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I’d Love to Give Everyone a Big Ol’ Hug

People Need the Wonderful Feeling of a Heartfelt Hug

By Jason ProvencioPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
The world would be much happier and closer if hugs were given freely. Photo: Pixabay.com

When you’re online and read as often as most do, you come across a lot of really sad people. Whether it’s stress, mental illness, breakups, or even the death of a loved one, sadness abounds. All corners of the internet and everywhere in between are full of people who could just use a hug.

I feel that. As an empath, I can much too easily feel other people’s pain. I care about humanity, friends, family, and internet friends. I even can feel sad for a complete stranger, if their story touches my soul.

I wish there was a way to hug the people I see going through so much. When I read a sad story or even a social media update, it can move me to tears. I feel a lot. I don’t think I’m alone in feeling this way.

Being teary-eyed while typing this blog just validates the things I’m saying. And it’s ok to admit it. I’m not ashamed of feeling empathy and sadness for others. I feel it’s a strength to be able to feel the feelings I do, even if some view that as a weakness. I know that it’s actually a strength.

Hugs between family, friends, significant others, or even strangers can mean so much. Photo: Pixabay.com

I’m a hugger by nature. I’ve always been the person who gives someone I’m close to a hug as often as possible. If I haven’t seen a friend or an extended family member in a while, they are guaranteed to get a hug, not a handshake or a fist bump. Sorry, Boss. Not on my watch.

I realize that not everyone is as comfortable with a hug as I am. My brother-in-law is a prime example. He’s awesome, funny, and would do anything he could for someone to help them. He’s a real man’s man. He always offers his hand to shake when I see him, but tough shit, he still gets a hug.

As stated earlier, I feel a lot of sadness and empathy for others. But I also have a lot of happiness and joy in my life. I truly hold my loved ones close to me, friends as well. They get the majority of my hugs. I value them all.

My daughter says that I give the very best hugs. She’s tiny and I’m a fairly bigger fella. I think she feels safe and loved when Papa Bear has her wrapped up in a big bear hug. My Bride, the same. She’s tiny, too. They can always rely on me for a big, comfy hug.

Kiera getting a Dad-hug. This was right after our workout, hence the flex.

The one sad aspect about meeting all the wonderful writers I’ve met on Medium is the inability to give y’all a good hug once in a while. I have made friends with quite a few of you this year when I started writing here. From the earliest, first friends, to the ones I’ve met through Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs, and the new friends who I just adore, virtual hugs are being sent to all of you.

I feel as though many of us don’t receive good, solid hugs as often as we’d prefer. I realize that many of my friends live alone. Or with people such as roommates who you may not feel comfortable hugging. Perhaps you don’t even have pets to cuddle up to. I get it. Big hugs to you, too.

I once heard about a business locally called “Cuddle Buddies”. Evidently, you can pay someone to cuddle with you for a set period of time. Although I found it odd and had a few questions, I feel as though I understand it better, some years later.

The power of the human touch is incredible. Having someone hug you, hold you, or cuddle up to you when you are sad or lonely is generally so relieving.

Sometimes, hugs can lead to a creepiness of sorts. Take this one, for example.

Obviously, there could be a creepiness factor with it for some. But for others who may not have people in their lives they are close to, a cuddle buddy could fill the void of loneliness. Likewise, having a pet. I love giving my little dog Libby as many hugs as she can handle.

Knowing that we have people who care makes all of the difference in so many lives. I’d be happy to be able to tour the country or world in order to meet awesome people who need a big hug and a friend to lean on. That would be one of my dream jobs, to help others feel loved.

Perhaps one day I’ll take my writing to some incredible level. Be it a huge worldwide blog, a best-selling book, or something in between, it would be awesome to tour places I’ve never been. I’d love to meet fans and offer anyone who needs one a big ol’ Provencio hug. &:^)

Here are a number of pictures featuring the Provencio-family hugs:

extended familyhow tohumanitylgbtqvaluessocial media

About the Creator

Jason Provencio

78x Top Writer on Medium. I love blogging about family, politics, relationships, humor, and writing. Read my blog here! &:^)


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