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These are the last nails that close the coffins of murderers.

Do you know how to deal with a double-edged sword?

By Raphael MeyrelesPublished about a year ago 17 min read




Before talking to you about these two places, it is impossible for me not to mention a

detail to you, ─ I don't know, maybe I like to round up; but not in the obvious. ─ I want

to talk to you about blood, as you will see that it will be interesting.

Even if the police find blood from the victim, this is not conclusive to say that a murder

occurred. Several factors are taken into account by forensics to understand what blood at

the crime scene tells them, because blood tells a story to forensics, and that story depends

on several factors ─ Of course, an intelligent murderer can alter, if the environment

where the murder took place lends itself to the occasion by giving the murderer the


In fact, little blood is found in most of the murders that take place in one of these two

places, perfect for a murder due to the degree of complicity and circumstantiality that it

offers the murderer.

The first place I want to talk to you about comes to do on the high seas, on boats or

yachts and as a disastrous consequence for the investigation, Let us emphasize that

finding a corpse stabbed and submerged in the sea, without any floating ice chest

intervening, will be like finding a needle. in five haystacks and to top it off immensely


Because the sea is so immense, it gives it the space of solitude and discretion that every

murderer needs, this solitude, this space raises the circumstantial level of the facts to the

maximum power, reducing the chances that the yacht or boat will be call crime scene;

and more if the victim was killed by a low-violent murder. In which their body does not

necessarily suffer wounds that make them bleed, for example, strangulation.

Already in this strangulation away from land, and in a luxurious yacht, the murderer does

not have to worry so much about blood; If his victim was weaker and could not scratch

his face or arm, nor did he pull out hair in the struggle, the only thing this murderer has to

worry about is burning the carpet where the strangulation was carried out, because with

the The victim's kicking, behind the back of the strangler, left very good marks from his

shoes, especially if the victim was a woman, since he ripped several fibers from the

carpet with the high heels that he wore when he kicked.

Thinking deliberately, here to what I go and wanting the murderer to know that

premeditation is the key to avoid his death penalty, I have deliberate this caveat: almost

nobody wears heels on the high seas if the yacht is personal.

If they attack me for making a mistake in this exception, forgive me, but before

murdering it is vitally important to premeditate vaguely, even if like me, you don't have a


The other place that I want to highlight that makes research difficult is the cliff,

mountains, peaks and a long etc.

Everything that ends up wedged to a precipice and height, adding to this a surprising and

disguised push. One of the only two witnesses of this Dantesque scene will subtract from

this equation.

It would be difficult for detectives to prove this disguised, but enough push, I assure you

that no matter how many mannequins that throw over the cliff according to the weight

and height of the person who was pushed, all that would converge in a circumstantial

detriment to the police investigation.

If the victim pushed off the cliff were depressed and dependent on some drug or drugs, he

becomes the perfect victim if his murderer previously takes this detail into account. That

observation of this murderer regarding the drugs of his victims, deserves him to enter the

line of premeditated and organized murderer, which are the most difficult to catch.

These sneaky and surprising nudges occur on peaks, mountains and cliffs, most of the

time they come between spouses or close friends, and the corpse of the person who fell

down there; It is now a vital element for the staging that the one who pushed it must

mount, it is here that the corpse of the victim is used by the murderer, to feign despair and

innocence in front of rescuers, who inadvertently become puppets who participate in the

staging that the murderer has staged, these rescuers for a cynical call to the police.

Although always and in front of this book I will advise to hide the corpse; If there is a

malicious push in the middle and at a great height, then this advice is not advisable to

apply, because the height of a mountain gives the murderer a perfect, rigid aura of

circumstantial protection, which inevitably leads to the police investigation, to a very

hard to call it a crime scene.

And it is that with the same force and speed with which a victim falls from above; in the

same way the police investigation falls into a circumstantial abyss that bends profitably to

the only obvious witness who is standing. Down the mountain to call 911.

This call to 911, always provides, although premeditated, a belated aid to the inert body

of the poor naive, who does not know that he will win his last and unsuspected career.

For the mountain will plummet; pushed by his companion.

The killer turns this call into a mocking wink for the investigation, reducing the police to

mere witnesses, still finding a suspect slip of the victim at the top.

By simply dialing these three digits 911, the mountain killer causes a powerful dubious

psychological effect on those murderers disguised with a gown and gavel who want to

condemn him to death.

