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The curse of the little black book

mysteries unfold beneath the secrets of the black book

By LaShawn DurrettPublished 3 years ago 9 min read
The curse of the little black book
Photo by Mat Reding on Unsplash

“The curse of the little black book”

2019 was the year my best friend Tommy was cursed; I say that because a string of events that took place behind this suspicious little black book lead him straight to his parent’s killer. I am Danny by the way, the only one that believed Tommy from the beginning, I was there through it all. See, Tommy and I grew up in the Suburbs. We met in the first year of high school, Tommy was the captain of the basketball team and I was the captain of the football team. We left high school at the top of our game when a tragic accident leaving both of his parents dead and several questions unanswered. Tommy's parents had private lives he knew nothing about, his grandmother was all that he had left.

After the funeral, Tommy and grandmother had the repast at his parent's house. There were so many people coming from all over, people he had never seen before in his life. Grandmother knew a few of the strangers, she introduced Tommy and me to this one guy and told us that he was our Godfather. If ever we had any trouble, we should call him first, is what grandmother said. His father nor mother never mentioned this man to him a day in his life is what he told me, now they’re gone, and you want him to put all his trust into a complete strange! Granny is there something we should know, sounds like someone is keeping secrets. She never really tells us the truth about everything just half-truths, hoping we would never figure things out.

The next day Tommy found a secret room in his parents’ closet, looking for an extra blanket for grandmother. It was all types of high tech, eye-spy equipment he said, but in front of the computer was a little black book. What was strange about the little black book was the writing on the front that said in gold “The book of secrets” it was locked with a key; Tommy Said damn where could this key be! At this point, Tommy forgot what he had come up there for, so he grabbed the book and ran out of the room. Tommy’s parents were into some stuff, but Tommy didn’t know what. So as his best friend, we decided we would be private detectives and find out just what it is his parents were into.

The first thing we needed to do was open the damn book! We looked everywhere for the key, even in the secret room! Then one day we were chilling in the family room watching TV, at this point, we had given up and figured we would never find this key. Then, grandmother came into the room and asked Tommy if he knew where his mother’s locket was, she received it from a strange man at his parent’s funeral yesterday, “it might be a clue in his parents’ mysterious death” is what I said in my head.

Tommy asked grandmother, where did she put the envelope yesterday, there were a lot of people here for the repast, do you know what the guy looks like that gave you the envelope, was he at the repast too?!? Granny said, “wait, wait, calm down what do you know about the situation with your parents?!?” He said, grandmother, I know just as much as you do. I just want to know what really happened to my parents, of course, she starts going on and on “now don’t get into any stuff, you’re all I Have left, and God forbid I lose you to some nonsense surrounding the evil your parents were apparently into”.

She said, "soon as she finds this locket, I will destroy it". We knew we had to find this locket before grandmother did. We had to retrace every guest moves from the funeral to the repast, I really wanted to investigate who this mysterious man was that gave granny the necklace. I sent my sister into grill granny, you want to get information without granny knowing you’re trying to get some information you send in a gossiper. Her name is Nancy by the way, not Nancy Drew but you might as well call her that. She’s always investigating everyone else’s situations and tries to solve everyone else’s problems.

My plan worked and Nancy got the information we needed, apparently, this guy is a relative of this alleged Godfather that we have. Now I don’t know about this Godfather but apparently, he’s been watching out for us, putting up money for our futures and all. Well, my parents and this Godfather were supposedly hitmen for some secret organization, on a job that required them to steal a $24 Million dollar diamond that was being tightly secured in the Archives underground in Washington, DC. The Archives is big underground, we needed a team to finish what my parents started.

During their year's hunting, they encountered a lot of people on the same path as them, which is why we need to be ready for anything, my parent’s killer or killers are still out there and if they find out that we are picking up where they left off, we will be up shits creek without a paddle. We must execute a brilliant plan so don’t pussyfoot around, we got work to do. I looked in the sign-in sheets from the funeral, the addresses of all the guests that attended.

Granny told Nancy that our Godfather’s name was Benjamin Walker, we looked up and down the sign-in sheet, and no Ben Walker. But a name on the sheet did look likely to be a good hit, Sky Walker-Norris 1318 Elwood Lane, Queens, NY. I told Tommy we’re headed to Queens, NY. Only an hour anyway we found the house where Sky Walker lived. To my surprise our Godfather was there expecting us, come in and sit down he said. Sky Walker had to create a diversion, your granny started to ask too many questions at your parent’s funeral and somehow a few rivals showed up at the repast. I had to keep granny and y’all safe.

The hunt is on, your parents did the undoable! They found the building where the 24 million dollars diamond was stashed that people have been looking for, for centuries. Months before the tragic death of them both your parents hid the money in another location and wrote directions with riddles and maps for me to find and take care of y’all. I sent Sky Walker over to your grandmother when I realized how many people at the repast could’ve possibly been involved.

