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A story of a husband's unconditional love for his wife

By KIND KIWIPublished 2 years ago 6 min read
Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash

4 o'clock in the morning. A dark room. Snoring is heard throughout the room. Meet Darren. The snoring is interrupted by strange intrusive noises. That's Eileen, Darren's beloved wife. She's like an alarm clock. Every five minutes, she nags her husband. And each time it gets louder and louder.

Psst. Darren... Darren! Wake up, lazybones!

- What do you want again!

- We're about to get out of bed and you keep snoring!

-Give me five more minutes, honey.

-No five minutes! Come on, get up!

- Z-z-z! Z-z-z-z!

- Oh, you're doing this to me? Just you wait!

Eileen quickly got out of bed and went to the corner of the room where her cat, Murley, was playing on the cat bed. She picked up the cat carefully, brought him quietly over to her lying husband, and put Murley on his neck. The cat began stomping on Darren's neck, moving smoothly to his face. A loud sneezing sounded in the room.

What's wrong?" asked a sleepy Darren.

- Nothing. It was our Murley who was hungry and came to wake you up.

- So get him some food yourself!

- You know I haven't liked cats since I was a kid! You brought him in from the street! Then you're the one who has to feed him.

Darren really liked cats, so he couldn't leave a hungry, skinny kitten out in the cold.

All right! All right! Murley, come with me. I'll give you something good to eat. The cat ran after his master and meowed happily.

Eileen rubbed her palms together with a snide smile! At that moment she felt a trickle on her left foot, flowing rapidly into her slipper.

- Ah!- she shrieked. Your cat peed on me again!

- He loves whom he marks! - Darren shouted mockingly from the kitchen.

- I'm so glad we're going away and we'll be alone for a week without that cat, said the woman softly.

It's 6:00 in the morning. Darren runs out of the house, lugging two huge suitcases. His wife runs out after him and yells,

- Honey, take that suitcase too! What? Why do you need so much stuff?

- I don't want to look like a commoner!

Darren knew it was no use arguing, so he resigned himself and dragged suitcase into the car.

On the way to the airport they saw three car accidents on the highway. This had never happened before in his little town. After that, Darren got a very bad feeling. He started to feel nauseous and had a headache. He told his wife about it.

- So what? Is this the first time you've had a headache?

- You know I've never complained of headaches. Besides, we just saw an unusual phenomenon - three accidents in one day. That's never happened in our neighborhood before. Isn't that a sign of something bad?

-Are you planning to cancel our trip just before we leave? I won't forgive you!" exclaimed Eileen, with a tear running down her cheek.

- You don't care about my health? The trip is more important than me?

-Don't make excuses, Darren!

I feel bad, but just so you don't blame me, we're going to the Dominican Republic tonight, her husband said with a furrowed brow.

It's 8 o'clock in the morning. A married couple sits on the plane. Darren is relieved, but he still has a bad feeling and nausea.

A satisfied Eileen sits beside her husband reading a fashion magazine and picking out a new summer outfit.

The plane takes off safely. As it was taking off, Darren saw through the window one of the very crushed cars they encountered on the way to the airport.

Five minutes later, a joyful child's voice was heard in the passenger cabin of the plane

- Mommy look! What a big bird!

Darren and Eyleen looked out the window and saw a flock of birds on the right wing.

- Oh look, Daren, they're seeing us off!

- I don't think so, answered the man.

As soon as he said that, the plane shuddered.

- Oh, no! There must be something wrong with the plane- Eileen screamed hysterically.

- Don't worry, it's okay, honey." Darren whispered in a calm voice.

- Now, I don't think so, Darren!

The plane shuddered again. This time much stronger and the passengers realized that the plane had begun to fall. The passengers began to get very nervous. Some thought the pilot tried to land the plane on the ground, others thought the plane was in an emergency situation. Panic ensued. Darren remembered reading in the newspaper about a young woman who had survived a plane crash. Her life was saved by her clutching tightly to her seat.

- Eileen! Hold on to the seat!" Darren shouted.

The girl was very frail and physically weak. Knowing this, Darren additionally pressed his wife's legs to the seat with one hand, while with the other hand he held on to his own chair with all his might. Meanwhile, the pilots finally lost control of the plane. Suddenly, the passengers heard a very loud thumping noise. It sounded like the plane had hit something when it landed and began to split apart. Many passengers died during the impact. Darren and his wife were sitting at the rear of the plane in the last row.

Eileen, worried that her husband would not be able to sit still holding one hand on the seat, tried to push his palm away from her hips. But her husband insisted. They knew they didn't have long to live, so they decided to say goodbye.

-Forgive me for everything, my beloved and best husband in the world, I will love you forever.

- I will love you forever too, honey.

At that moment they both lost consciousness.

A few days after the accident, Eileen woke up in a hospital room. When the nurse saw this, she quietly went to the doctor and notified him. Five minutes later, the trauma doctor, Mr. Michael Martins, enters the room. At first Eileen smiled; she didn't fully understand what had happened. She was overwhelmed with joy at the fact that she had survived. Young woman was pretty sure her husband was okay, too. But when Eileen saw Dr. Michael's pale face, she flinched and said :

-Please tell me! is my husband alive?

-In fact, ma'am, only two people miraculously survived the plane crash. The others died.

- Doctor, can you please tell me the second surviving passenger is my husband?

The doctor answered very slowly with a sad face.

While he slowly answered, her whole life with Darren, his devotion, patience, kindness, scrolled before the girl's eyes. And at the end she saw how he pressed her legs against the seat with one hand so that she would not fall out of it. She saw how hard it was for him, but he endured like a warrior. Tears flowed from her eyes, and she thought in her head: "My dear, the most important thing is that you stay alive, I will take care of you all my life, even if you cannot walk, I need you."

After that, she heard the main words of the doctor:

- Yes, Ma'am, the second surviving passenger is your husband. But the likelihood that he will not be able to walk is 99 percent.

Tears came from the woman's eyes, but they were tears of joy. She promised herself that she would never be so selfish towards her husband again. His brave act not only saved her life, but also left her unharmed at the cost of his health, because he helped her hold on to the chair with his hand. A week later she was discharged from the hospital.

Eileen spent another month with her husband, visiting him every day. Fortunately, the doctors' predictions did not come true. Darren could stand and walk, although he was limping. The couple began to treat each other with unprecedented sensitivity, affection and respect. Their relationship has reached a new level.


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