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Mermen's Revenge

11th February, Story #42/366. This follows on from the micros yesterday and the day before. It should work as a stand alone story, but if you prefer to read them in order, then *skip to the end* - I've linked them there for you.

By L.C. SchäferPublished 6 months ago 3 min read
Mermen's Revenge
Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

I stared down into the moonlit bassinet, cold and empty like me. My beloved Ryan lay behind me, glassy eyed, his blood soaking into our shared mattress.

I remembered what the merman had told me last time I'd answered his call. You can't outrun us, you know. Make the payment. Or we will take it. With interest.

I'm in the frame. Psychosis, they said. I remembered those kind nurses who hovered near me every moment I was in hospital, exchanging glances. I imagined them describing my behaviour, how I'd begged them to leave my baby snug in my belly where he was safe.

They asked me over and over where my baby was, and wouldn't believe me when I said I didn't know.

I tried to tell them that I'd never hurt Ryan, much my less my baby. That my son had been taken. The way they humoured me was infuriating. (Gently: "Who took him?") I gave them the name of the solicitors' and they told me, gravely that such a company didn't exist.

"But they sent me letters!" My panic simmered. I tried to keep it steady, terrified of confirming their suspicions. Of looking crazy.

"Where are the letters?" they asked me, still oh so gently. I thought of the embossed cream papers curling into flames before Ryan got back from work. I wasted moments wishing I'd kept even a business card from Merman & Merman, and dissolved into an ocean of tears.

I sit here looking at these soft white walls and I wonder if they're right. If I am crazy after all. Was any of it real? Did I dream even Ryan? His love, our happiness, his blood in our bed and on my fingers...

And my son: the agony and joy of his arrival, his sucking mouth, his grip on my finger. Was that real?

A moan escapes me, and I feel the needle again. It wouldn't be so bad if I could slip into dreams of Ryan when we first got together. Before that little blue line, before that first call. But every dream has that blue suit, curly yellow hair, sharklike grin.


Word count (excluding note): 366

Submitted on 11th February at 10:15

Part One is here:

Part Two:

*Quick Author's Note*

Thank you for reading! Please leave a comment so I can reciprocate. Your thoughtful engagement is appreciated. If you enjoyed this, the best compliment you can give is to share it, or read another.

The story behind the story: I'm writing a story every day this year. This one makes a 42 day streak. You can find all of them in my Index post. It's also pinned to the top of my profile.

If you're joining me on this "story every day" madne adventure, please leave a link to yours in the comments!

If you'd like to buy the cow, (or get more free milk on Kindle Unlimited):

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About the Creator

L.C. Schäfer

Book-baby is available on Kindle Unlimited

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Never so naked as I am on a page. Subscribe for nudes.

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Sometimes writes under S.E.Holz

"I've read books. Well. Chewed books."

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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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Comments (17)

  • JBaz5 months ago

    Jeez, intense. You make us feel inner turmoil so completely This is so good

  • Alexander McEvoy6 months ago

    The house always wins. This is a terrible cost, the Faustian bargains are never worth their seemingly meaningless fees. You've created something wonderful and terrible here, LC! This one works so perfectly as a standalone and as part of the greater, more horrible whole. Fabulously done!

  • Teresa Renton6 months ago

    This is phenomenal! I haven’t read the others yet, but it’s great as a standalone micro. Intriguing and chilling 🥰

  • Yayyyyy the baby's gone! Hahahahhahahaahaha! Ryan is dead! Hehehehehehehhehehe! People think she's crazyyyyyy!!! Hahahahahahahahhaha. You are speaking my language!

  • Phil Flannery6 months ago

    These stories are evolving so well. Always wanting more.

  • What I love about these micro-fiction pieces is you suck me in almost instantly which I find really hard to do. Yet it’s happened with every piece of yours that I’ve read. Well done. Keep going.

  • When it's time to pay the piper..., best pay the piper. Also a good idea to read all the fine print when a deal seems too good to be true. If you're going to serve as a surrogate, you certainly do want to know that upfront.

  • Caroline Craven6 months ago

    Holy Moly! What a rollercoaster. I didn't see Ryan being bumped off. Yikes. And nobody is going to believe her either. Maybe you're just tapping into one of my fears about being accused of something I didn't do, but double yikes! Can't wait to read what happens next. This is so good L.C.

  • No! The baby! It's time for Mama Bear Training Montage to save the baby!

  • Dana Crandell6 months ago

    Well, then... Can't wait to see where this goes next.

  • Thavien Yliaster6 months ago

    A modern horror mafia story where the person isn't John Wick. Nice, it's always a good reminder that we need to he reminded of our mortality and especially of our loved one's. Well, interest be darned, payment needs to be made and sometimes those that claim they're meant to protect us always have hidden fees.

  • Cathy holmes6 months ago

    Oh no. Ryan too! Oh those nasty merman. Or maybe she's just crazy. Hmmmm

  • Hannah Moore6 months ago

    Shes in a bit of a predicament there.

  • John Cox6 months ago

    Wow again! You are a master weaver of the psychological, diabolical and terrifying tale. Really gripping read peppered again with the little human moments like 'And my son: the agony and joy of his arrival, his sucking mouth, his grip on my finger.' I loved it!

  • Ashley Shiflett6 months ago

    This really leaves your mind with questions! I enjoyed the read alot!

  • Rachel Deeming6 months ago

    So many questions. Did she kill Ryan? Did the merman kill Ryan? Where is the baby? Is she bonkers? Blimey, that was a lesson in psychological storytelling. Who to believe?

L.C. SchäferWritten by L.C. Schäfer

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