But be careful killer; You must be clear that lightning does not strike twice in the same

place, you do not want to tell the police that your new spouse, like the previous one, fell

down the cliff, and that they won the race in the mountain again, happening to you again

call 911, because the doubting effect of this call being repetitive, will diminish the effect,

becoming inconvenient for you, if you are prosecuted for losing the naive mountain and

cliff race.

Certain murderers, having their way in the first murder, come back and repeat the same

tricks and not necessarily in mountains. I give you the example of murderous spouses

who have been convicted of killing their new lovers in circumstances similar to those in

which their other former spouses died.

Murderers have been convicted because they have ignored that these places, just as they

provide that high degree of circumstance that converges in the impunity of the perfect

crime, they only do well the first time. If the murderer repeats another murder in one of

these two places, then he is revealing his modus operandi; creating his killer profile,

which comes in handy for detectives.

Murderers who marry rich men for their money are discovered and imprisoned for

underwriting insurance policies in the name of their next millionaire husband. Well, I

respond to these: that lightning does not strike twice in the same place.

And since I am talking about spouses, I want to move on to the most typical premeditated

murders that occur in marriages, and without going too far so as not to bore you with this

question of calling 911, I warn you in advance that this call serves the murderer to mount

a good staging, we will see in the next topic below, how this call can also; play to the

detriment of the murderer. Well, it will be interesting and so that they take into account

certain things before dialing these three digits (911).


*** For full content of this essay see here


Murder between spouses move them and come to occur for multiple reasons, it can be

economic, jealousy, hatred, infidelity, fear, among others.

Let's analyze the following example, and see how the focus of the investigation changes

according to the sex of the murderers.

If the husband kills his wife and hides the body, the police will automatically have him as

the main suspect, although his behavior reveals this is circumstantial, and is not a reason

to arrest him.

But at least; Following the movements of a husband who exhibits suspicious behavior

gives the police the feeling that the investigation is on the right track.

Speaking of tact, we grope the husband who is not involved in the search for his wife,

while the neighbors search the nearby fields to no avail. This fruitless search seems to

have not splashed on this husband, because he was not present in the search. It is as if he

knew and assumed that his wife's body would not be around.

This is one of the many observations that detectives make when a spouse disappears.

Another typical case for the police is when the husbands kill their wife and pretend that

the crime has been a botched robbery, in which the woman surprised the thief, and she

ended up dead in the attack that occurred because of the attempted robbery.

And to make this more credible they almost always stage the following scene:

They rummage through the whole house and open all the drawers taking some jewels, I

only ask the suffering God of the murderers, not to throw these jewels in a stream, lake or

river near the house, because this is the typical action that the police bet what will he do.

─ Let's keep going because I'm getting off topic ─.

─ Well, I used to say that when husbands kill their wife and pretend that the crime was a

botched robbery, they rummage through the entire house and open all the drawers.

So they call 911; But take into account that the operator that receives the call is trained to

ask the questions of the place, questions that will vary according to the situation

described by the issuer.

This husband is so focused on doing a good performance that he toils for several minutes

talking to the operator, but what is further away from the murderer spouse is that he

should hang up the phone as quickly as possible, he cannot ignore the fact that the The

call is being recorded, and any inconsistencies in what you say can be used against you


Many spouses during this call to 911, talking on the phone and at the same time, they are

mounting their staging, and will have to explain later, because if they were so desperate

trying to rekindle their spouse, these sounds are not consistent with what What is he

telling the operator, in the call you can hear the house stirring and cushions thrown


Seriously, I tell you, it is better to premeditate beforehand, the possible risks of this call,

because if the crime scene is not in accordance with the background sound that the 911

operator recorded, this call will then be examined by a sound expert.

Thinking about this, let's figure out a worried husband who goes in search of the first aid

kit, and is so desperate to save his wife, that after taking the kit in the middle of his

supposed despair, he starts wasting his time closing the door Locking the place where he

has taken the medicine cabinet is a counterproductive act that wastes his time, while his

wife is supposedly dying. These are details that will be checked against the background

sound of the 911 call. Sound that was recorded and heard by the operator, as he instructed

this husband to perform some CPR revival on his wife.

I insist that in these cases of conjugal murders, there are many details and factors that

influence, but so repetitive that the police find them typical.

