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Mysterious Man

Black Book

By Brooke GreenePublished 3 years ago 5 min read
Mysterious Man
Photo by Sergiu Nista on Unsplash

“Black book black book black book”

Brianna kept saying this over and over as she paced around the room. Her twin sister Brea kept staring at her as if she was going crazy.


Brea said as she threw a pillow at her sister to pull her out of the trance, she looks liked she was in.

“Huh?” Brianna said.

“What are you doing?” exclaimed Brea.

Brianna sat on the floor and threw her face into her hands,

“I lost a little black book and I need to find it”, Brianna expressed with deep regret.

Brea stared at her with one eyebrow raised and said,

“why is it so important that you find this book?”

Brianna cut her eyes at her sister and said with urgency,

“because I just need to!”

“Ok, ok,” Brea said with an excited tone, “I will help you look for it but on one condition,” Brianna asked,

“What is that Brea?”

“That you tell me why it’s so important to you.”

Brianna stands up and crosses her arms and tilts her head to the side,

“how about I give you $1,000 if you help me find it.”

Brea’s eyes swell,

“Wow! You would rather give me money than tell me why this book is so important to you?”

Brianna nods her head,


“Ok, fine,” says Bria, “I will help you, but you better make sure I get my money.”

Brianna smiles and leaves the room.

The next day, Brianna is tossing things out of her car repeating,

“black book, black book, black book.”

Riley from next door walks up,

“Hey, Brianna what’s up?”

Brianna stands and turns to look at him with bulging eyes,

“oh hey, Riley.”

Riley stumbles back as he looks at her face,

“Woah, what’s going on are you ok?”

Brianna runs her fingers through her hair as if she wanted to comb it. She tucks in her shirt,

“Yeah, yeah, I am doing very well. Thanks for asking.”

Riley backs away and goes to knock on the door,

“hey, Brea are you home?”

Brea runs to the door,

“Hey, Riley, what’s up?”

Riley looks over to Brianna,

“I don’t know, you tell me?”

Brea looks over to see her sister throwing everything out of the car repeating

“black book, black book.”

Brea says,

“oh she is fine, she is looking for some black book but won’t tell me why.”

Riley slowly turns his gaze back to Brea and exclaims,

“that’s normal huh?”

Riley shrugs his shoulders, looks back to Brea,

“you want to go see a movie later?”

Brea says,

“Sure! Just stop by to get me.”

Brianna is taking a nap when she hears a faint voice,

“You will never find me.”

Brianna jumps up looks around the room to find no one to be found. She starts to toss the room looking for this black book. She runs through the house throwing things all over the place. This time she hears the voice louder and while she is awake,


Brea comes into the house after her date with Riley. Her mouth drops open and she exclaims,

“what in the tar hill have you done to the place?”

Brianna abruptly stops what she is doing turns with a worried look on her face. She cries out,

“if I don’t find this book, I am going to go crazy.”

Brea looks at her sister with sad eyes,

“Honey you have already gone crazy.”

She sits next to Brianna and rubs her back,

“If you tell me why this book is so important to you and where you last saw it maybe we can find it.”

Brianna puts her hand to her face as tears roll down her cheeks,

“There was a man in a dark coat walking down an alleyway when I was on my way home from work.”

Brea leans back as if she was listening to her sister,


Brianna looks up out of her hands,

“He walked up to me handed me the black book and said, “take this keep it safe.”

Brea says with a stern voice,

“Did he say why?”

Brianna shook her head,

“All he said was that if the men knew I had it they would kill him and me just to get it.”

Brea jumped up,


Brea started tossing the room apart,

“Why did you take this book? Did you look at the book when he gave it to you? Why is this book so important?”

Brianna stood up,

“No, I didn’t look at the book and I took it because he held a gun to my head!”

Brea stops tossing the room and turns around,

“He did what?”

Brianna repeats,

“Put a gun to my head. So, I took the book and ran.”

Brea takes a deep breath,

“ok, where is the last time you saw it?”

Brianna looks around the room,

“It was 2 days ago, and I think it was in our room, but I can’t remember. Things are a little fuzzy from when he held a gun to my face!”

Brea walks over to Brianna and hugs her,

“We will find it, sis, don’t you worry.”

Brea walks into the kitchen and puts a pot of water on the stove,

“Let’s have some tea to calm your nerves so we can think of where it could be.”

Brianna sits at the kitchen table as the water boils and Brea puts the tea bags in the mugs. Brianna sighs,

“Hopefully this tea with jog my memory.”

As she takes a sip she hears faintly again,

“you will never find me”.

Brianna looks around the room,

“Brea, did you hear that?”

Brea puts the pot on the stove,

“No what?”

Brianna hears the voice again and starts to follow it,

“you will never find me.”

Brea starts to follow Brianna,

“What are we doing?”

Brianna puts her fingers to her lips,

“shush I can’t hear the voice if you keep talking.”

Brea covers her mouth,

“fine but I don’t know what you hear.”

Brianna continues to walk through the house until the voice is loud and clear,

“You will never.”

She finds the book and shouts,

“I knew I would find you, you stupid black book. Now let me see what my life was threatened for.”

She opens the book and $20,000 fell out. Brea shouts,

“You had $20,000 and all you were going to give me was $1,000.”

Brianna looks at Brea when someone comes knocking on the door like the cops. Brianna puts the money back in the black book and runs to the back of the house.

“Brea see who that is!”

Brea looks at Brianna with crazy eyes,

“The devil is a lie I will not go see who that is.”

Just as she made that statement a man kicks down the door. Brianna’s heart starts racing through her chest then she hears an alarm go off and she wakes up.

“Are you freaking kidding me I was dreaming this whole time? Well, at least I’m still alive.” Brianna looks over to her nightstand and sees the book.


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    Brooke GreeneWritten by Brooke Greene

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