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Foods to avoid if you want to lose weight

9 foods to avoid if you want to lose weight

By Get Fitness Published about a year ago 5 min read

To lose weight, it is better to avoid all those products with added sugar, unhealthy fats, refined flour, and little nutritional value.

Note: Foods to avoid if you want to lose weight

When it comes to dieting to lose weight, it is best to obtain an individual plan that adapts to your needs. However, some foods should be avoided to lose weight, which is good advice for everyone.

What's more, in some cases, they are foods that we should all avoid since, in general, they do not provide positive nutrients. They could even have detrimental effects when consumed regularly.

We encourage you to continue reading to discover the nine foods you should avoid if you want to lose weight. If you follow these recommendations, you can effectively and healthily meet those goals you have in mind.

9 Foods to avoid losing weight

When eliminating foods from a diet to lose weight, you shouldn't just look at the calories they provide. Energy foods are very healthy and can be introduced as they also provide positive nutrients.

Generally, foods that are not recommended provide calories but do not have significant nutritional value.

In addition, all those that contain little fibre or protein will have a lower satiating capacity and, therefore, should not be consumed regularly.

Below we will present in more detail some of these foods you should avoid on a weight loss diet.

1. Table sugar

Sugar is a product that is not necessary for the diet because it does not provide nutrients beyond its energy value. The experts' recommendations put limits on the intake of added sugars; generally, it is advised that the less, the better.

Foods to avoid if you want to lose weight

There are other much healthier sources of carbohydrates. Likewise, other alternatives such as fruits, dried fruits or sweeteners can be used occasionally to add a sweet flavour to some dishes.Regular sugar consumption is associated with an increased risk of metabolic disorders.

2. Sweet bars and cereal bars

These sweet treats and snacks are often made with high amounts of added sugar, refined grains, and unhealthy fats. Its palatable flavour and texture could lead to eating more quantity, representing too high a caloric intake.

Foods to avoid if you want to lose weight

Many are usually sold as ideal alternatives for mid-morning or snacks when you want to lose weight. However, choosing fresh fruit, yoghurt or nuts is always better.

3. Pastries, cookies and cakes

The problem with these products is the same as the one we just saw with candy bars. They are composed of inappropriate ingredients and should not be part of any eating plan. Its consumption should always be occasional.

Foods to avoid if you want to lose weight

Most of these baked goods are made with trans or hydrogenated fats. Its consumption has been linked to being overweight and other diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes or breast cancer (among other serious problems). For this reason, the recommendation for the entire population is to eliminate them from the diet.

The same goes for the "healthy" or homemade versions of cookies, tarts, cakes, etc. They are still products whose consumption is not recommended on a day-to-day basis.

4. Salty snacks and potato chips

Since they do not contain sugar, these types of products are not as harmful or affect body weight as much. However, the fat and salt that some carriers can be considerable.

Foods to avoid if you want to lose weight

Also, remember that these are also considered fast or processed food. And in this sense, studies show a clear relationship with weight gain.

5. Cereals and refined flour

Within this group, we refer to refined grains (rice, wheat, spelt... white) and all the products made with them: pasta, breakfast cereals, bread, etc.

It is not a question of eliminating these foods from the diet but of choosing alternatives made with whole grains. These varieties contain more fibre and nutrients, making them healthier and more filling.

6. Sausages and processed meats

These products contain more salt, fat and sugar than lean meat: fresh chicken, rabbit or turkey.

Also, do not forget that the International Agency for Research against Cancer has classified processed meat as carcinogenic. Therefore its consumption should always be moderated.

7. Light products

The food industry created this product with fewer calories and less fat, just for those who wanted to lose weight and take care of their cardiovascular health.

The problem is that they are often not healthier options since they can contain ingredients such as unhealthy fats, starches, aromas or sweeteners.

Likewise, the fact that they are lower in calories than the originals does not make them light or low-calorie products. In addition, the false sensation of eating something less energetic can increase your intake.

8. Sugary drinks

These types of drinks and soft drinks have a negative impact, not only on body weight but on health in general. Removing them from daily intake can be a very positive gesture.

Foods to avoid if you want to lose weight

There is scientific evidence that the intake of these drinks promotes weight gain in children and adults.

This group includes soft drinks and other types such as fruit juices, sodas, iced teas and energy drinks.

Consuming soft drinks contributes to body weight gain due to their high sugar content.

9. Alcohol

The consumption of alcoholic beverages should not be recommended as something habitual. And as far as body weight is concerned, it is another of the drinks and foods to avoid.

As indicated by some medical authorities, alcohol affects body weight in 4 different ways:

  1. It prevents fat burning.
  2. It has a high caloric content (with no nutrients).
  3. It can increase the feeling of hunger.
  4. It can lead to poor food choices.

Try not to include these foods to avoid losing weight

There are many foods that it is better not to choose when you want to lose weight since they do not provide nutrients and, on occasion, can even be harmful. Most of them should be separate from everyone's regular diet.

Refined flours, "junk" foods, added sugar or sugary drinks (among others) do not provide positive nutrients, they can increase the desire to consume them, and they cannot make us feel whole.

If you need to follow a weight loss diet, increasing your intake of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, whole foods, and healthy fats is best.

In addition, it is always preferable to obtain a personalised plan that is completed with other habits such as hours of sleep, physical activity or the avoidance of nerves and stress.


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Get Fitness

Get good Health is an innovative health platform that helps people make healthier lifestyle choices. It uses a combination of AI and machine learning to provide personalized health advice and recommendations tailored to individual users.

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