Hopefully, the neighbor on the front or next door does not tell the police that she heard

shots at a different time or with a different time interval than the murderous spouse

affirms that they occurred.

I assure you that the police will know what time the shots were fired; Poor the murderous

spouse who didn't strike out before that time at work, only a security camera would save


In a real robbery, the thief likes to sneak into the house through the window removing the

mosquito net, while in feigned robberies by murderous spouses, the alleged thief enters

through the door, which is why the police almost always emphasize whether it was or not

forced the door.

If a door was forced by the murderer, thief or rapist, this tells the police that the victim

possibly did not know his murderer, more if the door does not present forced alteration by

the attacker, then the police would deduce one of the following hypothesis, but I warn

you that I fall short:

1-The crime was committed by someone from the house.

2-The victim knew her murderer and did not feel threatened by what she let him in.

3-The murderer manages some kind of trick to gain the trust of the victim and this let him

in. (In most cases they ask to be allowed to use the phone because their car broke down).

4-Someone from the house hired the murderer, and gave him the keys so that while he

committed the crime, and thus create an alibi.

5-And this last consideration is more difficult than the previous ones; but there have been

cases, and it is that the murderer has authority or develops some trade in the locality.

If so…

A security, firefighter, or some laid off maintenance employee may keep copies of the

keys to the dwellings.

Or a policeman misusing his trade, use his uniform as a disguise to convince the victim

and camouflage his macabre intentions and let him in.

Remember well that there must be murderers in all places, that is how it has been and has

been arranged since the genesis, since then, there are murderers who are doctors, other

boxers and policemen who not only shoot you, but also kill you by planting evidence, and

With such evidence, murderous judges have electrocuted innocent children.

There are murderers everywhere, there are them in all atmospheres, some are priests, and

others are writers, the latter have done little through their books, to teach you to plant

your own tests so that you do not get a lethal injection. I here on these sheets do my best

Because this manipulating the incriminating evidence is very important to know, because

today life depends on handling this issue. So

─ They are no longer the times of Genesis, in which if you were murderers they would

forgive you and put a mark on your forehead so that no one would harm you, today when

you wander the earth, you will know that if the tests say that you have to kill you, they

electrocute you if more─

Let's look at a typical example of a failed attempt when trying to plant evidence and thus

emphasize the issue.

A husband has just killed his wife, he breaks the glass in the door to pretend that a thief

has forced the door.

Here we have one of the most common mistakes made by spouses or apparent with the


The glass of the door that the alleged thief has broken is part outside the house, they

should not be out there, because out there supposedly the thief was hitting the glass from

the outside in, so the glass must fall part inside the dwelling For when a window or glass

door is broken to enter the house, as the blow has been from the outside, the glass is

driven inwards.

Now these glasses that should not be outside, encourage the police to continue looking if

something else has left this house thrown out.

Yeah right if; The police know that the culprit is camouflaged inside the house,

pretending that he is devastated by the crime of his wife, which he himself has killed,

now every trash can, river or lake near this house will be searched in search of the jewels

of his Dead spouse, or better yet for the police, maybe they will find some bloody gloves

a few blocks from this house.

You will now see how the circumstances of a crime change depending on whether the

murderer is female.

Now let's move on to the woman who kills her husband by poisoning and not precisely

with the antifreeze in the car.

Poisoning is a modus operandi characteristic of women, as they tend to use more subtle

methods than men and these women have possibly spent the last few months searching

the Internet for topics on poisons, this way of researching poison is more convenient for

them. that she has concealed her crime is because if she is a suspect, the police will end

up investigating the chemical product distributors near her house, hoping to find some

clue and when they do not find anything in these sites that incriminates her, the police

will seize her computer to see if she made a poison purchase online.

I doubt that there is a spouse so premeditated that before killing his partner, instead of

looking for poisons or ways to kill her on the Internet, he purposely looks for more

innocent topics such as: gifts for his spouse because his anniversary date is close and, all

this knowing that her butt would be the target of an investigation into her partner's crime.

