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The Assassin and her Dragon

The beginning

By TeJayPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 21 min read

There weren't always dragons in the Valley. That was before the earth was cursed by the gods with demons and dragons and everything in between. The large body of the beast was in pieces on the ground, destroying the flowered filled area. She sat quietly on the grass, looking over the beautiful clearing. The scent of blood was strong, weighing down the air. Crows shrieked loudly, gathering in the sky, informing all other scavengers where the battle has just taken place. It was a red dragon; they were the lower rank ones. From her understanding the species came colored coded, some colors were strong enough to even take humanoid forms.

They were at war. The dragons and the humans. Dragons were too cocky; humans took that to their advantage. Humans were too slow; dragons took that to their advantage. Dragons had their benefits; their speed, strength, fire, claws, but humans had benefits as well. Their intellect. Each generation they grew smarter, the ranges on weapons furthered. And then there were humans like her, blessed with varying powers that helped in combat. Nightskins. Not many trusted them. They were a strong tribe of forgotten warriors. They took pride in their strength and abilities; they all can manipulate their skin to blend in with any surrounding. They were a dying race, Nightskins were treasured on the black market for their superhuman speed and strength. That's why they tend to stick to the shadows. It was something she adapted to, she had a gift like no other, a gift people would kill for.

She stood, her skin was covered in guts and blood and the hot evening sun was drying it against her. She flicked dripping blood off her dual shorthand scythes. The 12-inch blades wide and curved from the shining base to its lethally sharp tip. A 5-inch blade attached to the top of the slick handle. The name of her mother on one blade, the name of her father on the other. And the name of her younger brother starting at the end of her scythes so when she slapped it together to make her lethal staff it spelled his full name.

They weren't quite like the farming sickle she used to avenge her family from the monsters that destroyed her village. But they helped remind her of that day. Her village was pillaged by human soldiers. The pain seized her heart as flashes of days long pasted raced before her eyes. Seeing back into the past, soldiers yelling, her village burning, her father dying. Her mother being raped, her grandfather being butchered, her younger brother being suffocated by his own blanket. She had watched from the edge of the forest, she didn't remember feeling anger or pain, she remembered feeling cold. She wanted to walk into the chaos, hoping for death, wanting to be with her family. But something held her back. She had glanced down at the tool she was using to make a secret garden for her family and knew exactly what to do. Avenge them. Which she did, she had sharpened her tool like she seen her father do his shaving blade, until it was sharp enough to cut her finger with minimum pressure. The next night she slit all 75 soldiers' throats while they slept.

After that night she left, stowing away on a boat, she couldn't stay on these lands, not in the state she was in. She took all fault at the destruction of her home. She should have been braver, stronger, smarter. She wanted training and knew she wouldn't find it if she stayed. That was when she was 7, she returned at the ripe age of 21. She trained hard and was now known as the best of the best. Her skills made her lethal, but she wanted to master her powers as well, that was three years ago, now 24 Kazmia was leveled as an elder master.

She stared at the dead dragon that tried to take the stone from her, remembering what her mentor told her. Never tell a soul Kazmia. No one must ever know.

Only Kella knew who Kazmia really was, what Kazmia really was. Kella was the one to inform her of her suspicions when she came back to these lands. The legendary Kelmik had been dead for some time now and her clan was looking for the new guardian of the Okuta Agbara, the stone legend to be so powerful, any who uses it will be unstoppable.

When she came back seeking training, they didn't want to test a Nightkin until she showed them what she can do. What they didn't know, was that she was holding back. Till this day she was still holding back. But that was her secret. She did not fight this war; she didn't believe in this war. She wasn't a vigilante fighting for justice. She wasn't part of some sort of rebellion. At this time in her life she hated everyone, in her eyes everyone had demons. She wasn't going to fight for either side, she believed there could be peace between the two species if they really wanted it. But they didn't and she didn't care. She fought for her own profit, taking out dragons and humans alike for the right price. She was the Nag Jagter. The Nightskin assassin.

Pallid blue eyes like that of a rare white tiger, they called her the Grey Ghost. Not many knew of the name for they only spoke it in death. During the day she wore a sunhat to block the sight of her eyes. At night she was able to push her powers through her eyes and make them shine with an eerie gray glow.

There was a shift in the air, Kazmia turned swiftly, the 5-inch stabbing blade of her scythe tapping against the jugular of a young boy. His green eyes were wild with surprise and fear, he swallowed softly, feeling the prick of her blade against his throat, " I wasn't trying to sneak up on you."

