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Chapter 12: Let's Do This

By The Freedom RunnerPublished 9 months ago 3 min read
Men Running

On a cool day in late October, Steven and Doug are warming up on the track located at Montrose Beach Park. Steven starts setting up his Garmin watch. Doug is staring at two women nearby as they stretch and warm up. One of the women notices Doug smiling flirtatiously. She gently tugs the other woman's sleeve of her hoodie. The two women decide to leave.

Doug- Ah, forget them. They were ugly anyway.

Steven- Still scaring the ladies away, Doug?

Doug- Shut up.

Steven chuckles lightly. He looks up, and his eyes widen. He taps Doug on the arm. Doug looks in the same direction as Steven.

Doug- Look at this fucking guy.

Michael approaches Steven and Doug. He is dressed in his old Lane Tech High School track gear, complete with track shorts, warm-ups, and a pair of long socks. Michael is even wearing a headband with his hair covering it.

Steven and Doug start laughing hysterically. Doug is nearly rolling onto the ground in laughter. Michael is annoyed. They continue laughing at his appearance.

Doug- (laughing) Are you serious, bro?!

Michael places his hands on his hips, annoyed at Doug.

Doug- (continues laughing) Who the fuck let you out of the house looking like that?!

Steven- (chuckling) For real, man. Is that all you had left in your wardrobe?

Michael- Keep laughing.

Doug- (still laughing) I'm sorry. I'm sorry. It's just that you look so fucking ridiculous! (finally stops laughing) I'm just being honest, bro.

Steven- Okay, Doug. We get it. He looks ridiculous. Can we start training now?

Doug- (to Steven) What? Look at him. Look at the socks, the headband, and even his shoes. (to Michael) I'm amazed you were still able to squeeze into those tiny little panty shorts, sexy boy.

Steven- (groans) God, shut up, Doug!

Doug- Michael, you know I'm just kidding, right?

Michael- Shut up, Doug.

Doug- Whatever. You both suck.

Michael- Enough. Let's just run. We got five miles. That's twenty laps around the track.

Doug- What? That's boring. You really want to run in a circle over and over again?

Michael- I can always train on my own.

Steven- Doug, come on, man.

Doug remains silent, glaring at Steven. Michael sets his smartwatch.

Michael- Okay, you guys ready?

Steven- We're ready. You warm?

Michael- I warmed up a few minutes ago before coming here. I'm good. Let's go.

Michael, Steven, and Doug start running on the track. Michael is running upright, driving his knees forward, and driving his foot through the ground with each stride. He looks graceful, almost like an elite runner. Steven and Doug, on the other hand, look like a couple of Average Joes.

Moments later, the three men have run over two miles around the track. Doug starts breathing heavily. He is hunched over, and he isn't lifting his feet high enough off the ground. Doug is slowing down. Steven's breathing is also labored as he tries to keep up with Michael.

Michael is still fresh. He has not lost his stride. His breathing is more controlled, his posture is straight, and his shoulders are relaxed. Michael is like a human metronome. His feet continue to hit the track at 180 total steps per minute.

Michael looks at Steven, who is now struggling to keep up. He then looks back at Doug, who is now walking. He looks back at Steven, and he smiles before surging. Steven, now discouraged, decides to stop and watch. Steven is now breathing heavier. A very exhausted Doug finally joins Steven on the side of the track, and he stops to catch his breath.

Steven- (panting) Man, that fool can wear whatever the fuck he wants.

Doug- (breathing heavily) Ah, fuck this. I'm sitting this one out.

Michael- (from the distance) Had enough, boys?!

Doug sarcastically flips Michael off. Michael chuckles and keeps running.

Doug- (to Steven) Remember, this was your idea. I need a cigarette.

Steven continues to marvel over Michael, who continues to run around the track. Steven cracks a smile, impressed with how well Michael looks. Doug, despite his frustration, is also very impressed.

Doug- What do you think?

Steven- (smiles) Well, Doug, I think he's ready.

Doug- For our next race?

Steven- No. He's ready to go way beyond that. I think he's ready.

To Be Continued...


About the Creator

The Freedom Runner

My series, Endurance, covers real-life situations that include love, romance, betrayal, jealousy, and compromising situations. My characters have interesting stories, and I hope you enjoy them.

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    The Freedom RunnerWritten by The Freedom Runner

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