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Covid Immunity: Follow the Science

Simple Juice Recipe to Boost Immune System

By Kim Joseph Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago 3 min read
Prepping to juice with fruits and vegetables

Since the beginning of Covid-19, the CDC, WHO, and many scientists and medical doctors have used their expertise to share ways to combat the virus. By now, the whole nation is aware that wearing a mask, washing their hands for 20 seconds, staying six feet away from other people in public locations, and dousing copious amounts of Lysol on their countertops and other surfaces is the way to go. While all these measures are beneficial, how to support and build up your body’s natural immunity to fight against Covid-19 is the one and undoubtedly most important way to prevent and fight against the virus but has been refrained from discussion.

It was ironic, yet not in the least bit surprising that for the whole year since Covid-19 arrived on America’s doorstep that mainstream media argued about the effectiveness of wearing a mask (now the latest is that two masks likely give more protection than wearing one single mask in dealing with the more variant strain that is spreading worldwide) but did not openly share the herbs, fruits, and vegetables that can be used to fight off infection, possibly prevent infection and naturally cleanse the body to heal. The height of the pandemic demonstrated the lack of this shared information on a widescale level with the amount of bare toilet paper shelves yet fully stocked produce in supermarkets across the nation.

While many of the outward events of 2020 were out of our control, it made many of us cling onto what we could take control of to make the best out of a time in history many of us never saw coming. Some people found the joy in slowing down by spending time at home with family, reaching out to friends, and enjoying the stillness. This past year forced us to re-evaluate some of the ways we operate. We learned that while all people are essential, not every job is while also learning the importance of making a way to put our health first—both mentally and physically—and not waiting on our employers to give us permission to do so. We learned that the healthcare industry, medical doctors, and scientists have some answers but not all of them so while we should follow the science, we should also follow nature.

Our bodies are temples that we can heal if we create the proper environment. Health insurance, doctors’ appointments and prescriptions can be expensive especially at a time where so many have lost their jobs and are just trying to simply survive. One way in which I have learned to take care of myself in a much more holistic way is by juicing. I first came across the benefits of juicing in 2014 as an alternative to over the counter medication once I became aware of the side effects that many came with. Their purpose was to heal the symptoms but did not target the root cause. Juicing is not a passing fad or popular trend when you incorporate it as part of your lifestyle. It has played an integral role in boosting my immune system with the added benefits of much more energy throughout the day and clearer skin. Eating and juicing a wide variety of fruits and vegetables contributes to an overall healthy body and mind. Check out one of the juice recipes I created below that helps boost the immune system.


2 Apples

1 Cucumber

2 Oranges

2 Pears

3 Carrots

1 thumb of Ginger

Turmeric root

*Remember to wash your fruits and vegetables before use. Serving size and amount is up to your discretion. *


About the Creator

Kim Joseph

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