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And Needed Adaptation

By Kelli Sheckler-AmsdenPublished 8 months ago Updated 8 months ago 6 min read
Photo by Bee Felten-Leidel on Unsplash

Into the shadows we progress

Our deeper selves to repossess

We shed the trappings of this earth

As darkness grants us, its rebirth

A dab of blood and innocence

Through recompence and consequence

Renew the one dwelling inside

Your powers be solidified


Her hometown of Marblehead Massachusetts had always been a place of preternatural happenings. Marblehead sat suspended between the mundane and the miraculous. Strange phenomena of various kinds, had become normal, almost expected. And people came from miles around to catch a peek of the supernatural, hoping to have an experience of their own.

Jerica's great-great grandmother had written about the days leading up to the witch hunts in Salem. She documented the trials, every last detail was noted and penned in her own blood, for protection. Her journal was very specific, naming the accused as well as the accusers. Keeping that information close, for the days of reckoning that were sure to follow.

Though her mother, and her mother before her, had embraced the gifts that had been handed down. Jerica had always shied away from them. Her only desire was to be seen as normal. But that was never the case.

Jerica's family was steeped deeply, into the ways of the occult. Her great grandmother was a seer, and regularly, her skills were sought out, privately, in many public situations, where regular detective work, failed. They were considered celebrities to some, and targets to ones who would not understand the gifts they employed.

Jerica denied her abilities. She went as far as barricading the spirits from having access to her, by performing blocking spells, chants that bound and blinded the other side from locating her. She thought she was protecting herself, however, turns out, this only made her more desirable to the spirits that meant harm.

She had unwittingly made herself the purest form of vessel. Denying her power, only drew the attention of the underworld, like a beacon of fire.

She didn't, and could not know, about the one her great-great grandmother had written about, so many years ago, in her journal. By the time she did, it was too late.

By Content Pixie on Unsplash

Jerica was agonizingly punctual, so when she didn't come home after school, her mother knew something was wrong. She called Jerica's grandmother over, and they began to chant the tracking spell together, to locate where she might be.

"Shaded, guarded, hidden away, come out into the light of day. Flash like beacons in the sky, show us where Jerica hides. Send a guide to show the path, protect her from the wicked wrath, that covers still her perfect face, and disappeared without a trace."

They repeated this chant, three times, before her mother, MaryBeth began to get a premonition.

Her eyes rolled back, and she spun in a circle, falling to the floor. She used her finger to draw an arrow in the piled carpet. "She is on 6th Street, room 66."

As they gained bearings on the information they were getting, they heard tires screech on the wet pavement, and a horn honked out in the drive.

As they stepped out of the house, they were greeted by a man they had never met before. "Hi, my name is Roberto, Jerica has been visiting me for the past several months. I work part-time at the school as a counselor."

Jerica's mother tried to push past him, "We are in a hurry to get to Jerica, she is missing, and could be in grave danger. Whatever you need to say, can be said on the way."

"I know, he said, bracing from her shove, and pointing to his car, "get in and I'll tell you what I know. See, the school hired me a few months ago to talk with Jerica, regarding some weird, phenomenal happenings going on around her lately, while she's been at school."

"Phenomenal happenings?" Her mother asked, in a shaken voice, "what kind of activities?"

Roberto began to fill them in on the strange being that had been stalking Jerica. "It's like this force was trying to take her, or something that she has. Haven't you seen her? Jerica has been tossed around a bit, she has been to the nurse for some cuts and bruises, but she wouldn't let me help.

That's why I am here, to help her...your ancestors sent me to protect her and the gift she has. She has been targeted by a very strong, and very evil being." He showed them a picture captured by the school's surveillance system.

Then, he pulled out great-great grandmother's journal. "It's all explained out, in here."

As Jerica's mother saw the book she screamed, "where did you get that?"

They stopped suddenly in front of the soccer field, behind the school. It bordered the lake and was surrounded by trees. And the strange being was dragging Jerica toward the lake.

Her mother gasped. "Just as she predicted it! That is Al Ana, she is trying to use Jerica's pure power to destroy the coven here in Marblehead and go back to burning the witches that are still here.

My great grandmother warned us that she would return. We have spent our lives trying to battle her with our daily rituals and chants. She targeted Jerica, because she refused to wield her powers, only making her more powerful."

Roberto said, "there is only one way to stop Al Ana now, and it could cost Jerica her life, especially if she refuses to use her gifts to fight back. She is the only one strong enough to take on this battle. Your ancestors gifted and blessed Jerica with all of their energy, making her all powerful. But she has to be willing to use its entire force against Al Ana, to succeed."

"She must lure her into the lake, using the gift of fire and water, creating an endless fiery waterspout, it’s the only way to destroy Al Ana - by using the very force that made her. However, if Jerica is not strong enough, she could be lost to the power of the evil water demon."

Jerica's mother and grandmother called to Jerica, using telepathic energies. As she saw the effort and power and felt the love they had for her, she knew, deep down that she needed to try to unleash her powers and destroy Al Ana.

Jerica was surprised how easily the control of her powers came to her, like learning to walk or communicate. Everything she thought, happened naturally. "Thats right," sneered Al Ana, you're just warming them up for me, but don't fool yourself, small one, you are no match for me."

With that, she disappeared under the water.

Jerica was more scared than she had ever been before. She began recalling the chants her mother and grandmother had been trying to teach her. She remembered everything they had ever told her about her great-great grandmother, and the power she held.

A strange sensation came over her as Al Ana reappeared, trying to drag her under the water. As Jerica opened her eyes, they glowed red, like fire, and she realized she was not gasping for air. Her legs had turned into fins and her hair was a beautiful, blue flame. She had completely transformed into a powerful, mystical creature. She smiled as she saw the fear creep into Al Ana's eyes, knowing she had met her match.

As they bolted out of the water on the fiery waterspout, she could hear her mother, grandmother and Roberto chanting the incantation written ages before, for this very moment. And for the first time, she was proud of who she was, and the power that had been given to her in this gift of love.

Al Ana was singed and dissolved, drifting in pieces, into the darkest depths of the lake, where she would be absorbed by the mud.

Jerica laid on the edge of the water, exhausted. Her mother helped her make her way to the car, where they wrapped her in her grandmother's handmade sweater.

She cried an apology, that was not acknowledged, as it was un-needed.

Completely covered in the magic of love, she knew they would all be ok, even better, she knew they would always be together.

And they chanted together...


Into the shadows we progress

Our deeper selves to repossess

We shed the trappings of this earth

As darkness grants us, its rebirth

A dab of blood and innocence

Through recompence and consequence

Renew the one dwelling inside

Your powers be solidified


About the Creator

Kelli Sheckler-Amsden

Telling stories my heart needs to tell <3 life is a journey, not a competition

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Comments (6)

  • Randy Wayne Jellison-Knock8 months ago

    This sounds a little like your life story, reclaiming the power, dignity & personhood that were always yours but kept hidden for so long. But have you found yet that community where you know you are safe & loved? I pray you have.

  • So glad Al Ana is gone and Jerica is okay! Loved your story!

  • This is really good Kelli. You are a talented writer!!!

  • Colt Henderson8 months ago

    Really sweet.

  • Nice job ♥️📝👍

Kelli Sheckler-AmsdenWritten by Kelli Sheckler-Amsden

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