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The Last Letter

Rachel & Jack

By SadathPublished about a year ago 3 min read

As the sun set over the small town, Rachel sat alone in her room, staring at the blank page in front of her. She had been staring at it for hours, trying to find the right words to express what was in her heart. She knew she only had one chance to get it right.

It had been six months since her boyfriend, Jack, had left for the military. She missed him more than words could express, but she was proud of him for serving his country. However, she had just received a letter from him, telling her that he had been injured in combat and would not be coming home.

Rachel was devastated. She had always known the risks of Jack's job, but she had never truly imagined losing him. She knew she needed to write him one last letter, one that would tell him how much she loved him and how much he meant to her.

Finally, she picked up her pen and began to write:

"My dearest Jack,

I don't know where to start. I miss you more than words can express, and the thought of never seeing you again is too much to bear. But I wanted you to know how much you mean to me, and how much I have cherished every moment we spent together.

I remember the first time I saw you, how your smile lit up the room and how your laugh filled my heart. I knew then that you were someone special, someone who would change my life forever.

And you did. You showed me what it means to truly love someone, to be there for them no matter what. You were my rock, my support, and my best friend. You made me a better person, and I will always be grateful for that.

I know that you are in pain right now, and I wish more than anything that I could be there with you. I wish I could hold your hand and tell you that everything will be okay, that we'll get through this together. But since I can't, I want you to know that I am thinking of you every minute of every day, and that my love for you will never fade.

I know that you are strong, and that you will fight through this. But if there comes a time when you can't, when the pain becomes too much to bear, know that I am here for you. I will be waiting for you, no matter what.

You are the love of my life, Jack, and nothing will ever change that. I will always love you, and I will always be proud of you.

Forever and always, Rachel"

Rachel read over the letter one last time, tears streaming down her face. She knew it wasn't perfect, that no words could truly express what was in her heart. But she hoped that it would give Jack some comfort, some peace, in his final moments.

She sealed the letter and addressed it to Jack's unit, hoping it would find its way to him before it was too late. And then she sat back and waited, her heart heavy with the weight of the unknown.

Days turned into weeks, and Rachel heard nothing. She tried to keep busy, to distract herself from the constant worry and fear that consumed her. But every night, as she lay in bed, she thought of Jack and prayed that he was okay.

And then, one day, a letter arrived in the mail. It was from Jack's unit, and Rachel's heart raced as she tore it open.

Inside, she found a letter from Jack himself. He told her that he had received her letter, and that it had given him the strength to keep fighting. He said that he loved her more than anything in the world, and that he couldn't wait to come home to her.

Rachel cried tears of joy as she

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    SadathWritten by Sadath

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