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Why Mothers Are Exhausted and Overwhelmed

Unmasking the Supermom Struggle

By Kay Johnson-ClennonPublished 7 months ago 4 min read

Introduction: The Supermom Dilemma

Motherhood, as beautiful and rewarding as it is, often comes with a side order of exhaustion and overwhelm. In the whirlwind of parenting, many mothers find themselves struggling to keep up with the demands of their roles. The Supermom archetype, while admirable, can also be a source of stress and fatigue. In this article, we'll shed light on why mothers are exhausted and overwhelmed, and offer friendly, light-hearted, and engaging lifestyle hacks to help them feel less drained.

The Supermom Expectation

The Supermom myth is deeply ingrained in our culture. It's the idea that mothers should effortlessly manage every aspect of their lives, from raising well-behaved children to maintaining a sparkling home, all while excelling in their careers. While these expectations are rooted in love and dedication, they can also be unrealistic and taxing.

The Juggling Act

Motherhood is a juggling act like no other. It's the constant balancing of work, household chores, meal preparation, school activities, and managing the emotional needs of the family. The result is a never-ending to-do list that can leave mothers feeling stretched too thin.

The Juggling Act of a Mother

Lifestyle Hack #1: Prioritize and Delegate

To combat the juggling act, prioritize tasks based on importance and delegate when possible. Involving other family members in chores and responsibilities not only lightens the load but also fosters a sense of shared responsibility.

The Sleep Deprivation Dilemma

New mothers often face sleepless nights as they attend to their infants' needs. But even as children grow, sleep deprivation can persist. Late-night feedings, nightmares, and early risers are common sleep disruptors.

Lifestyle Hack #2: Sleep Synchronization

To tackle sleep deprivation, establish a sleep schedule for both you and your children. Create a consistent bedtime routine to promote better sleep. Naps, for both children and mothers, can be rejuvenating. Don't hesitate to take short naps during the day when possible.

The Work-Life Balance Battle

Balancing a career and motherhood is an intricate dance. The expectation to excel in both roles can lead to exhaustion. For working mothers, the guilt of being away from home can add to the emotional burden.

Lifestyle Hack #3: Embrace Flexible Working Arrangements

Many companies offer flexible work options, such as remote work or flexible hours. If feasible, explore these arrangements to create a more balanced work-life dynamic. Remember, quality time with your children often outweighs quantity.

The Isolation Irony

Despite being surrounded by family, mothers can sometimes feel isolated. The relentless routine and lack of adult interaction can lead to feelings of loneliness.

Lifestyle Hack #4: Connect and Seek Support

Combat isolation by connecting with other mothers. Join local parenting groups, online forums, or playdates. Sharing experiences and seeking support can alleviate feelings of loneliness and create a sense of community.

The Emotional Weight

Motherhood comes with a tidal wave of emotions. Worry, guilt, and self-doubt can be constant companions. The emotional load can contribute significantly to exhaustion.

Lifestyle Hack #5: Self-Compassion and Self-Care

Practice self-compassion by acknowledging that it's normal to feel a range of emotions. Prioritize self-care to replenish your emotional reserves. Whether it's reading a book, practicing yoga, or taking a long bath, find moments of personal rejuvenation.

The Unrealistic Expectations

The portrayal of motherhood in media often glosses over the challenging aspects. The constant comparison to these fictional portrayals can fuel feelings of inadequacy.

Lifestyle Hack #6: Reality Check

Remember that what you see in movies or on social media is a curated version of reality. Real life is messy, and it's okay. Celebrate your own unique journey as a mother, imperfections and all.

The Sacrifice Paradox

Mothers often put their needs on the backburner to prioritize their children. While selflessness is admirable, it can lead to neglecting their own well-being.

Lifestyle Hack #7: Me-Time Moments

Integrate "me-time" into your routine. Whether it's a daily walk, a hobby you enjoy, or simply quiet moments with a cup of tea, these pockets of time for self-nurturing are essential for your overall well-being.

The Unrealistic Time Management

The belief that 24 hours in a day are sufficient to meet all demands can lead to feelings of constant rushing and the belief that there's never enough time.

Lifestyle Hack #8: Time-Blocking and Simplification

Implement time-blocking, a method where you allocate specific blocks of time for various tasks. Simplify your routine and prioritize what truly matters. Declutter your schedule to create room for relaxation.

The Super Mom Dilemma

Conclusion: Unmasking the Supermom

Motherhood is a rewarding journey filled with love, joy, and precious moments. However, it's also a path where exhaustion and overwhelm can lurk. It's crucial to unmask the Supermom myth, recognizing that it's okay to feel tired, to seek help, and to prioritize your own well-being.

The friendly lifestyle hacks shared in this article are designed to help mothers lighten the emotional and physical load they carry. By understanding that you're not alone in the Supermom struggle and that it's perfectly normal to feel overwhelmed at times, you can approach motherhood with self-compassion and a lighter heart.

Ultimately, you're not a Supermom; you're a real mom, navigating the beautiful chaos of parenthood. The key is to find balance, seek support, and cherish the moments that make motherhood an extraordinary journey. In the end, you don't have to be a Supermom; you're simply an incredible, loving mom who's doing the best you can, and that's more than enough.

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About the Creator

Kay Johnson-Clennon

I’m a Wife | Mother | Author | Associate Actuary

Find out more here: https://linktr.ee/kaynijo

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