She stared at him for a moment, the boy was very small in stature with auburn hair. She knew him, the little green dragon walking with an older dragon, taking the long way around the human village she passed a few hours ago. She pulled her weapon away, able to feel the relief in his growing aura, "Why are you following me?"

The young boy stepped back, "I..." he swallowed, a hand brushing back his bangs. "I saw you slip coin into my momma's bag when she wasn't looking. I..." He cleared his throat, glancing away.

"We don't have a lot since my dad died, so I wanted to give you these." reaching into his long sleeve and pulling out a small pouch.

"They’re blueberries, I picked them myself. My dad used to always say, thank someone who helps you. So, um..." His cheeks turned a cute rosy red, "Thank you."

Kazmia stared at the young boy, he had to be around the age of 7. He was a sweetheart. Young and kind and never going to make it in this world. Flipping her weapon so the point was directed away from the boy, she reached forward, taking the small pouch, "Now we're even."

He smiled, it was bright, young and inspiring. It warmed her heart to see such innocence, she believed in that once, that everything would eventually work out for the best, kind of hope. "You should get back to your mother."

He stared at her with his wide young eyes, "Are you the Nag Jagter?" he asked, completely ignoring her statement.

Kazmia simply blinked, "Are you scared?"

He nodded, being honest, "Yes, I heard you can kill a thousand dragons with one wave of your hand."

Kazmia stayed silent, she wasn't sure if the statement was true, she never actually counted how many dragons she can kill at once, "If you're scared, why are you still here?"

He blinked his bright eyes, curiosity getting the best of him, "They say if you fight in the war you could win it in a day. Why don't you help the humans win?"

Kazmia bent so she was at eye level, "Because the war is a conspiracy." with that said, she flipped her scythe in her hand, the weapon now glowing black, she stabbed the ground. The young dragon watched as the field suddenly erupted into a blanket of black light. He turned away as it grew brighter for a moment, bursting into a dust storm. When he turned back, he stared in awe. The dead dragon was gone, he turned, but Kazmia was already walking away.

He chased after her, dropping on all fours to run faster, "Wait!"

Kazmia turned to him, "What do you want kid?"

He paused, a slight fear rising, he didn't want to annoy anyone that could kill him, " Why is the war a conspiracy?"

Kazmia just frowned, " Every species wants to be alpha, humans want dragon slaves, dragons want human slaves. One just wants to be better than the other. Inside, we all have a heart. we all have a mind. Inside, we are all monsters. There's no real reason to fight. There's no reason for war."

Green eyes blinked, absorbing what was just said. Trying to understand the meaning behind the riddle of words. He glanced up seeing she was again turning away, " Wait, my name is Sai."

" And."

He blushed again, glancing down to his clawed feet, " I don't know, I just thought maybe we can be friends."

Kazmia stared at him, he was a sweet kid, young, naive but sweet, "I have to go kid, you should get home."

He glanced behind him, "My mom is probably looking for me. Are you okay out here all alone?"

The question brought a subtle smile to Kazmia's face, it was cute how he worried about her safety when it was his that was in danger. She bent, " I'll be fine, but if you’re ever not okay..." she plucked a blade of grass from the ground, charged it with her power and tucked it into his shirt, " Call me and I'll come help."

He smiled wide, showing sharp canines, " Does that make us friends?"

Kazmia stood, turning away, " Sure kid." she suddenly stopped, feeling hands wrap around her shin, a small body hugging her leg. Pale eyes glanced down surprise on her face. Sai continued to hug her, " Thanks Jagter."

Kazmia smiled softly, he really was a cute kid, " Let go kid."

" Okay."

Kazmia stepped away, " Kid, only call me in emergencies okay."

He nodded, " I won't waste it on anything stupid, promise."

Kazmia nodded back, turning again and walking away, Sai waved, jumping up and down from his spot, " Bye!"

She didn't wave back, she didn't turn around or glance back, she just kept walking. There was somewhere she wanted to be and it would take the next few hours to get there.


Numile was sitting alone in the empty room, fantasizing about the success of his revenge. Everything was going according to plans, this war was everything he dreamed it would be. As the main contributor of weapons, the humans were lining his pockets for his swords and blades. And as an inside trader, the secrets he sold to the dragons were also making him quite wealthy. He was buying his time and saving for the palace he would build when he ruled the entire land. He was waiting for the right moment to kill the leader of the humans and take their place. As a half breed, half dragon, half human, he knew that humans were much easier to persuade and manipulate than dragons. Besides, he had plans for the dragons of these lands. He wanted full control, that's why he didn't interfere with the fighting part of the war, helping the humans more than the dragons. As of now, only the Lords of the North, East and South concerned themselves with the pesky humans that seemed to multiple like rabbits.

