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I'm 23 years old and caring for my 14 year old sister

How it happened

By Lauren RosePublished 4 years ago 5 min read

My partner and I have recently become the guardian of my younger sister who is 14 years old. She came to live with my partner and I, 4 months ago, bear in mind we only live in a 1 bedroom flat. There was a lot to deal with at the time and so many emotions where high, she was dealing with the feeling of not being wanted by her own family. She at the time who was 13 years old had a lot of angry and hate towards certain people in her life. She felt unwanted and unloved, which breaks my heart to even think that she thought that.

She came to live with us because she had a family break down whilst living elsewhere, it all occurred one night in October of last year. I got a random phone call to her crying down the phone, I dropped everything and was on my way to her before she even said anything. It was so unlike her to phone me at night crying. After that phone call and her staying for a night she just hasn't left, we have no problem with her staying with us. For a 14 year old girl she is so grown up for her age. My partner and I have gone to all of the meeting set up by the social workers, we have attended Child in Need meetings, attended meeting that needed to be done.

Don't get me wrong there have been many times where there have been disagreements and arguments, raising off voices but it is to be expected. I never thought that I, a 23 year old girl would be the guardian of my youngest but I wouldn't change it for the world. I know there are going to be more difficult roads a head and i'm ready to take them on, she deserves to feel wanted and loved and I want to give her that. My partner and I opened up our home to this girl and she has done so much to help us out, so much more than we could have asked for and for that I am grateful.

In the months of her living with us we have had arguments and we've had beautiful moments that I wont forget. I am now closer to her than I never have been. I never used to see her as often as I wanted to but now I get to see her everyday. She is growing into the young lady I want her to be. She is starting to open up about her feelings and her thoughts, I know she finds it hard to speak to people, so do I. I am going to be there for her when she needs me. My partner has been amazing through all of this, not only did he open up his home for her but he has showed her the love and support he shows his own siblings. And for that I am grateful that I have him in my life.

I've seen her improve on the things that she is passionate about, like her art work that she is taking in school. I've seen her face when she achieves something difficult in her art work and that is priceless. I've also seen her take up scootering in her spare time, learning new tricks on the scooter and enjoying herself. I've also seen her become heartbroken over a few things as well, like some of her friends walking out, some of her family members being rude and horrible towards her. I want to be the one that is there for her when she needs someone.

We moved our belongings out of our bedroom and moved our bed into the front room to allow her to have her own room for the first time, to see the look on her face when this happened made my heart warm. Since this has happened she has come out of her shell, she has moved the room around to how she wants it. She keeps the room tidy, she has things where she wants them, god help anyone who moves anything because she will notice. She helps out around the flat, she does things without even being asked to do it in the first place. She makes sure she is back on time. Although her going to bed on time can be a pain in the arse, she is a sweet kid and I just want her to feel the love and support I got from my Mother growing up.

The great thing about this all is that she is finally settled into living with us, which is great because I know she wants to be with us. I've never stopped her from seeing her parents, I never want her to loose connection with them, but sometimes its hard.

The past week I surprised her with going to DisneyLand Paris next year, we have a long wait but she is so excited about it. So am I! She even wants to start up her own little business in painting phone cases because she wants to save up some spending money Disneyland!

I want people to know whatever you are going through, there is always someone there who is willing to help you, just like my partner and I where when she needed someone.

Thank you for taking the time to read this blog!

I hope you enjoyed it.

- Much Love, Lauren -

immediate family

About the Creator

Lauren Rose

27 years old

Ex - Foster Parent

Stories of struggles, Some that I have overcome and some that I am still facing today.

Some of my stories are about the skin issues i am having. I hope to help others better understand Hidradenitis Suppurativa

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