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Prologue for my novel ALIVE that I plan to publish in 2024!

By LynnePublished 10 months ago 1 min read

It’s all a lie.

Everything you know, or think you know, I need you to throw it out of the window. You have been lied to, very deeply.

Take a moment to picture death itself. Think about everything that you have been told about it- the good and the bad. By now, you should have at least heard something about death, Heaven and Hell, God and the Devil. You also should have heard something about Angels and Demons by now.

Now, take every bit of that information you remember and throw it as far away from you as you possibly can. Death isn’t like the movies, the books, or the shows you watch on the television when you are alive. Heaven and Hell are not what is preached to you on Sunday mornings while you’re sitting in a pew.

There is no Heaven. Likewise, there is no Hell. Angels and Demons do not exist. And to be completely transparent, God and the Devil are simply just a figment of imagination used to control the population. If they were to exist, I would have met at least one of them by now.

When you die, that’s all there is- death. However, there is an Afterlife where you can reconnect with family and friends who have passed just like you have. You can even make new friends if you really want to. Once you die, you continue your life just as you would have on Earth, just without capitalism.

You do not die again. You do not meet God. You do not go to Heaven or Hell. You go to the Afterlife where you “live,” quite literally, forever.

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