Here’s your mother’s locket, keep it safe on your journey to find the money. This is where my journey ends, but if you need anything, I’m a phone call away. Now, we were confused as to why our Godfather didn’t want to join us on this journey, but we didn’t question it, something was telling me this was going to be a dangerous journey, but we had to do this to find his parents killer.

Yes, finally the key! We opened the book; man, his parents were double agents or something. All I know was they traveled the world doing jobs that weren't legal for large amounts of money but the names in this book, like seriously there were a lot of top officials in this book that was giving his parents the orders. We didn’t know whether Tommy’s parents paid whoever they stole the diamond for in the first place, we didn’t know why our so-called Godfather was referring to the diamond as money! We really thought he was suspicious,

but we went on our treasure hunt hoping to catch a killer. We knew we were being watched since the funeral so all we had to do was led the killer to the money. Little did we know the people that were after Tommy’s parents was the same man that sent us on this treasure hunt, well let me explain because I can see the crazy look on your face. Our so-called Godfather was working on this secret mission with Tommy’s parents remember, well apparently those top officials in the little black book decided to pay Tommy’s parents more for the job than our Godfather, they basically didn’t like our “Godfather's” performance and wanted to get rid of him, rid of him!

A few weeks later someone tried to kill him, they f***** up and missed. Tommy’s parents knew that Ben would’ve figured everything out sooner or later and come after them, so they hid the money with instruction that only Tommy would understand. Ben and his men tortured his parents in a most gruesome way and then tried to make it look like a car accident with an explosion. Inside the little black book, his father shared a message with him,

“If you have this book you’re already on the right path, you’re standing on a goldmine. Go back to the beginning when you weren’t supposed to have this book, where you found that book is the safest place to hide something you don’t want outsiders to find. I knew this would happen that’s why I had to make it easy for you to find the room. Don’t trust your Godfather he has people working for him, he’s behind your mother and my death. Keep an eye on your grandmother, I Love You Son, Dad.”

My heart was hurting for Tommy, I had to help him through this tough time. I asked Tommy, "what are we going to do?! We have this so-called Godfather after us, and God knows who else. Tommy your parents stashed the money in a secret room in your house! So why haven’t these idiots figured this out?" Well, this is why; the room is a secret panic room, behind an expensive Picasso painting and a Teflon wall is a huge safe with fingerprint recognition. Apparently, this Godfather was not trustworthy enough to have access, his parents were right!

I had to ask, “Tommy how are we going to get the money without them knowing we already have it?” Look, Danny!!" Tommy said to me all upset, “It’s apparent these dick heads didn’t have a clue who my parents were, they outsmarted him, and we will do the same! But I don’t plan on dying so just let me think!” well, we know we can’t go to the cops; my parents were dirty, we would go to jail too. I’ve got it! This is what we’re going to do, we need Godfather to think we need his help so we can keep an eye on him. Nancy will be working on the panic room, the safe is hiding behind the concrete wall.

We went back to Queens to see Ben; he was surprised to see us so soon. “Hey, what are you guys doing here! The money was closer than I realized huh. Do you have it with you?” NO, I need your help, we need to get to New Orleans in the next few hours Godfather it’s really important, you want to find the money, right? He had no clue we even knew about the money situation he had with Tommy’s parents or that he’s the one that killed them. We took Ben’s Jet down to New Orleans, while flighting Ben started to ask questions and wanted to look at the book for himself, he said I heard about the book but never really seen the book for myself. Of course, I knew he wasn’t privy to that type of information because of what my father told me in that letter.

Tommy showed him the book, but it wasn’t the original copy, one that would send him on a wild goose chase right to the men that wanted to get rid of him in the first place. See we knew Ben was full of greed and would do just about anything for money, he got his hands on that book and when the jet landed, he disappeared. Ben had a car waiting for him, he put a gun in our faces and said it’s just business, you understand. I don’t much like getting guns stuck in my face, I was expecting him to do a cowardly move like that though, he is the one that killed Tommy’s parents.

I thought we were going to die, but he just wanted the book. Little did he know what was waiting for him on the other side of this little black book, was his ending. For our serves we were generously compensated, the secret organization wired us one million for capturing Ben for them. Ben was now roadkill so we didn’t think he would mind if we took his jet, Nancy was awesome and followed the instructions I left her so she and granny should be in Miami waiting on us to start this strange thing we call life over, we inherited five million dollars from Tommy’s parent's sacrifice, and inherited one million for the job. The question is are we done with this secret organization or will we pick up where Tommy’s parents left off. We shall see….


About the Creator

LaShawn Durrett

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    LaShawn DurrettWritten by LaShawn Durrett

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