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Homemade health drinks for kids

super energy Protein drink

By Malay MondalPublished about a year ago 3 min read

What is health drinks for kid?

What is the best choice for quenching our thirst? Some beverage should be limited or consumed in moderation, including fruit juice, milk and vegetable stocks. The milk provides calcium, vitamin d, protein, vitamin a and zinc- all essential for healthy growth and overall development.

Why a homemade health drinks or protein drink is essential for kids?

What to do when our child won't drink milk or does not like the taste of the plain milk? Here is a collection of homemade, tasty and healthy drinks recipes. This flavor is not artificial and has no use of preservatives. I am sure these options are a better alternative for commercially produced, artificial flavored, colored, and preservative loaded milk available in the market.

Recipes of some homemade health drinks or protein drink for kids: there are many types of homemade health drinks:

1. Dry fruits or nuts powder milk: healthy, creamy and delicious milkshake made with various types of dry fruits and nuts. This makes a great nutrias breakfast for kids. One cup of dry fruit milkshake provides a good amount of protein minerals and calcium.

Take two or three pieces of pestas, cashews and almonds. You soak the nuts at least 3 to 4 hours. Soaking nuts enhance the nutritious. Peel the nuts and grind them.

Then mix with milk. You can mix honey for sweetness and the nut powder milk is ready.

2. Banana milk shake: a healthy and creamy shake prepared with live banana and milk. It is rich in potassium, dietary fiber and energy.

Take a piece of banana and peel it. Then cut into small pieces and blending them with milk. It is ready to make banana milkshake for your kid. You can add honey or sugar for sweetness and cardamom powder for flavor.

3. Oats Apple smoothie: the oats Apple smoothie provides to your kid fiber from the oats and Apple, as well as vitamin and minerals. it is very creamy texture.

Firstly Peel the raw apple and Kate into small pieces. Then grind the roasted oats. Blend Apple pieces and roasted oats powder. You can mix it water or milk. It is very helpful in constipation for your kids.

5. Poha-oats-banana milkshake: poha oats milkshake can be given to kids from 1 year. You can replace banana apple. It is perfect for breakfast.

Peel the banana or apple and slice them into pieces. Then blend poha banana and oats. You can add milk for creamy texture. Then add honey for sweetness. Now it is ready to serve.

6. Fruits milk health drinks: one of the most like and easiest of milkshake is fruit milk drinks. It improves the digestions and gaining weight to your kids.

You can take any type of fruits like banana, apple, strawberry, blueberry, pear or mango. It is very easy recipe .you can make it in 2 minutes. Peel the fruits which your baby like and cut them into small pieces. Then blend them with milk.

You can add honey for sweetness and any type of flavor.

6. Mixed seed health drinks: seeds are a good source of Omega 3- keeps hurt and brain healthy. Reach source of minerals like calcium and magnesium keeps bone healthy and loaded with fiber good for digestion and constipation.

You can mix pumpkin, sesame, flax, chia, sunflower, watermelon seeds. Rose with the seeds properly and grind them to powder form. You take it with milk.

7. Turmeric- milk health drinks: regularly drinking turmeric milk can increase antioxidant in our kids’ body which fight cell damage and reduce oxidative stress on body. Eat also build up immunity to your kids.

You can use raw turmeric paste or turmeric powder to make it. Take a cup of warm milk and mix the turmeric paste or powder and mix it well. Now the turmeric milk health drinks is ready for your baby.

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