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How Do You Make Your Children's Lives Smarter?

We have to be a good role model for our children in reading, research, discussion and speaking, because they are watching our actions.

By Judith IsidorePublished 2 years ago 4 min read
How Do You Make Your Children's Lives Smarter?
Photo by Alvin Mahmudov on Unsplash

We have to be a good role model for our children in reading, research, discussion and speaking, because they are watching our actions, and we must have a dialogue with them, give them the opportunity to express their opinions, encourage them to read, and not destroy their genius.

How do you make your children's lives smarter?

  • Read with your child

Do not make your child listen to you only while you are reading, but you should attract his attention and involve him in reading with you because this contributes to the development of his reading skill and reflects positively on him.

A child’s learning to read at an early age contributes to the development of his mental abilities and an increase in his IQ, and his word count is greater than that of his peers. In addition, children’s mastery of reading skill increases their desire to learn more and understand what surrounds them.

  • Don't get upset, don't get bored

Do not get angry and do not get bored of your children's endless questions and do not get angry at the negative results of their experiences so as not to destroy their genius while giving them the opportunity to express so that their creativity is not captive to fear, which means that they must be encouraged and motivated, and given the opportunity to express their ideas and opinions in addition to learning to listen well And accept the other opinion.

  • Open questions

Open-ended questions that are moderately challenging are one of the best learning methods because they contribute to the development of your child’s mental abilities, increase his intelligence and activate the mind, in addition to allowing children the opportunity to express their ideas and opinions freely, which helps them to be creative because the answer comes automatically without shame or fear.

  • Stimulating the child's mind with experiments

Your child’s brain is not a container that you can fill with information and knowledge, but rather the best way to learn a lot. Experience and participate in activities. For example, until your child has mastered the process of addition, you can take him to the market to count money and calculate the cost of purchases. He can also weigh things and write down this in addition to a crossword game to make sure that he memories Words without your child getting bored with traditional teaching methods and so that he can develop his mental abilities.

  • IQ Games

Intelligence games push the child to use his mind instead of combat and traditional games that do more harm than benefit, and among the most famous intelligence games are chess, buzzer, Sudoku, cubes, building houses, crossword puzzles, number games and many other games that develop your child's abilities and train your child to Solve complex problems and issues.

  • Arouse the curiosity of the child

Children, by their nature, love to explore everything that is new since their early childhood, and therefore parents should encourage this cognitive curiosity and provide them with the correct answers so that this passion does not decrease due to frustration caused by repeated rejection of questions or boredom and escape from them, and therefore parents should encourage them and take children to new places that arouse their curiosity Such as museums, art galleries, science picnics, etc. in order to contribute to the development of their intellectual curiosity.

  • Exploit opportunities

Take advantage of the opportunities and times available to teach your child, science has different ways and means, in addition to the importance of acquiring new skills through constructive dialogue that increases the child's awareness and provides the appropriate environment for him to be able to be productive and creative without fear or shame.

  • Instil confidence

One of the important factors that we cannot ignore is instilling confidence in children, encouraging positive thinking, and teaching them self-love and appreciation, because this reflects on their personality and helps them to make decisions and solve many problems, which increases their productivity and enables them to succeed and distinguish.


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Judith Isidore

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