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5 Benefits Of White Tea

Do you drink white tea?

By James HeavystormPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
5 Benefits Of White Tea
Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

After a long and tiring day, how about a fragrant cup of white tea? Appreciated in the beginning only in Asia, its benefits for health, beauty, and well-being are known today all over the world. Here are five of them.

But let's start with a short story about White Tea. Its wonderful aroma was discovered by chance about five thousand years ago in China. It is said that while traveling across the country, Emperor Shen Nung suddenly felt thirsty and was given to drink water that had just been boiled.

A few white tea leaves carried by the wind fell into the pot of water. The emperor liked the taste of the resulting drink and sent his men to look for the tree from which these leaves had flown. And so came the special white tea!

Returning to the scientific aspect, white tea is derived from the buds and sun-dried leaves of the Camellia Sinensis plant. This type of tea is the least processed of all the other varieties.

Because it contains all the essential nutrients, white tea is considered superior to all teas. The silvery-white buds of the plant give the drink light and sweet aroma, and the amount of caffeine in white tea is much smaller compared to that present in black or green tea.

White tea serves us with a wide range of beneficial effects on health. It positively influences the blood circulation system and stops the growth of fat cells, helping us to lose weight.

Methylxanthine is also found in white tea, which has a similar effect to caffeine. However, methylxanthine not only has energizing effects but also brings a note of relaxation. In addition to methylxanthine, white tea is also rich in polyphenols, substances that act against free radicals in the body and thus can play an important role in the long-term prevention of cancer.

And now let's see what are the five main benefits I mentioned above:

1. Helps to lose weight

In a recent German study, it was found that white tea helps to lose weight by burning existing fat cells and preventing the formation of excess fat. White tea, being less processed than other types of tea, contains more ingredients responsible for burning fat.

2. Helps fight acne

According to a study conducted at Kingston University, London, white tea has antiseptic and antioxidant properties, and it is already known that antioxidants protect the skin from cell damage caused by free radicals and keep it healthy.

So, you can consider consuming white tea (two cups a day) to treat acne lesions. Antioxidants in white tea eliminate toxins whose accumulation hurts skin health.

3. Helps in anti-cancer therapy

According to a study published in the journal Cancer Prevention Research, white tea has an important anti-cancer effect. It is more effective than green tea in destroying cancer cells.

4. Provides positive energy and increases the ability to react

As I said, white tea goes through the lowest stage of processing and therefore has the highest concentration of L-theanine (an amino acid that stimulates alertness).

Numerous studies have also shown that L-theanine, combined with a small amount of caffeine such as that present in white tea, can lower anxiety levels. The amino acid also improves memory and reaction time.

5. Protects the health and beauty of teeth

White tea contains fluorides, flavonoids, and tannins, all with beneficial effects on teeth. According to a study conducted in India, fluoride in tea prevents cavities, tannins inhibit the formation of tartar, and flavonoids prevent the growth of bacteria.

It should be noted the low tannin content, hence the lower risk of tooth stains. The white tea extract was added, as an ingredient, in a variety of toothpaste and, according to the findings, the antibacterial effect of the toothpaste was thus improved.


About the Creator

James Heavystorm

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