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The Cold Brew Coffee

How To Make It Yourself

By Jaymie SuhPublished 4 years ago 5 min read

By The Creative Exchange on Unsplash

Nothing beats a hot cup of coffee every morning. But what about if you are not an early riser and the sun is already up when you wake up? That's fine since coffee is versatile, you can have it cold instead. You can still get the same coffee flavor and the caffeine boost even if it's too hot to go for the hot variety.

However, some people mentioned that once you tried the cold brew coffee, you may be unable to stop. Since it's easy to make it yourself, it is possible. The best part is you can make hot coffee from the cold brew concentrate anyway. Making it more preferable than the usual hot coffee.

What Is Cold Brew Coffee?

A cold brew coffee is another way of preparing this drink. It is made of steeping the coffee grounds from 12 up to 24 hours in cold temperature water instead of hot. Then it will be filtered to get the smooth and slightly sweet flavor. You can dilute it with cold water or even with cold milk.

There is also a difference in flavor compared with iced coffee. Since iced coffee is just hot coffee that cools off with ice. Cold-brew coffee didn't go through heat so you can get a bolder coffee flavor. It's also being served by the local coffee shops since a lot of people are into cold brew coffee especially during the warm weather.

What Is Special About Cold Brew Coffee?

If you are acidic and want to cut down with beverages that contain high acidity, then you can switch to cold brew coffee. It is known to have a lower acidity level since it is not exposed to heat. Compared to the hot brewed coffee, it only contains 67% of acidity.

Cold-brew coffee also tastes more flavorful compared to the hot version that tastes more bitter. So it's best to have it cold if you can't live without coffee but having an issue with acidity. It can also be a more flavorful and refreshing drink, especially during the warm weather.

What Do You Put In Cold Brew Coffee?

Adding something on your cold brew coffee can make it more exciting. You don't have to just stick with just the usual on how to make cold brew coffee. Here are several things to add to your new-found discovery.


You can add some spices like cinnamon, cacao nibs, and chicory to get started. Try to add small amounts at first to see if you will like how it tastes before adding more for stronger flavors.


Water is the universal base of any drink. But if you want to have another way on how to make cold brew coffee, try brewing it with coconut water or other juices.


Nothing beats milk if you want to make your cold brew coffee to have a creamy taste. You can also go for liquid non-dairy creamers available around.

Is Cold Brew Coffee Stronger Than Regular Coffee?

Cold brew coffee is a lot stronger than your regular coffee. This is because it is more concentrated when made. So make sure to add some extra water if you don't like your cold bee coffee to be very strong.

Is Cold Brew Coffee Healthy?

Generally, consuming coffee is good for your health. But if you started the habit of drinking cold brew coffee, you can still get the health benefits It provides. Here are some health benefits of drinking cold brew coffee.

Boost Your Metabolism

Cold brew coffee is also a great way to boost your metabolism rate as regular coffee does. It is the best way to maintain a healthy weight.

Avoids Acid Reflux

Compared to your regular hot cup of coffee, cold brew coffee has a low acidity level. It's easier for your palate and stomach to digest. Then you won't have to worry about acid reflux whenever you drink a cold brew coffee.

Boost Your Immune System

Coffee is known to have powerful antioxidants to help boost your immune system. It can also reduce the risk of heart diseases, diabetes, and a lot more.

What Does Cold Brew Coffee Taste Like?

The cold brew coffee is smooth, refreshing and can be slightly sweet on its own. It can also give a chocolate flavor because of the velvety texture. This is more flavorful compared to the iced coffee you can find from coffee shops.

Since the way on how to make cold brew coffee doesn't use heat and it's left to seep up to 24 hours, the full coffee flavor will be extracted. It makes it sweeter than bitter compared to the regular way of brewing coffee.

A Good Recipe, How To Make It Guide

How to make cold brew coffee is not as hard as you think. Plus it can be less expensive than getting it from the coffee shops. Just store it in your fridge and you can always have it ready. You can always make a hot brew out of it when you're in the mood of drinking a hot beverage.

Here's how to make cold brew coffee:

Fill the glass with ice and half-fill it with water.

Add the cold brew concentrate to fill the glass completely.

Stir well and serve.

Another way of how to make cold brew coffee:

Make an extra strong cold brew concentrate.

Mix it with milk or non-dairy milk depending on what's your preference to make it creamier.

Fill the glass with ice and half-filled with cold water.

Stir to mix well and enjoy!


How to make cold brew coffee is easy and you can enjoy it at home. No need to buy it from the nearby coffee shops and pay more for just one serving. It's best to make yourself your own. Since not only it will save you money but you don't have to go out anymore just to have one for yourself. It's also the best way to impress your friends and loved ones. They will surely enjoy what you have prepared for them. In addition, you can always have it available at any time you need to have your quick caffeine fix.


About the Creator

Jaymie Suh

A highly regarded writer known for her insightful and engaging content. With a passion for storytelling and a talent for crafting compelling narratives, she has made a significant impact in the world of online writing and content creation.

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