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Chapter 20: Daddy Issues

By The Freedom RunnerPublished 8 months ago 5 min read
Photo by Irene Rego on Unsplash

The Stevens Residence - Later that evening...

Christian pulls his car into the driveway. He parks his car, but he keeps the engine on. Sonya looks out of the passenger window. Christian looks at her, and he looks towards the windows of the house.

Christian- You think your dad's home?

Sonya- I hope not. You'd better go, just in case.

Christian- (disappointed) Yeah.

Sonya looks at Christian, wondering what his expression is for. Christian sighs.

Sonya- What? You know he's going to get upset.

Christian- I know.

Sonya- I did have a good time with you. Thank you so much for doing this.

Christian nods silently. Sonya places her hand on top of Christian's hand. Christian looks at Sonya, and she looks into his eyes.

Christian- Thank you for joining me. I appreciate it.

Sonya smiles, continuing to gaze into Christian's eyes. She leans in toward him, but he pulls back. Sonya is now sad and confused. Christian sees the sadness in Sonya's eyes.

Christian- You'd better go.

Sonya is hurt and embarrassed. She quickly gets out of the car, closes the door, and marches to the front door. She looks back, and she sees Christian still staring at her. Finally, Christian begins driving out of the driveway. She watches as Christian drives away, and she unlocks the door with her house keys. She walks inside, and she closes the door.

Kenny- (from inside the living room) Where have you been, young lady?

Sonya is startled. She turns around, and she is surprised to see her father sitting in his armchair. She slowly walks into the living room. Kenny remains seated. Amber is seated on the chase.

Kenny- I asked you a question.

Amber- Kenny...

Kenny- (to Amber) No. (to Sonya) Where were you? Don't even think of lying to me.

Sonya sighs nervously. Kenny waits for Sonya to answer her. Sonya hesitates to answer him. She lowers her head instead.

Kenny- You were out with a boy. Weren't you?

Sonya- Daddy, I...

Kenny- What did I tell you?

Sonya- I was just...

Kenny- (interrupts) What did I tell you?!

Sonya- (whiny) No boys.

Kenny stands up, and he starts pacing around the living room. Sonya continues standing near the hall, watching Kenny nervously. Amber remains seated on the chase.

Kenny- You deliberately disobeyed me. I set this rule in place for your safety.

Sonya- But, Dad...

Kenny- (yells) No buts! I don't need my daughter going on dates with some young punk who can't keep his hormones in check! The last thing I need is my daughter coming home and telling me she's pregnant!

Sonya- (defensive) Daddy, he's not like that! You know that!

Kenny- Who is he?

Sonya- He's Christian!

Kenny- Just because he's a Christian doesn't mean...

Sonya- (interrupts) No, Dad! Christian Carter! Lance Carter's son?!

Kenny looks at Amber, and Amber nods. Kenny redirects his attention to Sonya, giving her a puzzled look.

Kenny- (softly) Oh, right.

Sonya- Daddy, he's a great guy. You can trust me with him.

Kenny gives Sonya a stern look.

Sonya- Daddy, if you're concerned, we didn't do anything. All we did was go out to eat.

Kenny- My rule still stands. If you want to hang out with Christian, he can come here, where you two will be monitored and supervised at all times.

Sonya- But, Daddy...

Kenny- (interrupts) ... And you're also welcome to go over there, where his parents will supervise you both as well.

Sonya sighs loudly.

Kenny- Is there a problem?

Sonya- Daddy, I'm not a little girl anymore! I'm eighteen years old!

Kenny- (yells) As long as you're under my roof, you will do what I say!

Sonya- Daddy, I'm asking you to trust me!

Kenny- (yells again) It's final! You hear me?! Final! You will not spend another moment alone with that boy again! You understand?!

Sonya tries to control her emotions. She fights the urge to continue arguing with her father. Instead, she lets out a loud groan before stomping off towards the stairs. She runs up the stairs and to her bedroom.

Kenny sighs, and he sits in his armchair.

Amber- I really think you're being too hard on her.

Kenny- I'm not going to have her throw away her future. She has a basketball scholarship riding for her right now, and I'm not going to allow her to ruin this.

Amber- Kenny, she's still a kid. Why can't she just enjoy what's left of her childhood?

Kenny- She's not a little girl anymore. Remember?

Amber sighs and crosses her arms.

Kenny- I'm doing this for her own good.

Amber gives Kenny the look of unbelief. Kenny notices Amber staring at him.

Kenny- (confused) What?

Amber- I'm going to talk to her.

Amber gets up, and she leaves the living room. Kenny continues reading the book he left on his coffee table.

Moments later...

Sonya is crying silently, sniffling and shedding tears, reclining on her bed.

[knocking at her door]

Amber opens the door slowly, and she sticks her head inside the room.

Amber- (softly) Can I come in?

Sonya looks at Amber, and she nods. Amber enters the bedroom. She rolls Sonya's desk chair near the bed, and she sits near the bed.

Sonya- (crying) Why is he doing this?

Amber- Honey, I don't know. My guess is that he's trying to protect you.

Sonya- From what? Christian? Christian is my friend. He and I aren't even together like that. All we did was go to the diner and have burgers. My dad always does this. I don't need his protection anymore.

Amber remains silent.

Sonya- I can't wait to graduate from high school, and I can't wait to move out of here once I go to college.

Amber nods silently. She reaches for Sonya's hand, and she holds it gently.

Amber- I know how you feel. Sonya, whether you believe it or not, I'm on your side. He's being a bit overprotective, and he's in the wrong.

Sonya- At least you're on my side. My dad might as well put me in chains. At least my mom will let me spend time with my friends.

Amber- Honey, no disrespect to your mother, but do you really believe she has your best interests at heart? She hasn't shown up to any of your school events. At least your father showed up to all of your games. All of them.

Sonya sighs, and she nods her head.

Amber- I know you're upset. I get it. Please don't allow this to rob you of your peace. Okay, sweetie?

Sonya sits up. Now she faces Amber. Amber takes her by the hands.

Amber- Your father loves you, and although I don't agree with his ways, he does want what's best for you. I'll talk to him in a bit. Okay?

Sonya nods her head. Amber leans forward and hugs Sonya. Sonya hugs back.

Amber- (softly) Love you, sweetie.

Sonya- (softly) Love you, too.

Amber and Sonya release the hug, and Amber gets up and makes her way to the door. She looks back at Sonya, and she smiles.

Amber- By the way, you should really think about having Christian join you for prom. You two actually look very cute together.

Sonya- (scoffs) Seriously, Christian?

Amber gives Sonya a sarcastic smile.

Sonya- You think he'd actually want to?

Amber- (smiles) I'm so sure he would. Goodnight.

Amber leaves the bedroom. Sonya sighs. She ponders what Amber has just told her, and then she smiles.

To Be Continued...


About the Creator

The Freedom Runner

My series, Endurance, covers real-life situations that include love, romance, betrayal, jealousy, and compromising situations. My characters have interesting stories, and I hope you enjoy them.

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    The Freedom RunnerWritten by The Freedom Runner

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