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Admitting my weakness gave me faith in my strength.

the more you feel your weakness, the greater your potential, if used intelligently

By KIND KIWIPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
Admitting my weakness gave me faith in my strength.
Photo by Stijn Swinnen on Unsplash

The more I feel my weakness, the more opportunities fall into my hands.

Weakness and exhaustion have been my companions in life for several years. There are several reasons for this - illness, lack of income, and a mild form of depression associated with it.

But here's the amazing thing. Weakness opens my vision. It makes me look for the easiest, most accurate, most reliable and quickest solutions. A healthy person with a lot of talents most often relies on his own strength. He says to himself "I can do it!". And he does, even if not always successfully.

I often meet very persistent and talented people who are not very good at what they do. Why? It is simple. They don't look for easy ways. Thinking back to my childhood and college years, I remember how difficult it was for me to memorize poems.

I always had a poor memory. But here's the amazing thing. I was the best in geography in school, and I was the best at identifying countries on a map. Because geography was my passion. And that was probably why it was easier for me to memorize stuff in that subject. But on the whole, I had a problem with memorization.

Also, I had very bad eyesight. I often could not see the information that the teacher wrote on the blackboard. I refused to wear glasses (because I was embarrassed, I didn't want to be the first "four-eyes" person in the class). Nevertheless, these restrictions taught me how to get out of difficult situations.

Now I often notice people who are several times more talented than me. And I'm very surprised. How? Why hasn't he or she achieved more than they have. After all, he is so talented! With their talents, I probably would have become a billionaire.

But the point is that people who have it easy rarely try to find loopholes and easy ways. It slows them down. A person who doesn't have a very high IQ, strength of will, strong character sooner or later becomes confronted with the fact : Either I will accept my weakness and start looking for easy solutions, or I will burn out trying to be cool and everything will be over.

As it happens, all the time in my life there are unexpected troubles that I am not prepared for. One after another. They're like waves trying to sink me.

But I'm not drowning, because I don't give up. Speaking of drowning. I don't know how to swim. And I once swam too far. That's when I realized I was drowning. That's not the worst part.

I was embarrassed to ask for help. It was stupid. But it was. So I pulled myself together and started to swim as fast as I could toward the shore. I turned off all doubts and swam as fast as I could.

Everything ended safely, thank God! Now, at the age of 30, instead of the waves of the sea, the waves of life are trying to sink me to the bottom. But like then, I gather my will in my fist and swim in the waves of life without listening to negative thoughts.

I try to assess my capabilities rationally, and I am constantly looking for the easiest and at the same time the most reliable way. And you know what? Trying to find the easy solutions pays off. I'm constantly learning new secrets that successful people may not know.

They think they don't need to. Or rather, they underestimate the missed opportunities. My level of English is about 3 percent of the level of all the readers of this article.

In addition, I am illiterate and completely unfamiliar with the context of English phraseology. But I was looking for simple solutions. I wanted to start writing in English. I think I did pretty well!

I did it with a couple of translation apps, a context translation app and an app for correcting grammatical errors. Yes, my English is far from perfect. But as one lady said, my English is better than some Americans. Recently I've discovered a scheme to get Twitter followers, which is many times more productive than the one marketers advise.

Recently I've discovered a scheme to get Twitter followers, which is much more productive than what marketers advise. I am not an expert in marketing. I'm just looking for the easy way, soberly assessing my capabilities. And I believe that these difficulties and stresses will lead me to the shore, which is called success.

Don't be afraid to admit your weakness. Soberly assess your capabilities. If you find it very difficult, humble yourself and start looking for easier ways. Learn from others, ask for help to speed up the process. Do not rack your brain. Almost every situation can be resolved.

Do not make unnecessary movements. On the contrary, constantly look for ways to increase your productivity, thus saving time and effort. The way should not be too easy, but also shouldn't lead you to burnout. A feeling of exhaustion is a signal that you immediately need to simplify something, abandon something, ask someone for help.

Dig deeper for information. The most precious things often lie at great depths. That way even the weakest person can be ahead of many of the strongest!


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