpoint.

John had been hitchhiking for several weeks by the time he encountered this man.

It was a hot summer day, and John had been walking along the side of a deserted stretch of highway for hours, feeling thirsty and exhausted.

So when a beat-up pickup truck pulled over and the driver offered him a ride, John was relieved and grateful.

The driver, a gruff-looking man in his 50s, introduced himself as Bill and told John that he was headed to a small town a few hours away.

John climbed into the cab of the truck, grateful for the chance to rest his feet and get out of the sun. But as they drove, he started to get a strange feeling in the pit of his stomach. Something about Bill seemed off, and John couldn’t shake the feeling that he was in danger.

As it turned out, John’s instincts were right. About an hour into the ride, Bill pulled over to the side of the road and drew a gun on John, demanding all of his money and valuables.

John’s heart raced as he tried to think of a way out of the situation. He could try to run, but he knew that he wouldn’t stand a chance against a man with a gun. So instead, he decided to try to reason with Bill, hoping to appeal to whatever humanity he might have left.

“Look, I don’t have much, but you can have it all,” John said, trying to keep his voice steady. “Just please don’t hurt me.”

To John’s surprise, Bill seemed to hesitate. He looked at John with a mixture of greed and disgust, and then he lowered the gun.

“Fine,” he spat out. “Just give me what you’ve got and get out of my truck.”

John quickly handed over his wallet and his phone, and then he scrambled out of the truck and ran as fast as he could. He didn’t stop until he had put several miles between himself and the dangerous stranger, and then he collapsed on the side of the road, panting and shaking.

It was a scary and close call, but John was grateful to have escaped with his life. He knew that he had been lucky, and he made a vow to be more careful in the future.

But he also knew that he couldn’t let fear hold him back, and he continued on his journey with newfound determination and resilience.

John had been traveling for several months by the time he reached Montana, and he was starting to feel a bit burnt out.

He had been relying on the kindness of strangers for rides and meals, and he was starting to wonder if he would ever find a place to settle down.

As he was hitchhiking through the state, he spotted a sign for a national park in the mountains.

The sign promised hiking trails, fishing, and campsites, and John felt a sudden urge to get off the road and spend some time in nature.

So he asked the next driver who picked him up to drop him off at the park entrance, and he hiked up into the mountains to find a campsite.

The air was cool and crisp, and the trees were tall and majestic.

John set up his tent and started a fire, feeling a sense of peace and contentment that he hadn’t felt in a long time.

He spent the next few days exploring the trails, fishing in the streams, and relaxing by the campfire. He met a few other hikers and campers, and they shared stories and meals around the fire.

John found that he enjoyed the solitude and the simplicity of life in the wilderness, and he decided to stay in the park for a while longer.

As the days passed, John found that he was starting to feel more like himself again. He was still lonely at times, but he was also starting to feel a sense of purpose and direction.

And he knew that he had the strength and resilience to face whatever challenges came his way, whether he was on the road or in the mountains.

After spending a few weeks in the mountains of Montana, John began to feel a sense of restlessness. He had enjoyed the solitude and the beauty of the wilderness, but he knew that it was time to move on.

So he packed up his campsite and hitched a ride back to the main road, heading westward once again. He traveled through Idaho and into Washington, taking in the changing landscape and the diverse communities he encountered along the way.

As he approached Seattle, John felt a sense of excitement and anticipation. He had heard so much about the city — its thriving tech industry, its vibrant arts scene, and its beautiful natural surroundings — and he couldn’t wait to see it for himself.

When he finally arrived in the city, he was blown away by its beauty and energy. He spent a few days exploring the neighborhoods and taking in the sights, and he knew that he had found a place that felt like home.

So he settled down in a small apartment in one of the city’s neighborhoods and started a new life. He got a job at a local software company, made some friends, and even started dating a kind and intelligent woman he met at a coffee shop.

And although he still enjoyed the solitude of his own company from time to time, he was grateful to have found a home and a community where he belonged. He realized that his journey had been about more than just finding a new place to live — it had been about finding himself and discovering what truly made him happy.

Yes some may say a lot of money, supercars, fancy houses, etc.. may make someone happy but yet again things don’t last forever. Yes those things are great but finding what truly makes you happy and full of joy is what will keep you going. Go out and travel, try new hobbies, and most importantly have fun. Live life like John. Have Experiences.

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About the Creator

Cody Depa

Photographer by Profession, Writer by Passion. I like to write about travel hacks, tips, and inspiration for the aesthetically-minded traveler. I also enjoy writing about modern fashion and art/photography :)

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    CDWritten by Cody Depa

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