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Embracing Quality time.

How to spend more time with your kids.

By emad afsaryPublished 11 months ago 5 min read
Embracing Quality time.
Photo by James X on Unsplash


In our fast-paced modern world, finding time to connect with our loved ones, especially our children, has become increasingly challenging. Juggling work, household responsibilities, and personal commitments often leaves us with limited opportunities to truly engage with our kids. However, it's crucial to prioritize spending quality time with them as it plays a vital role in their emotional well-being and overall development. In this blog, we will explore practical tips and creative ideas to help you carve out more time to connect with your children and create lasting memories together.

Prioritize and Plan:

The first step to spending more time with your kids is to prioritize and make a conscious decision to dedicate quality time to them. Assess your daily schedule, identify time slots that can be utilized, and block out specific periods for family activities. By treating this time as a non-negotiable commitment, you'll be more likely to follow through.

Unplug and Be Present:

In a digitally connected world, it's easy to get distracted by our devices and social media. When spending time with your kids, prioritize being fully present. Set aside your phone, turn off notifications, and engage in meaningful conversations and activities with your children. Show genuine interest in their thoughts, feelings, and experiences.

Create Rituals and Traditions:

Rituals and traditions provide a sense of stability and create lasting memories for your children. Establish regular family rituals such as weekly game nights, cooking together, or going for walks in the park. These routines strengthen family bonds and give your children something to look forward to.

Involve Your Children in Daily Tasks:

Incorporate your children into your daily activities whenever possible. Whether it's cooking, gardening, or doing household chores, involving them not only creates opportunities for bonding but also teaches them valuable life skills. Simple tasks like setting the table or folding laundry can turn into fun and meaningful moments.

Make the Most of Everyday Opportunities:

Even during busy days, there are often small pockets of time that can be utilized to connect with your children. Use car rides to and from school to engage in conversations, ask about their day, and listen attentively. Turn mundane activities like grocery shopping or waiting in line into enjoyable experiences by playing games or telling stories.

Explore Shared Interests:

Find activities that both you and your children enjoy. Whether it's a sport, art, music, or cooking, nurturing shared interests creates opportunities for quality time. Participate in their hobbies, join them in their play, and encourage their creativity. These shared experiences will deepen your connection and strengthen your bond.

Embrace Nature and Outdoor Adventures:

Nature offers a perfect backdrop for quality time with your children. Plan outings to parks, beaches, or nearby nature reserves. Go hiking, have a picnic, or simply spend time exploring the wonders of the natural world together. Outdoor adventures provide opportunities for physical activity, learning, and building unforgettable memories.

By Ioann-Mark Kuznietsov on Unsplash

Bedtime Rituals:

Bedtime can be a special time to wind down and connect with your children on a deeper level. Establish a bedtime routine that includes reading stories, sharing thoughts and dreams, or simply cuddling and talking. This quiet, intimate time allows for heartfelt conversations and helps create a sense of security and comfort.

Family Mealtime:

Make family mealtime a priority. Gather around the table without distractions and engage in conversations. Encourage everyone to share their day, discuss interesting topics, or play conversation-starting games. This daily ritual strengthens family bonds and fosters open communication.

Take Turns Planning Activities:

Involve your children in the planning process by taking turns choosing activities or outings. Let each family member have a chance to decide what they would like to do. This not only empowers your children but also ensures that everyone's interests are considered.

Schedule Regular Family Outings:

Set aside dedicated time for family outings or day trips. Explore local attractions, visit museums, go to the zoo, or embark on mini adventures. These shared experiences create lasting memories and allow for quality bonding time away from the usual routines.

Volunteer Together:

Engage in community service or volunteer activities as a family. Participate in local charity events, cleanups, or fundraisers. By working together for a common cause, you teach your children the values of empathy, compassion, and making a positive impact on society.

By Robert Collins on Unsplash

Establish Tech-Free Zones:

Designate certain areas or times in your home as tech-free zones. Create spaces where everyone can disconnect from screens and focus on meaningful interactions. This could be the dining area, living room, or even specific hours of the day. Encourage alternative activities such as board games, reading, or engaging in creative projects.

Bedtime Storytelling:

In addition to reading stories, encourage your children to create their own stories. Engage in imaginative storytelling sessions where everyone contributes to the narrative. This not only fuels their creativity but also strengthens the bond between family members.

Plan Family Vacations:

Set aside dedicated time for family vacations. Whether it's a weekend getaway or an extended trip, the shared experiences and adventures during vacations create lifelong memories. Involve your children in the planning process and let them contribute ideas for destinations and activities.

Attend School and Extracurricular Events:

Make an effort to attend your children's school events, sports competitions, and performances. Show support for their interests and achievements. Your presence at these events demonstrates your involvement and reinforces the message that you value their activities.

Flexibility and Spontaneity:

While it's important to plan and prioritize, leave room for flexibility and spontaneity. Embrace impromptu opportunities to spend time with your children. It could be a spontaneous family dance party in the living room, a surprise visit to their favorite ice cream parlor, or an evening stargazing in the backyard.


Spending quality time with your children is an investment that pays rich dividends in their emotional well-being and your relationship with them. By prioritizing and planning, being present, and embracing everyday opportunities, you can create a nurturing environment that fosters strong bonds and happy memories. Remember, it's the little moments that matter the most, and the time you spend with your children today will shape their future and create a lifetime of cherished moments together.

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About the Creator

emad afsary

Hi, this is emad and i'm very passionate about writing stories. Hope i will give my best to the audience.

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