He was helping the humans gather more soldiers and better weapons, plan smarter attacks and effectively adapt to the hit and run method. The method was successfully pushing dragon soldiers back onto their lands. Dragons were more traditional fighters, they didn't understand the concept of a hit and run attack. It took them completely by surprise, not giving them time to analyze the situation like they tend to do. And before they knew it, they were gone, leaving a mess and extreme confusion behind.

Once he takes over for the human's general, he would lead an all-out attack against the Lords, pulling out every trick he had up his sleeves. The only problem with his plan was the great white dragon, Lord Sandele. As the most powerful of the four lords he didn't concern himself with the war. He has been completely neutral to both sides, neither helping or resisting, only fighting for and defending his land. That was okay for Numile, he didn't need the headache of fighting the great Lord anyways. But if he ever did choose to fight, it would be the half breed's downfall. He knew Lord Sandele was too powerful and his troops were much more vigorously trained than the other lords. He wouldn't stand a chance and that's why he needs him taken care of. But he has yet to come across someone willing to take the job, that was until recently.

For the longest time he has been searching for the Okuta Agbara, he was sure the stone would grant him power to defeat all of his enemies. But the last time he seen it was when the healer Kelmik was still alive. Rumor has it, she burned it with her body once she passed. He heard rumors her successor might have the stone but no one has yet to find her. For the last 3 years however, he has heard of rumors about a certain mercenary. Someone they called the Grey Ghost. This so called ghost might just be the person he has been looking for. And he just recently found out a way to contact them. Then if they actually got the job done, maybe he could control them, turn them into one of his pets like all his other puppets.

Speaking of puppets, " Agna, show me the western domain."

The small girl stepped forward, lifting a basin so her master could see more clearly. The water in the basin swirled for a moment before levitating out of the bowl and forming a circle, acting as a mirror, showing a foggy image of a palace. It made him frown, every time he tried to spy on Sandele his vision was always blocked, as if the Lord knew he was watching him. It must be a barrier of some sort surrounding the entire western lands.

He studied the foggy screen for a moment, " Show me Kelmik's old home."

The water swirled again, a picture of a rundown hut came into view, he watched as the elder healer of the village stepped out of the strawed door. He frowned; he couldn't believe he actually fell in love with that old hag’s older sister. The thought of what Kelmik would look like in her late 70’s made his stomach turn. The one eyed elder wiped her wrinkled forehead before shading her eye, trying to peer off into the distance. He followed her eyesight but could not see what obviously alerted her because she immediately began heading into that direction. Odd, he thought, what would make the old woman force herself to move at such a fast pace. Not having any more time to observe the odd behavior, he blinked as the water swirled, then became foggy like that of the western palace. He frowned now unable to see wherever the elder was going. Something odd was definitely going on and he needed to know what, to make sure it didn't interfere with his plans.

He stood, slowly walking out the room of the "borrowed" manor he was currently using.

" Kasi."

The wind spirit turned, leaning against the wall, snapping her fan open and closed, waiting for her master to give her an order. " Yes Numile."

" Go and have Shin destroy Kelmik's home village and kill her younger sister."

" Why, the old human only has a few years left anyways."

Numile stopped, turning towards the wind spirit, arms folding behind his back as he leveled her with crimson eyes, " Question me again and I will kill you."

Kasi straightened off the wall, nodding at the threat, " Yes Numile." Walking down the hall.

He watched her go, he liked how she despised him but was forced to obey. It gave him thrills, the power of controlling others, he liked knowing they knew they didn't want to do it but did it anyways. He like forcing people. He shook off the thought, turning, walking in the opposite direction. He had to get ready, if his sources were correct, a particular mercenary would be making an appearance at a certain location. And he was hoping to meet a ghost.


Kazmia was walking for hours, she was reaching the border of her mentor's village. Matter of fact if she stood on the hill ahead of her, she would be able to see the old healer's hut. Kella taught her everything she knew about her powers, she was the most widely known healer in the land. Kazmia was happy she had her as a trainer but now was not the time for a visit.

Instead she turned left, trekking deeper and deeper into the forest, the sun was setting slowly, but she didn't care, she could see perfectly in the dark. She moved steadily, remembering the path by heart, the path she took every year on this particular day. Her village use to be just across the river from Kella's.

