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What Handwriting Analysis Can Tell Us About a Person's Personality

Explore the secrets of your handwriting

By Manik RoyPublished 2 years ago 5 min read
What Handwriting Analysis Can Tell Us About a Person's Personality
Photo by eleni koureas on Unsplash

Writing by hand can reveal more about our personalities than we think, as graphology has become an accepted science that can help us in job interviews, romantic relationships, and more. How does it work? Here’s everything you need to know about the elements of handwriting analysis to determine what your handwriting says about you.

Handwriting analysis is a tool for understanding someone better. It can help understand their character and personality, whether or not they are telling the truth, or if they're prone to crime. The experts who use this technique are often forensic document examiners or character analysts. Crime writers have used handwriting analysis as a device in their books for years, but it is still considered pseudoscience by most of the scientific community. In any case, it doesn't hurt to look into your friend's handwriting. You may find something you didn't know about them that will change your life forever!

Forensics is the study of documents and handwriting to identify the person who wrote them. Document examiners can look at handwriting and see such things as the writer’s gender, age, mood, personality, intelligence level and more. Character analysis is an examination of personality based on handwriting. This type of analysis focuses on the character traits that can be seen in each letter or word. For example, if you notice one letter has loops on the outside but not in the middle this may indicate someone who has feelings of inferiority. The height and slant of letters also indicate how confident they feel about themselves. As well as looking at their traits, document examiners are also able to use handwriting analysis to tell what type of occupation they do. They are even able to figure out where they live based on postmark location. These types of analyses have been used for many years in legal proceedings and court cases when trying to determine guilt. Some document experts work in criminal investigations. They collect evidence from crime scenes and then analyze it to find suspects which leads to solving the case. Other document experts focus on civil litigation like analyzing medical records, bank statements and other paperwork related to lawsuits. Some people might think of handwriting analysis as being pseudoscience because there is no definitive way of telling with absolute certainty if someone committed a crime or not using these methods alone.

Some of the most noticeable differences between handwriting styles are how males and females hold themselves when they write. Males tend to slant their writing down to the left, while females tend to slant their writing down to the right. This is because females have more natural curves on their bodies, which makes it easier for them to write from left to right.

Additionally, males typically space out words in a sentence farther than females do. They also typically use less punctuation and capitalization than women do. Women, who were once considered to be mainly stenographers (reporters), take care not only with language but also with appearance. These tendencies can be detected in handwritten documents. A document examing the character analysis will reveal these details about an individual’s personality and habits. For example, if a male writes in all caps this could suggest that he was taught cursive at an early age by his mother.

If there is inconsistent spacing or even spacing throughout the document this could indicate that he tends to want to start over or go back and fix mistakes frequently. Men usually press harder with their pen when they write than women do so sometimes you can see indentations from the heavy pressure. Lastly, since men like to think about the big picture rather than breaking things down into smaller pieces, you might notice shorter sentences in one spot and longer sentences in another. Females generally have a better eye for detail and focus on their thoughts, emotions, and memories as they write. It is also important to keep in mind that everyone's style changes as time passes depending on what mood they are in. You should always look at the whole body of work instead of just one page or paragraph.

For those who don't know, there are many different styles of handwriting out there. These styles include Connected, Disconnected, Calligraphy, Slant, Vertical and Italic. Each one has its own set of characteristics that can give insight into a person's personality. For example, the connected style can tell us if the writer is detail-oriented or if they have an artistic side. The slant of handwriting can say something about someone's mood or demeanour. A more vertical hand indicates somebody who is extroverted while a more slanted hand shows introversion. If you're still unsure which category your handwriting falls under, take this test to find out! Answer yes or no to these questions, then compare your responses with the table below to determine which type of writing style you use. Keep in mind that some writers switch back and forth between two types of scripts - it doesn't mean they are completely one way or another. And remember, your lettering may change depending on how tired you are! After taking this test and analyzing my answers, I found that I am primarily a connected script writer.

I can't believe that I'm the type of person who is extroverted and doesn't like to be alone. I always thought that I was an introvert, but now I see myself as someone who wants to have friends and socialize with people. The more time I spend on my own, the more anxious I feel. It seems like there are two sides to me—one side where I want to do everything alone and one side where I need company. Maybe it just means that I should take breaks from being by myself.

Handwriting analysis has been used for centuries to deduce personality traits and provide insight into the writer. Although handwriting analysis is not an exact science, there are many ways in which it can help us understand others and ourselves. With the growth of technology and social media, we may not always see a person face-to-face or be able to pick up on their body language or verbal cues. Handwriting analysis offers insights that might otherwise go unnoticed. For example, writers who have low self-esteem will often start sentences with words like I or my. Writers who feel guilty about past events often omit letters from certain words. An individual might write 'can't' instead of 'cannot,' because they want to avoid using the letter 'n.' A writer who comes from a large family might use excessive punctuation, such as ellipses and exclamation points. A teacher might use underlining to emphasize important points while an attorney would prefer bolding. These are all clues that provide insight into what makes people tick.


About the Creator

Manik Roy

Writer | Photographer | Handwriting Expert | AI Artist

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