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Do you want your ex back? Avoid these common mistakes!

When someone dumps you, it hurts. After a week, you will make mistakes you can only avoid if you read this now.

By Magdalena LiberdaPublished about a year ago Updated about a year ago 3 min read
Photo By Fizkes / IStock

It's normal to feel hurt and confused after a breakup. Even if you want your ex-lover back more than anything else, you should proceed cautiously. It's possible to push your ex further by making some of the most common mistakes people make when trying to get their ex back. In this article, I will discuss some of the most common mistakes and how to avoid them.

Extreme need for help

Being overly needy and desperate is a common mistake when returning with an ex. It's natural to want to reach out to your ex and tell him how you feel, but that doesn't give you a license to harass him with calls and texts constantly. It doesn't appeal to anyone if you're so clingy and desperate.

Do yourself a favor and give your ex some time to process everything. Don't try to change his mind if he has decided to end the relationship; instead, respect his will. Above all, work on being a better person because it will make you a more attractive future spouse.

You try to get your ex back by begging.

One such mistake many people make is asking or begging their ex to get back together. Such behavior reflects poorly on the individual and is therefore unattractive. It suggests that you are not independent and have little self-awareness. Keeping your pride and self-respect intact will make your ex treat you with more respect. He will also miss you faster because you will get closer to the image of the person he was acquiring at the beginning of the relationship.

Please communicate with your ex maturely and kindly instead of begging. Openly share your thoughts and desires, but avoid putting undue pressure on your ex to make a choice. Let him figure out what he wants and decide for himself.

Watch this free video session to understand what went wrong.

Using manipulative techniques or mind games

It would be best never to try to get your ex back by resorting to manipulation or mind tricks. This kind of dishonesty poisons the space of your potential future together.

Instead, rebuild trust by being open and honest with your ex-partner and yourself. Please don't try to exert any control or manipulation on him. He made a choice; let him make his own decisions. No matter what. Any interference will turn against you.

Putting your ex's needs before your own

It's easy to lose sight of your needs and happiness in getting your ex back. But when that happens, you also become less attractive to him. It's not worth it.

Turn your attention inward and work on improving yourself. Get involved in a new activity, spend time with loved ones, or focus on your profession. Do this even if you feel like crying just thinking about getting off the couch. Over time, you will become more attractive to your ex and those around you, improving your well-being.

You are repeating destructive patterns over and over again.

A common mistake is repeating negative habits and bad routines, especially those activities that contributed to the breakup. It's doubtful you'll go back to your ex if you can't deal with the issues that arose while you were together. It would be best to start behaving differently than you have been doing so far, and you will see - yours will also begin to behave differently towards you, unlike right now. And that's what it's all about, right?

It would be best to give yourself time to think about what went wrong and figure out how to fix it. Possible solutions will come over time. You will learn how to improve communication, set boundaries without hurting the other person, and deal with the underlying emotional issues that led to the breakup.

Accept what has already happened, but start working on yourself.

The point is to avoid making the same mistakes again.

Getting an ex back is not difficult, but you will need time, introspection, and determination to recover fully. To be able to re-engage in a new relationship. Yes! Exactly. Even your reunion will be a new relationship. You can increase your chances of doing this by avoiding unresolved emotional issues and devoting your energy to making positive changes. Take care of yourself first, even if you don't feel like it right now.

Understand what men secretly want!

And when you meet again, you will have the opportunity to rewrite your shared history. Whether it happens in a year, a few months, or a few years, you will do it without the old mistakes and mutual prejudices. If you think you're ready for a new chapter today, I recommend this psychological guide. The relationship rewriting method will help you effectively deal with your limitations and determine what your relationship should look like for you both to be happy. You can't do it alone.


About the Creator

Magdalena Liberda

I am Magdalena, a single mother of two children who unexpectedly had to deal with abandonment and single parenthood during the pandemic. As a self-confident, successful woman I'm trying also to stay happy. This writing is helpful.

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