Before it was burned down on this very day. Yes, today was the 17th anniversary of her family's death. She stepped over a tree root and stepped into a small clearing. It was ten oak trees, forming a half circle. A huge weeping willow dividing them in half. Walking over to the willow, she pushed a long draping leaves out her way, seeing the entrance to a cave.

The cave widened out, able to see a light at the end of the tunnel. Kazmia frowned, why did she continue to come back here. She was standing at the edge of a secluded clearing, with a calming pool of fresh water in the center. Flowers made a rainbow of colors across the cave. This was it, the secret garden she had worked so hard to create for her surprise to her family. She had come across the cave about a week before she got the idea to plant the garden. She wasn't supposed to be so far away from home, but she found herself randomly chasing a rabbit that day. It ran by the cave and curiosity got the best of her, so she walked in. She worked extra hard around her village, hiring herself out as a maid and helper to save money for all the exotic plants and tree seeds. She planted the oaks and willow tree out front to use as a protective barrier from predators and thieves.

Pale eyes glanced around; she had made a walk way of stepping stones to separate three different entrance ways. An arc of wreath holding a plaque with her family member's name on it. The garden was a magnificent sight to behold. She hated it. She hated every flower, every bush, every tree. She hated the very meaning of this place. She stopped maintaining it years ago, so she didn't know how it stayed so well manicured. It was some sort of sick, twisted ironic pun, the very thing that made her miss her death with her family won't die.

Plump lips frowned, she wanted this place to burn, she wanted this land to burn, this world to burn. She wanted everyone to feel her pain. She wanted revenge on the world for letting her family die, for letting good people die.

She turned, storming out of the cave, why did she continue to come here, it just made her angry. She quickly made her way to the exit, her powers rising with each aggravated step. She slapped at a willow leaf as she made her way back out to open air. She marched forward, needing to get away from this place, away from this memory.

She hated this place. The thought wouldn't settle, her anger wouldn't settle. She frowned realizing where her angry feet were bringing her. The Igi Ibukun.

Furious eyes stared up at the supposed sacred tree, the same tree her family would picnic around, saying prayers and giving gifts to the gods. She frowned, she hated this damn tree, all the lies it stood for, all the false hopes it gave her and her family. What was the fucking point to pray for safety if it wasn't going to do anything. She pulled out her weapons from her sash and stabbed the bark with the points. Every time she came to this stupid tree, her family said prayers. Her father prayed for a good harvest, but her mother prayed for protection. Every time they came, that's what she prayed for. May the gods protect us and bless us with safety.

She pushed harder, wishing the tree would bleed, wishing it could scream. This stupid tree didn't deserve to be here. Her family didn't deserve to die!

Destroy it, a deep voice whispered in her head. A voice she's been hearing for a long time. A voice she tends to listen to. She pulled her weapons out, seeing no damage done, determined to take this tree down. She slapped the ends of her scythes together, forming her deadly staff. She raised it like a baseball bat, she'll hack the damn thing down if she had to.

" Kazmia."

She turned, pointing her weapon at the intruder, her frown only deepened seeing her mentor hurrying over to her. " Go home."

Kella shook her head at her angry pupil, " The tree is not your enemy."

Pale eyes narrowed, the darkening sky making Kazmia look mysteriously scary, " What do you want?"

Kella stepped forward, " I knew you would come here when I realized what today was. I need to speak with you Kazmia. I do not think you are well."

Kazmia turned away, " I'm fine. Go home."

Though Kella only known Kazmia for the past three years, she felt a deep connection with the girl. " Kazmia, just..."

Kazmia turned, glaring at her mentor, " Not now, I am not in the mood."

Kella touched the young woman's shoulder, " That's precisely what I wanted to talk to you about."

Kazmia jerked away from the hand, she twisted her staff, breaking them up into her dual scythes and began walking away without saying another word. Kella sighed, watching her go, Kazmia was a bright young woman yet a troubled young woman. Ever since Kella came to the conclusion about her mass amount of power, she had been tossing around other theories as well. Kazmia stopped her training a year ago, feeling she learned everything there was to learn about control. Kella only wished she would have stayed with her longer. She wished she didn't use her gifts as weapons. She wished she would just let her help her. With another sigh, Kella slumped her shoulders and turned around, heading home.

