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The FBI and DOJ's Obstruction of Justice Interfering in Hunter Biden's ongoing investigation

Undermining Justice: The FBI and DOJ's Troubling Interference in the Hunter Biden Investigation

By Pedro NePublished about a year ago 5 min read
DOJ perverting the course of justice interfering in ongoing investigations

The United States boasts one of the most sophisticated justice systems in the world. However, recent events have shown that even our institutions can fall victim to corruption and cover-ups. The FBI and DOJ's handling of the Hunter Biden investigation is a clear example of this perverted system at play, as they intentionally obstructed justice and interfered with ongoing investigations. In this article, we'll delve into how these agencies weaponize laws for their own gain, cover up evidence of wrongdoing, retaliate against whistleblowers, and ultimately harm democracy itself. Read on to learn more about this disturbing trend in American politics.

The FBI and DOJ's obstruction of justice in the Hunter Biden investigation

The Hunter Biden investigation has been a controversial topic since its inception, with new revelations coming to light every day. However, what's even more concerning is the FBI and DOJ's handling of this case. These agencies have intentionally obstructed justice by refusing to release crucial information, tampering with investigations, and intimidating whistleblowers who try to bring attention to these issues.

One common tactic they use is claiming that they can't speak or show documents about ongoing investigations due to national security concerns. This loophole provides them with the perfect excuse for withholding vital information from the public eye.

Furthermore, it's become clear that these agencies are not acting in good faith when investigating potential criminal activity involving powerful people. Instead of conducting thorough and impartial investigations, their actions seem designed merely to protect those in power.

This kind of behavior undermines democracy and fosters an environment where corruption thrives unchecked. It also erodes trust in our institutions and further divides an already polarized nation. The American people deserve better than this blatant obstruction of justice at the hands of those sworn to uphold it.

How they are weaponizing the law

The FBI and DOJ are supposed to be impartial institutions that uphold the law, but recent events have shown that they can also be used as weapons against those who challenge the status quo. By claiming that they cannot speak or show documents about ongoing investigations, they effectively shut down any attempts at transparency and accountability.

This tactic is nothing new – corrupt governments have been using it for years to protect themselves from scrutiny. By classifying criminal documents or labeling them as national security concerns, officials can prevent investigators and journalists from accessing information crucial to uncovering crimes committed by government officials.

Another way in which the law is being weaponized is through cover-ups. Officials will go to great lengths to hide evidence of wrongdoing or even destroy evidence altogether. In some cases, they may tamper with investigations or retaliate against whistleblowers who try to bring attention to these issues.

These actions pervert the course of justice and interfere in ongoing investigations, ultimately undermining democracy and eroding trust in our institutions. It sends a message that those in power are above the law and can act with impunity while ordinary citizens must live under its strictures.

The weaponization of the law does not just harm individuals targeted by these tactics; it harms all of us as a society when we lose faith in our legal system's integrity. We need greater transparency and accountability so we can ensure that justice is served fairly – regardless of one's position or affiliations.

Cover-ups and retaliation

One common tactic used by corrupt governments is to engage in cover-ups. Officials will go to great lengths to hide evidence of wrongdoing or even destroy evidence altogether. In some cases, they may tamper with investigations or retaliate against whistleblowers who try to bring attention to these issues.

These kinds of actions are concerning for several reasons. First, it prevents the public from knowing what really happened and holds those responsible accountable for their actions. This undermines democracy and erodes trust in our institutions.

Secondly, it sends a message that those in power can get away with anything without consequences as long as they have enough resources at their disposal.

Retaliation against whistleblowers is particularly troubling because it discourages others from speaking up about wrongdoing they witness within the government. As a result, corruption continues unchecked and innocent people suffer the consequences of these abuses of power.

The only way we can combat these behaviors is through transparency and accountability. We need more independent oversight organizations that can hold officials accountable when they abuse their power and break the law. Only then can we hope to build a society where justice prevails over political interests.

The harm this does to democracy

The harm caused by the FBI and DOJ's obstruction of justice in the Hunter Biden investigation extends far beyond just this individual case. It strikes at the very heart of our democracy and threatens to erode public trust in our institutions.

When government officials abuse their power, demonstrate corruption, and cover-up their misdeeds, it signals a failure in our democratic system. Democracy relies on accountability and transparency; without them, we cannot ensure that those in positions of power act with integrity and in the best interests of the people they serve.

By obstructing justice and interfering with ongoing investigations, law enforcement agencies like the FBI and DOJ undermine not only individual cases but also public confidence in their ability to uphold justice fairly. This can lead to cynicism among citizens who may begin to believe that those who hold power are above the law.

Furthermore, when retaliation is used against whistleblowers or journalists attempting to expose wrongdoing by government officials or agencies such as these, it creates a chilling effect on free speech. The fear of retribution could silence individuals or groups from speaking up about instances of injustice or corruption - further weakening democracy.

In short, any attempt at covering up crimes committed by high-ranking politicians not only undermines specific investigations but also damages society's faith in its institutions as well as its leaders' ability to preserve democracy itself.


The FBI and DOJ's obstruction of justice in the Hunter Biden investigation is a clear example of how corrupt governments operate to protect their own interests. By weaponizing the law and engaging in cover-ups and retaliation, officials are undermining democracy and eroding trust in our institutions.

It's important that we continue to hold those in power accountable for their actions, even when they try to hide behind legal loopholes or government classifications. Only by shining a light on corruption can we hope to create a more just society where everyone is held accountable for their actions.

We must demand transparency from our leaders and officials, so that investigations can be conducted fairly without fear of interference or intimidation. Only then can we begin to rebuild trust in our institutions and ensure that justice prevails over corruption.

cartelmafiajuryinvestigationinterviewincarcerationguiltyfact or fictioncelebritiescapital punishment

About the Creator

Pedro Ne

Prolific article writer. Captivating content. Expertise in diverse topics. Published in reputable publications. Passionate about words.

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