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Legend of the Last Journal

Destiny doesn't always rule our fate.

By Aaron HoskinsPublished 3 years ago 8 min read

This may be the last thing anyone ever hears from me. I heard their screams…. It was terrifying. My family, friends, neighbors… They’re all gone. Everyone became sick and what we thought was a cure, several years later, became the worst virus the world had ever seen.

It was horrific. People turned on each other. Neighbors on neighbors, friends against friends. I am alive yet so many have died. The world is ending and a new race of beings live in humanities stead, a race we created though never foresaw.

I am running away from this world that now exists. I don’t know if I will make it. These words very well could be the last anyone hears of me. The last of my legacy.

The virus took many from this earth, but the ones that did survive are something else. They cannot be taken down. They are immune, nocturnal, and they lust after humanity. We are nothing but meat, those of us that were captured.

We are already dead. The race that has taken over were once people we knew yet now they're more beast than man. They hunt us like we once hunted deer. We are only that of a next meal to them, and those of us that live but are wounded by them are given a disease that destroys our mind eventually making us go insane.

I have never seen paranoia to this magnitude. The world was abandoned by everyone but nature. As if she is alive… The most terrifying thought is that she hates humanity and seeks to eliminate us all.

I used to read books about the apocalypse and I would enjoy the fact that it was all fantasy, not real… It would never happen, yet here I am. Someone that is of the last few thousand that live in this world. Human, and still sane.

Duane Williams (10/23/2077)

* * * * * * * *

I made it to a camp. There’s others here like me, safe from the Oni. It's what they call them here. It is the japanese word for ogre or demon. It's a fitting name. They chased me for several hours. I caught a glimpse of one and it was far more terrifying than I thought it would ever be.

It stood at 8 or 9 feet tall. It had round horns protruding out of its head and its arms were elongated. It stood with fists on the ground and legs bent like a gorilla. It sniffed the air, hunting for my presence. My heart raced to the point I thought it might hear. I held my hand over my mouth to try and slow my panicked breathing.

When I had started to turn to look and see if it was still coming, I heard a massive crash as a tree fell out of nowhere and smacked the Oni across the back, successfully pinning it enough to run. It was then that I met them and they brought me here.

This was a military underground bunker, but now it's used for their community. They hunt the Oni. I have been here awhile and have joined their ranks. I am a 1st Class Soldier, I just got promoted a couple weeks ago. Tomorrow we are going on the biggest hunt yet. We have 200 men and we plan to take over a small military fort above ground to the south about 2 miles out.

I am nervous but I believe we can do it.

Duane Williams (12/05/2077)

* * * * * * * *

I found a locket with an old and faded picture of a woman. I happened upon it by accident when we were looking for more supplies in the fort. We successfully took down 20 Oni and secured the fort. We lost 63 men and 47 others were injured severely.

After we had taken the fort, we set up camp and addressed our needs. We built a tent to assess damages and help the wounded. Next was about exploring the whole fort and locating and documenting all supplies. While I was searching through a dresser I had found this silver heart shaped locket inscribed with the letters, R C.

We were all allowed a couple souvenirs for a job well done. This was my first. My second was a crossbow. I specifically sought after something I could continually use. Ammunition will run out, but I can make bolts for a crossbow. Most people chose weapons, but something about this locket called out to me.

I have been stationed at this location for the next 3 months and then I can return to the bunker. I look forward to the challenge of a new life. Everyday is a blessing and a curse. What tomorrow brings I don’t know, but I am glad that I have a chance for a new life.

Duane Williams (01/01/2078)

* * * * * * * *

It's been 6 months since my last entry. I have been very busy. I was promoted to 4th Class Senior Advisor. Now I advise my Captain and have 1 platoon under my direct command. My men and I are sent on recon missions frequently.

A few days ago, we encountered a small camp of survivors and brought them back to the fort. The fort has commonly been named, Fort Cobalt. We found a rich supply of iron that the few blacksmiths and gunsmiths we have are able to use for crafting resources.

