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Something Unexpected

Curiosity, the know how it goes.

By Jasmine S.Published about a year ago Updated about a year ago 14 min read
Something Unexpected
Photo by BEARPAW PRODUCTS on Unsplash

The distant chime of Mica's phone announced a new notification interrupting the steady clacking of the keyboard. She paused briefly and considered if she could afford the distraction. Two weeks behind schedule, Mica needed to complete the last chapter of her latest novel. Her ears were still ringing after Caitlyn chewed her ears off last night. So instead of checking her phone, she silences all incoming messages and calls.

A few hours later, her eyes arid and gritty, Mica tried unsuccessfully to rub moisture back into her eyes. Her time spent staring at the computer didn't do her any favors. Mica literally felt the pulse from her eyes branching out to her temples, with the onset of the mother of all headaches. As a bonus, her stomach chose that moment to express itself with a loud gurgle. While she exerted gentle pressure to soothe her headache, Mica noticed it was too late to have dinner and certainly too early to have breakfast. She settled for a cup of Chamomile tea, a bagel, and two Ibuprofen as a chaser. Afterward, she crawled between the cool sheets on her bed, her phone forgotten, and embraced oblivion.


The sun found the minuscule opening in the black-out curtains to mock the darkened interior of her bedroom. Mica groaned and flip-flopped to grasp the evaporating tendrils of sleep. Just as she found the perfect position, wrapped in her duvet like a lover's embrace, the shrill ring of her phone popped her bubble of contentment. Mica laid still, hoping the blasphemous caller would get the picture and hang up the phone, but not all dreams come true. She shuffled and blearily navigated to the never-used cordless phone. Now she was thinking of getting rid of the thing.

Mica croaked, "Hello?"

Hurriedly, she held the phone as far away from her ears as possible as Caitlyn shrieked her name through the receiver. Mica was unprepared to face the day, much less listen to Caitlyn's spiel so early in the morning. Throughout the whole process, she could hear Caitlyn where she rested the phone on the island counter. Only after Mica sufficiently caffeinated did she apologize profusely for the delay, but it didn't stop Caitlyn from giving her another earful.

"Anyway, where's your cell phone? I've been trying to reach you all morning."

Sheepishly, Mica said, "I turned it off." And before Caitlyn could start up again, Mica quickly explained. "I know I shouldn't have, so please don't be mad. I wanted to finish the book last night, which I did, by the way."

"It's a miracle!" Hesitantly, Caitlyn continued. "But...the reason I was trying to reach's Charlene. Charlene is going to cancel your contract. This will be your last book published by us."

Mica felt the coffee sour in her belly. After the ensuing silence, Mica paced the length of the kitchen and living room while tugging on the giant puff of her hair. "Why...I mean, how could she do this?!" This was unbelievable, she thought. "My books—"

"I know," Caitlyn interjected. "With the abundance of paranormal and harem-style romances flooding the market suffocates your work. Charlene thinks your work isn't cutting it, and...she wants to have a presence during this spike. People are looking for an escape. They don't want a reminder of how shitty life is."

"Well, shit."

"Yea, I know. Maybe...maybe I could help you find another publisher." Caitlyn said it as a statement, but the slight lift at the end made it sound like a question.

"Thanks, Caitlyn." Mica grabbed her phone, turned it on, and absently rotated the device as they ended their call.

Mica's phone rang with notifications, one right after the other. As she waited, Mica contemplated her situation. She should have seen this coming, especially considering Charlene's persistence that she explore different genres. Mica had her preferred genre and wasn't looking to change that anytime soon. Mica guessed it was time to move on.

Mica scrolled through her phone and saw a message from a popular delivery service she had never used before.

There was nothing fancy about the box. Mica's confusion grew after she called her Mom, Michelle, who reassured Mica, it wasn't her who sent the package. There was no return address, and a quick call to the company confirmed they had no record of the delivery. Deeply troubled, Mica shook the box and tried to guess the contents. And against her better judgment, Mica opened the box.

