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The 5 Most Important Moments In Wentworth 8x05, 'Fallout'

Ann continues to make things difficult for her co-workers.

By Kristy AndersonPublished 4 years ago 5 min read

Most of Wentworth's population, on both sides of the bars, are still struggling with Joan 'The Freak' Ferguson's miraculous return from the dead when episode 8x05, 'Fallout' begins.

Unfortunately, the rest of life in Wentworth doesn't stop for The Freak, and almost everyone has their own stack of problems to deal with.

Here are the most important moments in Wentworth 8x05, 'Fallout'.

1. Ann is not above encouraging brutal methods.

For the early part of the episode, Ann Reynolds is on the warpath after her long-awaited important presentation to the Prison board is ruined by an inmate sneaking a photocopy of Boomer's rear-end into Ann's presentation slides. After being threatened by Lou, Boomer reveals that Judy is responsible, resulting in Judy being slotted.

After being taken to the slot, Judy mouths off to Linda 'Smiles' Miles, and Miles then Pepper Sprays Judy, only stopping when a horrified Vera, who had been watching the cameras, arrives to intervene. The event is also witnessed by Allie Novak, still in the slot herself after her attack on Marie in 'Revenant'. Miles attempts to justify her actions by explaining that Ann instructed her to 'break' Judy.

It's worth noting that Miles initially seems troubled by her actions, until her job is threatened.

Ann promises Miles that she won't suffer any penalties for the attack on Judy, and even suggests she may be up for a promotion soon. If we look back to episode 8x01, Ann was already planning on removing Will Jackson as Governor until Vera listed Will's continued employment as a condition for her return to work. Now, it is looking like Ann never intended this promise as a long-term arrangement.

2. Ann's daughter was killed in a terrorist attack

As mentioned above, Vera was horrified by the brutal treatment of Judy that Ann green-lit. Not for the first time this season, Vera's faith in her old friend was shaken.

Ann eventually reveals that her daughter, Charlotte, was killed in a terrorist attack (thus confirming the hint back in episode 2 that Ann had lost a child in the past). As seen in flashback, Ann herself found Charlotte's body in the rubble. This supposedly explains her hatred for Judy.

However, Ann was clearly prejudiced against Judy Bryant even before the Terrorism charge was laid against her at the end of 8x03, 'Enemy Of The State', a charge Judy still insists is false. If the NSO was aware of the circumstances of Charlotte's death, they may have used this knowledge to turn Ann against Judy early on. While she has been played as an antagonist so far, Ann Reynolds may really be just another victim of government manipulations.

3. Lou doesn't want to be Top Dog

Early in the episode, it is shown that Lou has accepted Ann's offer to take Marie and the other former Protection Unit prisoners under her wing after they are all moved into Lou's cell-block. Just as Ann hoped, the prisoners quickly become Lou's new crew.. though in Marie's case, reluctantly so. Ann's machinations also lead to Lou, Reb, and the Protection Prisoners being transferred into the Laundry for work, so that Lou can easily slip information to Ann through Linda.

However, Lou's transfer into the Laundry leads to Allie being transferred out, taking her away from running the steam-press, a duty usually belonging solely to the Top Dog. As no-one else is aware of Lou's deal with Ann, the Laundry transfer, coupled with Lou's attacks on Boomer and Ruby, lead Allie to believe that Lou is gearing up to take the Top Dog mantle for herself.

However, when Marie asks if Lou is planning to take Allie down, Lou says all she wants is to keep Ann onside so Reb keeps receiving his HRT, and to earn money towards Reb's surgery. She doesn't want to be Top Dog, because:

"They usually end up dead."

And since three of Wentworth's four previous Top Dogs have met sticky ends, she sadly has a point.

4. Ruby is kidnapped

The condition of Ruby and Rita's Father, who is suffering from cancer, has deteriorated since he visited Ruby in 'Enemy Of The State'. So, after an assist from Judy, who hacks into the Police database to find the address where Rita is under witness protection, Ruby uses her Day Release to secretly visit her sister. The pair share a touching reunion, before Ruby informs Rita of their Father's illness, and presents her with a burner phone so she can call him and hopefully make peace before he passes.

Unfortunately, after Ruby's departure, Rita receives a call on the burner phone, informing her that Ruby has been kidnapped by the dirty cops Rita is supposed to testify against, threatening to harm her if she goes ahead with her testimony. Ruby also misses her curfew back at Wentworth, so unless Rita can prove what has happened, fast, a warrant will be out for Ruby's arrest.

5. Ann breaks her promise.. The Freak is on her way back to Wentworth

While The Freak is not seen in this episode, reports on her condition are given throughout. While still apparently suffering amnesia, Joan is otherwise well, and will be returned to Prison when she is released from Hospital. Understandably, this puts both the prisoners and staff on edge.

Initially against the plan to boot Allie from Laundry duty in favour of Lou, Will eventually agrees when, in exchange, Ann promises to ensure that Ferguson will be transferred interstate and never return to Wentworth. Unfortunately, Ann back-tracks on her promise by episode's end. Under orders from an unnamed Minister, Ann refuses to sign Joan's transfer papers.

Ann is allowing one of the most dangerous characters in Wentworth history to return.

We can't wait to see how everything plays out in the second half of the season.

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About the Creator

Kristy Anderson

Passionate About all things Entertainment!

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