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Chapter 17: Sonya's Flashbacks

By The Freedom RunnerPublished 8 months ago 4 min read
Photo by Kenny Eliason on Unsplash

The Stevens Residence - April 2019

Sonya is in her bedroom, lying on her bed, and staring straight into the ceiling. She is very depressed. As she lies on her bed, many thoughts go through her head.

[Flashback to 2008] Around this time, Sunny is still married to Kenny, and the family is living in this huge mansion in Cleveland, Ohio. Kenny is away on business, playing a professional basketball game. It's the playoffs, and sadly, Kenny's team just got eliminated.

Sunny, Sonya's mother, is drinking. Sunny is partying with her good-for-nothing friends once again. She is dancing with a few of her female friends, then a strange man grabs her from behind and presents her with another drink.

Sonya, who is seven years old at this time, wakes up. She gets out of bed, and she sneaks into the hallway. She sees her mother dancing with a strange man. This man starts groping Sunny. Sonya is shocked. She's even more shocked to see Sunny reach back and kiss this man. For the first time, she witnesses her mother cheating on her father.

Moments later, Sonya decides to leave her bedroom again to confront her mother. She hears moaning coming from the main bedroom. She decides to take a peek. What she sees next would forever change the trajectory of all of their lives. A is stunned to find her drunken mother on top of another man while in bed.

[Present Day] Sonya decides to get up from her bed. She walks to her bookcase, which is filled with hundreds of books. She has previously read them all. She reaches for one, and then she hesitates to grab it. She leans against her bookcase. More thoughts enter her head.

[Flashback back to 2010] Sonya, now nine years old, comes home from school to find a very drunk Sunny in a heated argument with the same guy. The man looks in Sonya's direction, and he angrily approaches her.

Sunny's Boyfriend- (shouts) I thought I told you to clean your room!

Sunny- (grabs the man by the arm) You don't yell at her! That is my daughter!

The boyfriend shoves Sunny onto the coffee table, and he gets on top of her. Sonya is now witnessing the man trying to choke out her mother. Having enough, Sonya grabs her titanium bat, and she swings it at the man, cracking him on the skull and knocking him out.

Moments later, Sonya comforts her mother. Both are crying.

Sonya- I want my daddy.

Sunny and Sonya continue comforting each other.

[Present Day] Sonya's flashback ends again. She walks to the mirror, and she stares blankly into her bright blue eyes. She sighs with sadness, and she sits in front of her mirror. She leans forward, hunched over her knees, continuing to stare into the mirror.

Moments later...

Sonya is now at her desk. She is watching random videos on YouTube, and she comes across an old video of a marathon. The very first person she notices is Katie Wheeler. Sonya, now invested, continues watching the video.

Sonya continues to watch the marathon videos, and she stumbles onto the 2017 Chicago Marathon. She watches another female runner named Julie Hardy, someone her size and shape. She watches as Julie finishes third in this particular race and comes close to breaking the American world record.

Soon after, Sonya's cell phone rings. She checks the screen, and then she answers her phone.

Sonya- (on her phone) Hey... I'm studying at the moment.

Sonya's facial expression goes from stoic to pleasantly surprised.

Sonya- (still on phone) Now?? (softly) I can't. My dad wouldn't allow it. (giggles) Okay, okay. Just give me five minutes. Okay, bye.

Sonya hangs up her phone. She quickly gets up, grabs her jacket, and walks out of her bedroom.

As Sonya is walking down the stairs, she notices Amber cooking. She tries to sneak past Amber and heads for the front door.

Amber- (still cooking) Sonya Agatha Stevens!

Sonya stops, and she sighs loudly.

Sonya- (to herself) I hate it when she uses my full name.

Amber pauses her cooking, and she walks out of the kitchen. She walks into the hallway, and she finds Sonya standing near the front door. Sonya turns around and faces Amber.

Amber- Where do you think you're going, young lady?

Sonya- I'm just...

Amber crosses her arms, waiting for an answer.

Sonya- Christian is picking me up.

Amber- You know how your dad feels about you hanging out with him.

Sonya- Seriously, what's so wrong with me hanging out with him? What does my dad have against him?

Amber- It's not him. It's his father. For whatever reason, they still don't get along. I just don't want you dragged into this.

Sonya- I'll be fine. I wish my dad could end this stupid feud with Mr. Carter. This makes no sense at all.

Amber- That's between him and Lance.

Sonya- So why should I suffer? Look, I like Christian. I don't care if Christian lives in a different town, goes to a different school, or is even in a different grade than me. I like him. Why can't my dad just accept that?!

Amber sighs.

Amber- He's outside, isn't he? I heard him park.

Sonya- Amber, he's really a sweet guy. You'd really love him if you knew him.

Amber lowers and shakes her head. She sighs again.

Amber- Go on. Don't make me regret my decision to let you go.

Sonya smiles, and she hugs Amber.

Amber- (laughs) Okay, okay. Just go. Be careful.

Sonya- (smiles) I will. Thank you.

Sonya quickly walks out of the house. She runs to Christian's car, which is parked in the driveway. She gets inside the car with Christian, a junior from another school, and the son of another former basketball player.

Christian, a half-black/half-Puerto Rican teenage boy, flashes a smile at Sonya.

Christian- (smiles) Where to?

Sonya- Anywhere but here, but I have to be back before Dad gets here.

Christian- Don't worry. I'll have you back in time.

Sonya- (smiles) Let's go!

Christian starts driving out of the driveway, and he drives off with Sonya in his car.

To Be Continued...


About the Creator

The Freedom Runner

My series, Endurance, covers real-life situations that include love, romance, betrayal, jealousy, and compromising situations. My characters have interesting stories, and I hope you enjoy them.

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    The Freedom RunnerWritten by The Freedom Runner

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