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Augmented Lasagna

Or how to get more out of a frozen lasagna from Trader Joe's

By Wm Kucera Published 3 years ago 3 min read
Some of my augmented lasagnas

It's pretty much now a given that Trader Joe's has become a goto for many households across the United States. I believe there are currently only seven states without a Trader Joe's. And that could easily change any day.

California is the king of Trader Joe's locations with 190 locations. I remember when I moved to California and going into a Trader Joe's for the very first time. It was a rather small location in West Los Angeles, yet still, it had a cool vibe that kept me coming back. One of the departments that I have watched steadily grow, has been Trader Joe's frozen food selections. And of course, during the pandemic, frozen food sales increased across all grocery store outlets.

Many of Trader Joe's frozen food choices make for a quick and easy meal for those of us in a hurry. But some of Trader Joe's frozen foods have the potential to become an even better dish. One in particular, "Trader Giotto's Family style meat lasagna." With a little extra preparation, you'll have a lasagna that will get people looking for seconds.

My tips for preparation for my augmented lasagna:

1. Always bake it in the oven, never microwave the lasagna (other than reheating). It will take a total of 70 to 80 minutes at 375 degrees depending on your oven. But it will be worth the extra time.

2. It's pretty straightforward, peel back two corners of the plastic film cover, place on a pan, and bake initially for 60-70 minutes at 375 degrees.

3. While I'm baking the lasagna, I will sautee onions and garlic in olive oil, sometimes peppers and mushrooms, depending on what I have available. Just enough to cover the top layer of the lasagna.

4. Here you can get creative, you might have leftover sausage or chicken to add. Even a few tomatoes sliced. But don't use too much, a little goes a long way for adding that extra zing to this lasagna.

5. Once the lasagna has completed its first stage of baking, you'll want to remove the plastic film cover and add your extra ingredients to the top of the lasagna. I like to add a little extra cheese as well, such as fresh mozzarella or whatever I have around. This makes for great use of those extra cheese remnants you might have in your fridge. Again not adding too much, just enough for the added flavor. Then bake for another 10-15 minutes. You can top with oregano or another appropriate herb.

6. My other important tip is that once the lasagna has finished baking, it needs to sit or set up much like a cake so that it holds its layers. So let it sit for at least 30-45 minutes. There is nothing worse than a sloppy lasagna. And you can always reheat it again when it's time to serve.

7. Quick side note, if you're attempting to keep your sodium levels down, then this is probably something to eat in smaller portions or to avoid altogether. One serving equals 920mg of salt, and with augmentation, it will no doubt push your salt intake.

Trader Giotto's Family style meat lasagna with the additional ingredients makes for four servings. You can stretch it to six servings, depending on how much you add to the toppings. With an initial price of 5.99 for the lasagna, it makes for an economical meal. I like to serve it with a small salad or cooked vegetables.

Just remember, you can always get creative with your preprepared food choices, even the frozen ones. Adding just a little extra goes a long way toward a great meal.



About the Creator

Wm Kucera


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