One of the survivors caught my eye the other day. Her name is Rachyl. She has long black hair and a smile that puts mine to shame. I talked with her a little and she seems to be handling the adjustment to life at the fort.

Life has been better. We now control the nearby town and we were able to erect a fence using shipping containers. We now have a chance to live a peaceful life if chosen. Many have moved from the bunker to the town.

I, for the first time in years, look forward to the future.

Duane Williams (06/17/2078)

* * * * * * * *

I have been seeing Rachyl on a regular basis. Things are pretty serious. I obtained an iron band with a single ruby. I plan to propose on Thanksgiving. I want to always be thankful for her and the life we are building together. She is my sunshine in this dark world we call home.

It has been some time since I have written anything. I am now a Captain. It has been over a year since my last entry. Our forces are growing and the Oni that we encounter in this area are far and few between. At the Wall of Remembrance, we hang flowers and notes to remember our fallen comrades and loved ones but also the memories of the good times, so all that follow after us can know of our struggle.

What we as a people have created is a life for those that are broken and in need of saving. We provide a safe haven from the Oni and a way that we pave for a better tomorrow.

Duane Williams (09/ 11/2079)

* * * * * * * *

It happened so fast. We were not prepared… Most say it is impossible to recover… those that were taken. I cannot fathom the loss. I refuse to believe it is hopeless. I will SAVE her.

Once again, I write what could very well be my last entry. Even if I have no choice but to go alone I will do so to save my wife. Nothing will stop me. I will succeed.

They came in the dead of night. A massive force of Oni almost as if they had been biding their time. They showed far greater intuition, foresight, and intelligence than we ever imagined.

The amount of loss that our community has sustained is unimaginable. The total loss of life we have accounted for thus far is 354 dead or missing in action, 37 severely injured, and 22 taken.

I cannot accept this. For those that read this, know that I, Duane Williams, fought for our way of life and for my family. Please take my legacy and continue the fight.

Duane Williams (05/30/2080)

* * * * * * * *

We rallied up all the volunteers we could and my men came with me. We scouted the area and found their encampment. It was deep in the forest where even the animals dare not enter. We found them.

Most that were taken had been beaten or killed, but 5 still lived. We rescued them. My wife was among them. I soon found out after that she is with child. Those that were taken have not been quite the same. The 5 remaining were all women.

The Oni’s encampment was filled with the dead. Enraged, we slaughtered them. For one battle they ran in fear. It felt good for a change. However, I have this feeling of dread. Something was done that cannot be undone. It's been a few weeks but I cannot shake this feeling that something is wrong or missing.

We are rebuilding. After the rescue people’s spirits lifted. We will recover from this. It is not yet the end but again another beginning. I am reminded of the loss we as a race have faced and to have come this far…

We will succeed and build a better life for our children.

Duane Williams (06/21/2080)

* * * * * * * *

He told me of his unease that first night. Many didn’t think too much of it. I was one that didn’t give any thought to the warning of his heart. I didn’t want to believe there could be more to the fear that we had endured. The tortured feeling that all that we did in the end would not matter.

He tried…

It has been years since I have even dared to look at this journal. Now in the prime of my life I write my very first and last entry. As I lay upon my death bed with family and friends alike near me. I am reminded of what he gave up so that Joseph and I could live.

Joseph never knew his father, but his legacy was left in the foundation of this town and this community. His heart and dreams became a reality over the years and the men and women fought to create a “better tomorrow”. He believed in this idea and he used to say it all the time.

I miss him dearly. The way he would laugh and smile at the most insignificant details. He took delight in the small things. Someday I hope his story is told. That is my last and greatest wish.

Now I close my eyes to go meet him.

Rachyl Chambers (02/12/2107)

* * * * * * * *

It was many years later when Joseph had children that one of his eldest had found the leather back journal and read the entries that they asked about the story of the Grandfather and the silver locket.

Joseph told his children and his children’s children and eventually it became a legend foretold to generation and generation.

The End.

Sci Fi

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    AHWritten by Aaron Hoskins

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