For her sake, computer technicians should not find any online purchase of a substance

that is malignant to humans, if so, the detectives will be able to intuit that she is possibly

the beneficiary of some life insurance that she would collect in the event that her husband


The detectives will keep an eye on the place where they keep the pills to see if one of

them is altered due to the change of its content by some other powder with evil


And this search is not only physical, this investigation transcends the personal and

intimate of this couple and they enter the matrimonial room to see if there is any paper

that denotes the imminent approach of a divorce between this supposed murderer and her

deceased husband .

The police understand that where there is divorce there are economic interests in terms of

the distribution of goods and then this brings legal disputes over the custody of the

children or as it results on many occasions, everything is the result of a love triangle that

leads to jealousy sick, everything mentioned is a perfect cocktail for one of the spouses to

decide to kill their partner.

And I say kill because if there is a love triangle, there is jealousy, and when jealousy

explodes, there is no time to go with the couple to a cliff to see who goes down the

mountain faster, because just as crime changes according to the gender of the murderer

Thus, the murderer's way of killing changes according to the causes that cause the

murder, whether it be pleasure, jealousy, envy and so on.

There is a very revealing part that occurs when a woman receives the news that her

spouse has died, suspiciously she does not call the hospital or the forensic department to

ask why and how her husband has died, these are something that the relatives always

want to know in these cases.

These signs are the trigger for the investigation that will of course be initiated within a

home and, although the woman is a better actress and pretends to be steric, the police will

soon find out if this woman always cries without tears.

The police have to find out now because this woman has not asked anyone the cause of

death of her husband and, they wonder if the answer is where they keep the drugs, the

police search the pantry in search of the pills that the husband was taking , the police

have to check if the powder was replaced by some other evil powder.

But the police did not find anything, this woman surely decided to vary and compact the

poison in another more sealed and unsuspected place. Maybe in the basement of the

house, inside each of the beers her husband used to drink, with a flat screwdriver; this

black widow violated the starred lids of beer bottles and thus raised them to introduce


Who knows…

After all, we would have to wait for these beer bottles to be found and then to be

analyzed. Meanwhile, I want to mention the conjugal murder in which pistols fired by the

wives that were supposedly accidentally shot are involved.

Faking a murder that involves the shooting element is one of the most uphill crimes for a

murderer, since he has everything to lose, he has to explain the victim's position, position

and place where the weapon was fired, a A credible story and according to what the

blood says, remember that the blood tells a story according to its form, and in which

place it fell, on the other hand there are the laws of physics and ballistics, the murderer

has many enemies against.

Another thing, pretending that the gun was fired is not credible for the following reason:

The examination of the firearm, which analyzes the force that must be exerted on the

trigger to trigger it, easily discards the hypothesis that it can be fired without intention to


And for those who want to put their spouse as a depressive who commits suicide, I tell

you beforehand, that ballistics people cannot be fooled face to face, they are simply not

convinced, since they also take many things into account according to the questions they

ask you.

The least that is taken into account is if the victim grabs the gun with the left hand to

shoot himself, everyone knowing that he was not ambidextrous and that he hunted ducks

with his right hand.

The bullet hole in his head is free of powder around it, suggesting that the barrel of the

gun was not making contact with his temple, but that it was a meter or more that his killer

shot him.

The hand of the suicide that holds the weapon cannot be stained with blood on the palm,

since the same weapon covers the palm of the hand with which he commits suicide to the

point that the blood does not penetrate.

Do not try girls to say that they accidentally shot their husband, while they pulled the gun

from under their husbands pillow.

The crimes with the cover of suicides, add forensic obstacles that it will be almost

impossible for a murderer to succeed in a judicial process




Well if you are one of those emotional, religious and moral people, if you are like that;

So I know that her quickest and most accurate answer would be that these two guys for

the simple fact of carrying this woman in the trunk are fucking screwed.

Well emotional, moral and religious, your answer is good, it is the correct one, without a

doubt, but I ask you for a more open attitude and let's talk in a more scientific and

detective way:

I tell you that these two colossi so far scientifically speaking are going well and are

untouchable, because they intelligently dispose of the corpse; Whether or not they go to

jail will depend on this, and if they do well there will be no crime.

In other words:

Without a body, the investigation of a crime does not begin and therefore there is no crime.


About the Creator

Raphael Meyreles

100% reader and Well... Yes I'm a writer. After all you're a little crazy until you hit a theme.

But I have my visionary prow towards a star.

Success is just crowd thrill

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    Raphael MeyrelesWritten by Raphael Meyreles

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