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By Oluwaseun OladapoPublished 11 months ago 4 min read
Photo by Robert Collins on Unsplash

Everyone has a unique story about growing up, the experiences that backs each person's story is what makes it beautiful.

The Importance of Quality Childhood Upbringing cannot be overemphasized.Moving beyond outdated parenting tactics , as i think a child upbringing is a major determinant of how ones journey in life ends up playing out, i for a person had a rough upbringing , and it affected me a whole lot in life.

My parents are two different individuals with absolutely different personalities, one was hot headed,while the other was as cold as ice.i bet you could tell who falls in which position,my dad is the latter.Childhood was such a nightmare for me, because i grew up forcefully to believe a lot of things that turned out to be lies, and was trained like a prisoner,soliciting for freedom,rather than living.

My Dad was an alpha-male, and played out that role perfectly even to my mom,his wife, we were all scared of him, i remember i used to say to my friends back in school, that after God ,i feared my dad the most, he never let us had friends, or have a proper childhood like every other cool kid in the neighborhood,he would chase off anyone he sees around us, gave a whole lots of restrictions that made me question why i was born in the first place,This is no criticism or hate towards him, in fact, i love my father, but i cant just get over the kind of childhood i experienced,that was my drive in writing this story.

The role of parents in shaping a child's life cannot be overstated. Providing a nurturing and supportive environment during childhood is crucial for a child's overall development and sets the foundation for their future success and well-being. However, in order to ensure the best outcomes for children, it is necessary for parents to move beyond outdated parenting tactics from the past and adopt more effective approaches that align with the needs and challenges of the present time.For me, my upbringing was like we lived in a military regime zone,which was quite bad for my mental health.

Here are some tips on how i think parents can do better as to upbringing of every child:

Evolving with the Times:

The world has changed significantly since the 90s, and the upbringing of children should evolve accordingly. Modern children are growing up in a digital age, with constant exposure to technology and a rapidly changing society. To prepare them for the future, parents need to keep up with these changes and adapt their parenting methods accordingly.

Nurturing Emotional Intelligence:

Childhood experiences greatly influence emotional intelligence, which is vital for managing relationships, making responsible decisions, and coping with challenges. Parents should prioritize creating a safe and empathetic environment that encourages open communication, active listening, and emotional support. This helps children develop self-awareness, empathy, and resilience, allowing them to navigate through life's ups and downs more effectively.

Encouraging Independence and Critical Thinking:

Rather than using strict disciplinary methods, parents should focus on fostering independence and critical thinking skills. Encouraging children to make their own decisions, take risks, and learn from their mistakes helps them develop problem-solving abilities, creativity, and a sense of personal responsibility. These skills are essential for success in adulthood, where individuals must navigate complex situations and make sound judgments.

Balancing Structure and Freedom:

While structure provides a sense of security, children also need opportunities for exploration and self-expression. Parents should strike a balance between providing guidance and allowing freedom. By setting clear boundaries and expectations, parents can create a structured environment that promotes discipline and responsibility. At the same time, they should encourage children to explore their interests, pursue hobbies, and express their unique personalities.

Instilling Values and Ethics:

A strong moral foundation is crucial for shaping a child's character and behavior. Parents should actively engage in discussions about values and ethics, encouraging children to develop a sense of empathy, respect, integrity, and fairness. Modeling these values in their own actions and decision-making is equally important. By doing so, parents lay the groundwork for their children to become compassionate, ethical individuals who contribute positively to society.

Promoting Well-rounded Development:

Childhood is a critical period for holistic development, encompassing intellectual, physical, social, and emotional aspects. Parents should provide opportunities for well-rounded growth by supporting their children's academic pursuits, encouraging physical activity, facilitating social interactions, and fostering creative expression. This multifaceted approach ensures that children develop a broad range of skills and interests, enabling them to thrive in various areas of life.

In conclusion, Investing in a child's upbringing and providing a positive childhood experience has long-term benefits that extend well into adulthood. By updating their parenting methods, parents can equip their children with the skills, values, and emotional intelligence needed to navigate the complexities of life. Embracing modern approaches, nurturing independence, fostering emotional well-being, and instilling a strong moral compass will empower children to become resilient, adaptable, and successful individuals in the ever-changing world they will inherit,As the wise adage goes, "The best inheritance a parent can give to their child is a nurturing and loving childhood."


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