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For Once in Your Life

Try a taste of some unusual things

By Rasma RaistersPublished 4 days ago 3 min read




Swedes have a strong preference for herring, especially when it is sour and fermented. The pungent smell of surströmming is so intense upon opening the container that it is typically consumed outdoors.



In Iceland, it's adventurous to try hákarl – fermented shark meat. The shark is buried to ferment in its own juices for a few months, then sliced into strips and left to dry.



Cockscombs, the succulent protuberances atop the heads of chickens, may not initially appear as a primary component for a delightful evening meal. However, in Italy, they hold a significant role in a renowned sauce known as cibreo. Furthermore, combs have also played a part in the rich culinary heritage of France, where they were traditionally employed as decorative embellishments.


South-east Asia

Snake wine

The next time you find yourself dissatisfied with the lukewarm chardonnay served at a pub, consider yourself fortunate that you weren't presented with a glass of snake wine. This traditional drink is believed to possess significant rejuvenating properties in countries like China and Vietnam. It is typically prepared by infusing a snake in rice wine or by blending snake bodily fluids, such as blood, with the alcohol.


Century eggs

Rest assured, these eggs with a rather deceptive name are not eggs that have been stored for a century; they are only preserved for a few months. However, this short duration is sufficient to cause the yolk to acquire a dark green hue and the white to turn brown.



Among Japan's infamous delicacies is the fugu, also known as pufferfish, which can prove fatal if its poisonous components are not meticulously eliminated. Since the year 2000, more than 20 individuals in Japan have tragically lost their lives after consuming this particular fish.


Shiokara, a Japanese delicacy, is prepared by fermenting marine creatures like squid in their own innards. It is not surprising that it is frequently consumed swiftly, often accompanied by a shot of whiskey.


Fried spiders

Fried spider, a Cambodian delicacy, may not be to everyone's liking. These small creatures are tarantulas, accompanied by a lime and black pepper dip at Romdeng, a restaurant in Phnom Penh. As mentioned in Clive Graham-Ranger's book co-authored with Luu Meng, Cambodia's Top Tables, the restaurant sells more than 200 of these spiders each week.


Black Ivory coffee

In the previous year, a coffee known as Black Ivory emerged as one of the most costly blends globally, priced at $1,100 per kilogram. With this premium cost, one can anticipate a velvety and rich flavor... along with a subtle earthy undertone derived from the consumption of these beans by Thai elephants, subsequently retrieved from their excrement.

Grasshoppers, worldwide

Grasshoppers are abundant in protein and are considered a sought-after delicacy in various regions across the globe. In Asia, they are commonly fried and available for purchase in local markets, whereas in Mexico, a variety known as chapulines is frequently enjoyed alongside lime and garlic. Recently, the Mexican restaurant chain Wahaca introduced a grasshopper dish at one of its establishments in London.



Would you like to experience a live octopus? Sannakji is a classic Korean delicacy consisting of octopus chopped into small portions and served with the tentacles moving. It is not surprising that it poses a potential choking risk.


Witchetty grub

This Australian term refers to the sizable white larvae of various moths, which were historically gathered by Aborigines.

North America

The US

Tepa ("Stinkheads")

It is not surprising that this conventional Alaskan snack has not gained popularity, given its peculiar nickname. Consumed by the native Yupik people, the process entails decapitating fish and burying them in the ground along with their entrails until they acquire the desired flavor.

Rocky Mountain Oysters

The name may appear quite unusual, but upon further exploration, you will realize that this American delicacy is simply deep-fried bull testicles. Allegedly cherished by the cowboys of the American West, it is frequently encountered at various festivals.



Tequila is commonly known as a product of the tequila plant, also known as blue agave. Interestingly, ant larvae harvested from the plant's roots are also enjoyed by some individuals. This unique snack is reportedly referred to as "insect caviar" by Mexicans.


About the Creator

Rasma Raisters

My passions are writing and creating poetry. I write for several sites online and have four themed blogs on Wordpress. Please follow me on Twitter.

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    Rasma RaistersWritten by Rasma Raisters

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