It took a minute for what she saw to register, nestled among the bubble wrap. When it did, panic tore through her system like a raging bull plowing through unsuspecting spectators.

She was ten years old again, playing with her next-door neighbor. He was excited to show her a souvenir he received while on vacation with his family. It was a snow globe featuring our solar system when tilted just right as snowflakes settled at the bottom. He shook the orb, making the snow-white flecks dance, then watched as they slowly drifted down. On his final shake, it all went wrong; the globe somehow detached from its base to roll into the street. Mica was too slow to grab him when he dashed to follow. She had seen what he did not. A car careening around the corner, loud music blasting and traveling way too fast to stop in time. To his credit, at the last second, the driver attempted to swerve. Mica would never forget the sound of screeching tires, burning rubber, and the thud of a small body hitting the ground. Her screaming brought both parents barreling from their homes.

Photo by PixelJanosz on BlenderArtists

Mica scrambled back and tripped over the discarded box. She curled into a ball, covered her mouth, and sobbed her grief into her hands.


Mica was a wreck and unable to function for weeks. She would lay in bed with the globe she had thought destroyed in the accident cradled against her chest as she stared at the walls. Somewhere her phone eventually died, and the piercing sounds of the ringtones no longer stabbed like ice picks at her tender head. When Mica got around to telling her Mom, she was as shocked as Mica. Michelle had questions, and she didn't have any answers.

One night, well past the hour she went to bed, Mica heard the telltale buzzing of a drone. The sound reminded her that no new information had revealed itself. Mica didn't hold onto the hope that there would be, but she was disappointed nonetheless. Mica didn't think she could handle any more surprises. Her mounting frustration and anger at the unknown allowed her to confront the incoming drone. Mica yanked her door open just as the drone set down their newest burden. She didn't know if it was her imagination, but she swore the drone dipped in shock, though that didn't stop her from speaking her mind.

Mica worked herself into a rant. She was hitting the five-minute mark, heedless of her nosey neighbors when the drone's lens shuttered. Mica sucked in a sharp breath at the sound and watched as the drone moved to hover as close as possible. Unnerved, Mica slammed the door. Despite her display, more packages from arriving during the following weeks.

Each new...old item from her childhood evoked emotions she won't allow herself to dwell on. There was one more option she was hesitant to try.


It had been a long time since she spoke with them. Thankfully, Michelle kept in touch with them. They agreed to meet Mica at a local cafe.

Mica's heart pounded a mile a minute, her palms wet with sweat though she tried wiping it on her jeans when she shook their hands. They greeted her warmly, more than she thought she deserved.

"It's been a long time Mica. How are you?" Rosemary smiled kindly.

"I'm alright, Mrs. Russell. You?"

"Some days are better than others. Isn't that right, Ben?"

"Yes, dear." He folded his hand around his wife's hand resting on the table between them.

As if no time had passed. Mica grew increasingly more comfortable in their presence. They reminisced and caught up on each other's lives. Mica didn't want to bring up their shared pain, considering how well this meeting was going. But she had to get to the bottom of those deliveries.

"Mrs. Russell, Mr. Russell, I—"

"Please, dear, we've known each other for a long time. Why don't you call us Rosemary and Ben." Before Mica could protest, "We want you to."

"Ok. I can do that. But the reason I called was to ask you about Taylor."

Mica peeked at Rosemary's face and was relieved to see she had an open expression. The same could be said of Ben as well.

"Well, I've been receiving items in the mail, all from my and Taylor's childhood. If possible, do have any idea who could be sending them?"

Mica waited anxiously for their answer. When they shared a look, Mica knew the answer wouldn't be easy to swallow.

"It's Tyler."

"Tyler? Taylor's brother? He was in—um. He wasn't around when we played."

"We understand. Tyler was in and out of the hospital and too weak most days. But they were inseparable and shared everything."

This new information just created more questions. How would Tyler have known where Mica lived? And how could she get him to stop?

