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When crime happens

Explore the reasons for committed crime

By Manik RoyPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
When crime happens
Photo by Maxim Hopman on Unsplash

Today, crime is prevailing everywhere and at every moment. But one thing is sure, every crime has similar characteristics, but the application is different. The criminals indeed use a different approach to accomplish the job in a hush-hush manner. When you will think that why crime is happening everywhere despite having a lot of opportunities to live a decent lifestyle, then you will find that every person has different requirements, dreams and aspirations as well. Therefore, you will see that every crime has complex planning and execution. Even you will find that excessive wanting is the root cause of all crimes. The reason is that when people are used to dreaming about more money, fame and power, then the people are prone to crime. Crime is indeed happening due to unawareness about the reverse development in our surroundings as well.

Between Two

You should keep in your mind that crime always happens between two personalities. The reason is that every crime has a motive and execution plan to deliver to another person. Therefore, crime never judges the result of the aftermath of the crime accomplishment. Because crime always is blind in respect of its outcome of it. You should keep in your mind that crime is a negative vibe which surrounds the criminal’s mind in such a way that the criminal just executes the plan accordingly.


It is the primordial instinct of humans. Practically greed is genetic and the ruthlessness gene (AVPR1a) is only responsible for breeding greed in the criminal mind. Moreover, you will find that every criminal has the presence of AVPR1a in his or her gene. It is true that if the presence of AVPR1a is a person’s gene in greater proportion, then a criminal mind is born as well. Even you will find that this kind of person also breeds a pool of criminals due to his or her presence in their surroundings. One interesting point to keep in your mind is that greed is good to a certain level. If this level exceeds its limit, then it will be called Wealth Accumulation Disorder. As per the analysis of a criminal mind, we found that this kind of disorder very much exists in the criminal mind as well. Another important hormone called dopamine is also responsible for breeding greed in the criminal. The reason is that we also called Dopamine, a happiness hormone, which means it increases the level of happiness in the mind of the people. But sometimes it works awkwardly towards the criminal, which steers the mischievous act of shoplifting, pick-pocketing, snatching and other vicious acts as well.


Every person indeed has self-respect and if someone hurt it without any cause, then it will auto-generate a negative vibe against the person who throws the insulting remarks as well. Insults, indeed, are one of the main reasons for committing a crime in our society. The reason is that insults always penetrate the deeper core of the human mind and body. Therefore, it damages the serene soul with tremendous impact. For the criminal mind, an insult instantly ignites a spark in it and make tremendous damage to society as well. We should keep in our mind that a criminal is never born by birth but is made by our society’s negative treatment of a particular person. Always keep in your mind that never insult anybody whatever the reason is, practically you instigate for development of a criminal mind and you will be responsible for it.


It is born out of fear and isolation. The reason is that every person fears isolation in society. If a person is isolated from his or her family, society, or surroundings, then this disturbed mind will transform into a criminal mind. Every criminal indeed has a long isolation period in his or her life, if you judge them well. Practically, our life is highly insecure and filled with unpredictable events. Therefore, we always need sometimes need a kind of attachment to our family and society. So that if a person stays very long in an isolated period, then his or her mind will steer towards negativity. Therefore, the more we care about it, the more we will build a society of happiness as well.


For every crime, there is always a motive. But sometimes it does not happen in the way should due to the criminal’s planning. In our body, a neurotransmitter called Dopamine controls our motivation, which ultimately develops our motives as well. Frankly speaking, the motive is a driving force to do a particular action. In this case, a criminal always develops a motive to execute his or her criminal act. In a crime, the motive always arises from the sudden jerk of a mixture of fear, isolation, insults, ego and revenge. When you analyse the sequence of a crime, then you will find that the crime’s motive never comes out from a single isolated angle, rather, it comes from a pool of different angles as well.


It arises from anger. Therefore, our body helps us through a neurotransmitter called Norepinephrine which inspires anger in our mind. We observed that revenge develops in the criminal when he or she is attacked, mistreated, or socially rejected as well. Revenge is a stressful emotion which always needs to nourish through long-term rejuvenation planning, which will prevent a serene soul from being converted into a criminal mind.

Finally, we should keep our vigil and our responsibility over our society relentlessly so that not a single serene soul could not be converted into a criminal mind.

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About the Creator

Manik Roy

Writer | Photographer | Handwriting Expert | AI Artist

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