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Simple Ways to Eat Well Without Too Much Effort

Eating well is one of the most important elements of a healthy lifestyle.

By Katya SmithPublished 3 years ago 4 min read

A well-balanced diet, filled with nutrients, vitamins, and minerals can boost your energy levels and immune systems. It can help you to maintain a healthy weight and cut your risk of developing a whole host of health conditions, both now and in later life.

But, eating well, isn’t always as easy as other people make it seem. If you lead a busy lifestyle and have a hard time making the time to cook, it’s much easier to reach for fast, unhealthy options than spend time cooking. If you have fussy kids, it’s easier to give them things that you know they will eat than having daily mealtime battles, and if you have always had the same bad habits, it’s hard to know where to start with healthy eating. Fortunately, there are some easy ways to eat well without having to put too much effort into it.

Use A Meal Delivery Service

Meal delivery services are great ways to enjoy a healthy and varied diet without having to plan meals, prepare ingredients, or even head to the shops. They are perfect for busy families or people that want to try new things but don’t know where to start. Read this Blue Apron review to find out more about the advantages of using a delivery service that offers fresh ingredients. By using a meal delivery service, you don’t need to worry about counting calories or monitoring your sugar intake.

Make Small Switches

Often, it’s the smaller changes that have the biggest benefits and that are the most sustainable. When baking, switch to wholewheat flour, use wholewheat rice and pasta instead of white, and swap sugary snacks for fruit.

Avoid Sugary Drinks

Sugary drinks are one of the worst things that you can consume if you are looking to make some healthy changes to your diet. They are filled with empty calories and can be terrible for your teeth. Try to carry a bottle of water, or a healthier, sugar-free soft drink with you so you aren’t tempted to buy fizzy drinks when you are out and don’t buy them for home.

Buy Healthy Foods

Perhaps the easiest way to eat more healthy foods is to buy them. You won’t snack on fruit and veg sticks if you haven’t got them. Buy healthy ingredients, and snacks, and make sure these are the first things that you see when you open the cupboard or fridge, to avoid the temptation of other options.

Try New Things

So many of us are guilty of eating what we are used to. Trying new things can be scary, but there are more options now than there have ever been before. Take some risks and try new ingredients and meals. Get into the habit of picking something different in restaurants to open up new options. The more healthy things you enjoy and know about, the more you are likely to eat at home.

Start Batch Cooking

If you are busy, and don’t have time to spend cooking healthy meals from scratch and preparing healthy snacks every day, don’t. Free up one day, or even an afternoon every week and use it to batch cook, prepare lunches to take to work, and to chop up fruit and veg sticks for healthy, easy to grab snacks. Keep lunches and snacks in the fridge, and freeze meals in portions, so all you need to do is warm them up when you want them.

Don’t Count Calories

Counting calories can seem like an easy way to lose weight and control your diet. However, it can lead to an unhealthy relationship with food and stress at mealtimes. Calorie counting can also be vastly inaccurate, as we all need a different amount, depending on our activity levels and metabolisms.

Instead, trust your instincts and senses. Try to fill your meals with color, adding lots of vegetables and different flavors, and learn to stop eating when you feel full, instead of carrying on. This gives you a chance to explore new flavors and ideas, and to enjoy your food, instead of massively restricting your diet and giving yourself a list of things that you can and can’t eat, which can make cooking harder, and remove any enjoyment.

Serve Smaller Portions

Perhaps the easiest way to eat more healthily is to serve smaller portions. You are less likely to overeat if you have to get up to refill your plate, and smaller portions mean that you can still eat all of the things that you like.

Eating well doesn’t have to mean restricting your diet, missing out, or spending hours and hours planning meals, cooking, and calculating calories and nutrients. In fact, eating well often means that you can enjoy occasional unhealthy treats, without any guilt or negative effects. With just a few small changes, you can start to open up your diet to exciting new flavors and fall in love with eating, while giving your body everything that it needs.


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