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4 man crew

By Abdul hafiz Published 14 days ago 3 min read

Absolutely, here’s a story inspired by "Lookism":


Ethan Park had always been the target of jokes and bullying at Riverside High. Standing at 5'5" and weighing a bit more than he should, his self-esteem was perpetually low. His appearance made him a magnet for bullies, particularly for the school's jocks and popular kids who never missed an opportunity to mock him.

Ethan’s life took an unexpected turn one night when he woke up in a different body. It was like a scene straight out of a movie—he went to bed as his usual self and woke up as a tall, muscular, and incredibly handsome version of himself. At first, Ethan thought he was dreaming, but the reflection in the mirror confirmed it wasn’t a dream. He had somehow swapped into a body that looked like it belonged on a magazine cover.

Confused and excited, Ethan decided to go with it. He figured he’d play along and see what it was like to be someone else, someone who commanded respect with just their appearance. When he walked into Riverside High the next day, heads turned. No one recognized him, and the reactions were a mix of awe and admiration. The popular kids who once bullied him were now vying for his attention.

Ethan quickly realized that being good-looking came with its own set of advantages. Teachers treated him more favorably, girls flocked to him, and even the bullies who tormented him wanted to be his friends. He found himself at the top of the social ladder, something he had never even dared to dream about.

But living a double life wasn’t easy. Ethan’s original body still existed, and it seemed to go into a coma-like state whenever he was in the new one. He had to figure out how to manage both bodies without raising suspicion. He decided to keep his original body hidden at home, claiming he was homeschooled due to an “illness” while he lived out his new life at school.

As weeks passed, Ethan began to notice the darker side of his new reality. The shallow friendships, the backstabbing, and the constant pressure to maintain his image started to weigh on him. He missed the genuine connections he had, even if they were few and far between. He realized that people were now interested in him for all the wrong reasons.

One day, while walking down a less frequented hallway, Ethan saw a group of bullies harassing a kid named Lucas. Lucas was a lot like the old Ethan—quiet, nerdy, and an easy target. Ethan felt a surge of anger and empathy. He couldn’t stand by and watch. He intervened, using his new physical prowess to scare off the bullies. Lucas looked at him with a mix of fear and gratitude.

“Thanks, man. I don’t know why you helped me, but I appreciate it,” Lucas said, dusting himself off.

“No problem. I know what it’s like,” Ethan replied, feeling a pang of his old self creeping through.

As days turned into weeks, Ethan started using his new status to make positive changes at Riverside High. He befriended Lucas and other kids who were often marginalized, helping them navigate the treacherous waters of high school. He used his influence to promote kindness and inclusivity, slowly shifting the culture of the school.

Eventually, Ethan realized he couldn’t keep living a double life forever. The constant switching was taking a toll on him. One night, he made a decision. He decided to reveal his secret to Lucas, the one person he felt he could trust.

Lucas was understandably shocked, but he listened intently as Ethan explained everything. “I’m tired of pretending. I want to be myself again, but I don’t want to lose what I’ve gained,” Ethan confessed.

Lucas nodded thoughtfully. “Maybe you don’t have to. You’ve shown that who you are inside matters more than how you look outside. If you go back to being the real you, people will still respect you for who you’ve become.”

Taking Lucas’s advice to heart, Ethan returned to school in his original body. The initial reaction was mixed, but to his surprise, many of his new friends stood by him. They had come to respect the person he was, not just his appearance.

Ethan’s journey taught him a lot about perception and self-worth. He learned that true respect and friendship come from being genuine and kind, not just from looks. He realized that while appearance might open doors, it’s character that keeps them open. And in the end, that made all the difference.



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