"If that's the case. Do you have a number I reach him with?"

"Actually, I can give him your number it that's fine with you. He's very particular about these sort of things."

"No, of course not. Thank you."

Shortly after, they made their goodbyes and made Mica promise to keep in touch with them from now on.

While she knew about Tyler, she had never met or spoken with him. Other than the fact she only saw brief glimpses of Tyler. He was either sitting in the car waiting to leave or just when he entered the house when he got back from the hospital. Mica knew it was weird to admit, but it was her reality. She hoped she wasn't making a fool of herself.


While on the phone, Mica opened her front door absentmindedly. Usually, her Mom, Caitlyn, or one to two friends come over and are always welcomed, expected, or unexpected. She quickly ended her call to greet her visitor.

"Holy shit! Who the hell are you, and what are you doing in my house?"

Mica quickly rounded the island counter and grabbed the sharpest knife she owned. She brandished her weapon and said, "Answer the question. I'm not afraid to use this."

A deep chuckle sent shivers tickling along her spine. "If this is what Taylor had to go through as your friend. I could see why he was so fond of you."

"Tyler?" Mica slowly lowered the knife. "I was waiting on your call."

"I wanted to surprise you. Surpise."

"Consider me surprised," she drawled.

"I aim to please."

Mica cleared her throat. "Do you want some to drink or something?" Smooth, real smooth Mica, she thought to herself.

"Sure. That'll be great."

"You can have a seat. I'll be right out."

Tyler moved to sit on the couch as Mica turned to pour some iced tea. There was something about Tyler she couldn't put her finger on. A memory hovered just out of reach. As she approached the couch and saw his profile, the fog in her mind cleared.

"Hey, Taylor. You said you had a brother, right?"


"Why doesn't he ever come out to play with us?"

"He's really sick and weak all of the time. Maybe soon he can."

"Oh. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."

"Nah. It's cool."

"So, what is he like?"

"He's the best brother anyone could ask for, and he's super smart too. I can't wait for you to meet him."

"Me too. Your brother sounds pretty cool."

"Don't worry. Just pretend when you see me, you see him too."

Photo by on Pinterest

Mica almost spilled the drinks as she moved to place them on the coffee table. "Are you twins? I mean, you were twins?"

Tyler laughed out loud at her obvious revelation. "Are you telling me Taylor never told you? You guys were friends for almost two years!"

Mica blushed, one part bashfulness and one part, will the floor open to swallow her now.

"No, he never said. He made an offhanded comment about seeing you when I see him. I didn't think anything of it at the time."

"I mean, he wasn't wrong."

"Guess not." Mica glanced at Tyler and away again. "Anyway, moving on. The packages. Explain."

Tyler sipped his drink. Mica guessed to buy some time. " I wanted you to have those things. They were my brother's treasures, and he would have wanted you to have them."

Mica's eyes brimmed with tears, standing on the precipice, ready to cascade down her cheeks. She whispered a thank you around the ball in her throat. Tyler apologized after Mica told him of her reaction to his first gift. She was comforted his intention wasn't to cause her any pain. Mica was pleasantly surprised their conversation flowed as steady as a stream in summer. It felt natural like she was talking with Taylor again, bittersweet but welcomed.

For the next few months, they became fast friends. Mica wasn't sure if the ease with which they fell into the roles was due to their shared relationship with Taylor or their scarily similar likes and dislikes. Their dynamic felt more and more like her and Taylor's as time went on. Mica figured the fact they were twins could be the cause, but she wasn't quite sure. Tyler's mannerisms started mimicking Taylor's exactly. Even after all these years, she could still remember how Taylor tugged on his ear when he was nervous, hooked his thumb in his jeans loop when confident, and the habit Taylor picked up of pulling on a specific curl on her head that was thicker than the others.

Another thing she found odd was his eyes. At times they would be hazel, and at other times so brown to appear black. When she asked, Tyler chalked it up to the lighting. Mica didn't have any proof. After all, it was possible to be a trick of the light. Regardless of these occurrences, they grew ever closer.