Kazmia kept walking, she was still covered in grime and dried blood, but she'll bath later, right now, she had to kill something, anything. She walked through the forest, looking for anything to take her anger out on. Most animals sensed her mood already and left the area so she had to use what was left. Trees. She could use her weapons, but she wanted to get physical, so she stabbed her weapons into the ground and lit her hands with a black glow. The first haymaker shattered bark, taking a monster size chunk out of the trunk. Not watching as it toppled over, she turned, slamming her fist into another tree, the bark splintering on contact, splitting the tree in half. Her anger grew as she let herself throw the tantrum, she wanted blood not bark. She wanted to smash bones, she wanted to rip off someone's head.

Her senses picked up an intruder that was trying to hide his aura, she smashed her fist into another tree, not watching as it burst into smithereens. Instead, she used the raining bark as a distraction, spinning back she grabbed her scythes in a roll and flipped to her feet. A sharp point directed towards the trespasser. " What do you want?"

A body stepped out from the shadows; the darkening sky made it hard to make out. He wore a dark, cloak-like outfit that hid his face. She stared, her grip tightening on her weapon, half breed, her mind read off, puppet. She launched forward in a spin, taking off the head of the impostor. The puppet returning to its original form of a cloth doll wrapped in hair, Kazmia just turned, twisting her weapons in her hand, " Now come out before you piss me off, I'm not in the mood."

A moment passed, before she sensed the owner of the puppet step forward, he was dressed in the same outfit. A cool breeze swept in. Something she appreciated, she was sweaty and itchy in her dirty clothes. Eyes narrowed as the man pulled the cloak off him.

Kazmia watched a lean but built body come into view. Short black hair pulled into a high knot. Skin pale and longing for sun. Fiery crimson eyes. He was smiling. " You must be the Grey Ghost."

Kazmia stared at him, her hat shielding her face, " You got three lines to impress me. Go."

Numile blinked, surprised at the blunt response but more surprised at the feminine curves under the layer of clothes he was looking at, " You're a woman."

Kazmia frowned, something tickled the back of her neck, telling her to be wary of the man in front of her. " Two more."

He grinned again, she thought of a shark, " My name is Numile, I am looking to hire your services."

Cautiously she flipped her scythe, so she could put her hand on her waist, " So does everybody I meet, one more to go."

Numile frowned, he couldn't quite get a read off the mysterious woman before him. " There is to be an uprising, the white dragon is planning on sending his army to aid the North in the attack against General Yuto."

Yuto was a self-proclaimed general that was the leader for the humans in this war. He was power hungry for more land, he was just as bad as the dragons that wanted humans to be nothing but food and slaves. Kazmia shook her head, " Lord Sandele never paid this war any mind, why would he start now?"

" Yuto plans to attack the western villages."

" Then the fool will die." walking away.

" Don't you see the danger. Lord Sandele cannot be involved in the war. Someone of his power cannot be on one side. You have to dispose of him."

Kazmia turned back around, her anger began rising again, forcing her powers through her eyes, she snatched off her hat. Her pale blue eyes a fierce glowing gray in the dark. The piercing eyes made Numile take a step back. " You do not command me! And you cannot afford me, your stench reek of deceit and if you want to live another moment you'll leave now."

She watched crimson eyes blink in actual amusement, " 1 million pounds."

Glowing eyes narrowed, " And where the fuck would you get those type of funds?"

" Does it matter?"

Pale eyes glanced down to her weapon, that's a lot of money, " Tomorrow night, at the little inn two villages to the east of here. I'll be in the last room at the end of the hall, on the top floor. Don't use the front entrance. We'll talk more in detail."

Numile nodded, " Understood, half tomorrow and the other half when you bring me his head."

Kazmia nodded, " I didn't say I'll take the job, I said we'll talk." turning away. She felt the eyes on her to glance back, but she wasn't, this conversation was over. She walked about 2 meters until he finally got the point, replacing his cloak and fading into the darkness. She was still frowning; she didn't like that guy. His aura was like the boogie man, a dark tale purposely meant to frighten and terrorize. It was so dark and malicious, it made her wonder what he was hiding.

It was pissing her off, she never had any real control over her anger. Nothing ever worked besides causing damage. Destroy. And she agreed, she needed to hurt something, she needed to make something bleed. Make it scream in absolute pain.

A sudden burst of demon energy caught her attention, something huge and powerful was in the area. She grinned; this was the distraction she was looking for. Spinning her weapons, she took off towards the demon at full speed.

AdventureFan FictionFantasySci Fi

About the Creator


writing to heal the pain of living

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    TeJayWritten by TeJay

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