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Foster The Love

My Parents

By Jess Allen GribnitzPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

From the day that I was born, I never imagined that I would have a deep a love for anything in the world. I'm a bit of a downer at times but my parents have been my saving grace time and time again through the periods of my life that I thought I would not be able to make it through. From the perils of my authority issues in high school to exploring the darkness of my mind in the Army, I have never been so sure in my life that I have ever had a deeper love for anyone in my life besides my parents. Even when I fell into bad habits and a river full of blackened excuses in my teenage years, my parents helped pick up the pieces of my soul to construct it back together so that I could become the man I am today and have experienced some of the best experiences I could have ever asked for. I've been in FFA/4H and garnered massive awards, become a multi-instrumentalist, have had a fascination with paleontology and astronomy enough to garner education credits and even become a 35G through their assistance and I personally feel that I would have not been able to accomplish these feats without their assistance. From a young age, I've always had a deep seated fascination with accomplishing anything I could of importance because I didn't want to become stuck in the mud of life with nowhere to go and nothing to do but my monotonous 9-5 and the same delegated meal structure that the world had intended for a large populous of humanity. Even with my dark thoughts and subjection to a suicidal trepidation, my parents looked past my dark theology on the world and its suitors and found a bright light that could thrive. My dad, technically my step dad but he has been my dad since I was 2 years old, inspired a thriving imaginative yearning for me to follow to get out of the dark threshold of my young mind and to dedicate myself to become exactly the person I wanted to be...outside of the box that had been dedicated to many out of complacency and ill fated designations to the valley of death. My mom inspired me to love the ones that stood by me because even though I might feel as if I was destined to be the one in the rain by himself, a self designated loner, that I could count on the people closest to me to assist me to my dreams of grandeur and self love. They reminded me that even though there will be dark times and that some things in life seem to only present a wall of obscurity and hatred, there is always a way to break through the wall and to become victorious of the mission it just took time to "embrace the suck" in order to find another system that could correlate a better future for myself and my younger siblings. Being the eldest of my siblings is sometimes the most difficult feat I have ever had to accomplish because even though I sometimes feel like I'm the worst ever at this(imagining me having children is a nightmare to me), my parents remind me that I have the capability of being the best role model to them and eventually an even better parent because these kind of theologies require trial and error with a pretty large handful of sometimes absolutely screwing it up. Therefore, I could not be the person that I am today without them and their lessons. I was an idiot teenager that thought that I knew everything but now that I've grown older, and hopefully smarter, I've taken note to their charismatic lessons and realized that they carry much more weight in my life than I could ever properly explain. There's no way I could ever explain how truly thankful I am to have them in my life because they saved me. They saved me from my bad habits, they saved me from being the worst version of myself, and most of all...they saved me from ending myself and giving in to the demons that have encompassed the deepest chasms of my soul. I will never accept defeat and I will never quit and I have my parents to assist me to this goal of living my life to the fullest so that I can escape my deepest fears and truly succeed. Thank you for reading my story I hope that you too have someone to save you like I have had in my life.


About the Creator

Jess Allen Gribnitz

I'm a simple individual with simple needs, a place to love & a place to be. I seem complicated and mysterious, but most do not see, that I truly enjoy love and everything that is free. The simple thing that I love to say is I love to be me.

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