One evening while they watched a re-run of a favorite television show. Tyler laughed and turned to Mica with a grin. For a split second, his eyes flickered so fast Mica wasn't convinced she had seen correctly. It happened a few times as the evening wore on. Mica waited for the credits to roll on the screen to bring it up again.

"You know Tyler—just hear me out—your eyes did that thing again." He looked everywhere but at Mica. "I know what you said before that can't be true. What's really going on?"

"I guess I can't put it off any longer. You were bound to find out anyway. I didn't know how to bring it up."

Immediately, Mica's guard shot sky-high. "I'm listening." She adjusted her position on the couch just in case.

He took a fortifying breath. "I—" he winced. "We wanted to let you know we forgive you."

"For what, exactly?"

"For not catching us in time."

Mica launched off the couch so quickly that her knee caught the edge of the coffee table. She limped away to put as much distance between them as she could manage.

"What the hell are you talking about, Tyler? You weren't there. Stay back," she screamed when Tyler moved to come closer. "No one knows. And who the hell is 'we'? There's only me and you here, goddamit."

"I know this is going to sound crazy." He looked deep into her eyes and implored her to believe what he was about to say. "We, Taylor and I, knew you tried to stop me—us—when the globe rolled into the street."

Mica used the back of her hand to stifle the moans pouring from her mouth. Her vision blurred, and she didn't see when Tyler moved to cup her face. She struggled, but he held on.

"Why are you doing this to me," she cried.

Tyler tilted her face to look at him. Mica blinked the water out of her eyes and gasped. Tyler's eyes, one the dark color she was used to and the familiar hazel of her past, stared back at her.

"Because we love you."


About the Creator

Jasmine S.

Born: The Bahamas, Grand Bahama

Trying my hand at short stories, I always liked to read but never thought I could write stories. It's never too late to start. I appreciate any reads or comments.

Thank you!

Reader insights


Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

Top insights

  1. Excellent storytelling

    Original narrative & well developed characters

  2. Easy to read and follow

    Well-structured & engaging content

  3. Expert insights and opinions

    Arguments were carefully researched and presented

  1. Eye opening

    Niche topic & fresh perspectives

  2. Heartfelt and relatable

    The story invoked strong personal emotions

  3. On-point and relevant

    Writing reflected the title & theme

  4. Compelling and original writing

    Creative use of language & vocab

  5. Masterful proofreading

    Zero grammar & spelling mistakes

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Comments (10)

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  • Dharrsheena Raja Segarranabout a year ago

    Whoaaaa the ending was sooo creepy! This story was just full of surprises. Loved it so much!

  • Ewuranna Smith-Quaysonabout a year ago

    Loved this story! I was all in from beginning to end! Beautiful storytelling. 👏🏾

  • Cathy holmesabout a year ago

    This is a great story. Not sure I was expecting that ending, but I loved it. Very well done.

  • U.Rdiyaabout a year ago

    Love the ending! Beautifully written.

  • C. H. Richardabout a year ago

    Very engaging story and I liked the twist at the end. Also, enjoyed that she was a novelist. Well done!

  • Kelli Sheckler-Amsdenabout a year ago

    That was incredibly good, and totally unexpected!! Well done

  • Dana Stewartabout a year ago

    You've created a psychological thriller with this story. It was well paced and character driven. didn't see that ending coming. Great work!

  • Babs Iversonabout a year ago

    Impressive storytelling!!! Love it💕😊❤️💕

  • Gina C.about a year ago

    Wow! The ending was definitely not what I was expected - great element of surprise! I love your writing style, it is very descriptive yet clear and easy to follow. :) Really great job with this!

  • sleepy draftsabout a year ago

    Wow! This was so captivating from beginning to end. I loved Mica's character and would most definitely read a part two if you ever decided to write one 😍 Awesome story, and I can't wait to keep reading your work! ❤️

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