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Mysterious Death


By Roselien Linda APublished about a year ago 8 min read
Mysterious Death
Photo by Jesse van Vliet on Unsplash

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2004, September. Wyoming.

A 49-year-elderly person called Robert,

Took his two teen children to the biggest mountain range in Mountana.

Their arrangement is...

To go the mountain to chase a deer called elk which has large horns where the crow clan reside.

Crow clan implies individuals who are living in that mountain range.

The mountain region where they are going is brimming with thick woods and enormous cavities.

In any case, Robert know very well how to reside in such places.

Why since he was there in the US extraordinary tasks.

So in an extremely unforgiving landscape and conditions,

He has done numerous endurance preparation phases.

So Robert was a specialist in that.

Both of Robert's child gained some significant knowledge of stuffs like his dad.

Presently on September 19,

At the point when they arrived at that mountain,

They took the bow and bolts and went for hunting the elk.

Furthermore, presently what was their arrangement is,

Both of the young men ought to go seperately,

Also, pursue down the brushing deer from the edge of the huge pits.

At the point when the pursued deer descends,

Robert who was remaining there will chase the deer with his bow.

Along these lines, as indicated by this arrangement, each of them three went seperately.

However, when the young men went to the edge of the holes,

There was no deer.

So they held up till early afternoon and, surprisingly, then they saw no deer.

So that's what the young men felt, it was enough for the afternoon, and ready to leave.

They have previously pre-arranged a gathering place where they will get together after the hunting.

So they stuffed all that and passed on to the gathering spot.

In a brief time, the young men they arrived at the gathering spot.

Yet, the young men father Robert actually didn't arrive at that spot.

Thus, the young men began to trust that their dad will come to the gathering spot.

The time began to elapse however their dad didn't return.

There is no mobile phone administration in that woods so they couldn't call him.

Presently what does the young men believed is,

Since it is a recognizable spot for their dad, they felt that he will return whenever.

However, they didn't have the foggiest idea about that, they will not have the option to see their dad any longer.

At the point when it came to realize what has been going on with Robert,

It was a thing that nobody could acknowledge or accept,

So what befell Robert who went for hunting?

Presently the young men who were holding up there,

Assume in the event that their dad couldn't come on time,

That's what they felt, he can be distant from everyone else in light of the fact that he had wram coats.

At first they felt that, he understands what to do so he will be okay.

Yet, when the sun began to set,

And, after its all said and done their dad didn't return.

Promptly they left from that point and illuminate the specialists.

Promptly the specialists additionally began looking.

Close to the holes where Robert is supposed to be lost,

They began to look through there with helicopters and low level warm imaging.

What is a warm picture looking through implies,

In the evening, when we check out at the woodland from the helicopter,

We can't see anything,

Be that as it may, assuming that we glance through warm imaging implies,

The things which are hot will be found in red.

The intensity which comes from our body,

What's more, the intensity which comes from creature's body,

Will be clear in warm imaging.

So when you search in a dull spot, on the off chance that a red tone is seen,

It is possible that it ought to be a human or a creature.

So with this we can find out without any problem.

Yet, for the entire night they looked all over the place,

Yet, they couldn't track down Robert.

Yet, did the specialists' thought process is,

Robert was a prepared individual so perhaps he could have fabricated a safe house,

Perhaps he went to a cavern and remained there,

Or on the other hand perhaps he made a camp with tree limb.

So assuming that he was inside there, it won't be apparent in warm imaging.

They felt that they can track down him tomorrow.

Yet, the following day,

In excess of a many group and the canine dog which has a high smelling limit,

Furthermore, hardly any individuals on ponies, not many more helicopters, and Little plane,

With such a huge group they began to look.

And still, at the end of the day they couldn't track down Robert.

This search went on for a considerable length of time,

Yet, since they couldn't find Robert, the hunt was halted.

Robert's family was crushed.

What befell their dad whom was their hero?

Furthermore, they couldn't acknowledge that Something wrong was occurred.

However the authority search was halted,

His family frequently went to that valley and began looking through there.

Yet, Robert was rarely found.

Precisely following a year,

In October 2006,

A tracker went to a similar valley for hunting.

He had no clue about Robert's vanishing.

In any case, presently he was hunting in a similar spot where Robert vanished.

He went there alone and he was not hunting like a pack,

He was glancing around in that thick woods and continued to move gradually,

Then, at that point, he heard a sound like a crow cawing.

First he didn't see that, and it resembled any remaining birds

Presently he gradually glances back along the edge where the sound came from.

Yet, he was unable to see that crow there.

Yet, he realize that the crow was cawing from the bearing he was checking out.

What did the tracker said in the later days was...

At the point when he thought back, some sort of instinct has raisen to him.

His intution said that the crow was attempting to convey and converse with him.

He went through the majority of his time on earth in hunting,

However, he says that he has never had this sort of involvement till now.

So the thing he was believing is...

To take a brief trip and see where the crow is cawing from.

He considered the reason why the crow is cawing this way.

So he began to walk gradually toward the path where the ssound is coming from.

Yet, since it was an exceptionally thick woodland he was unable to see the crow.

At the point when he continued to walk gradually,

He saw a major freedom before him.

There, in the freedom, a tree was separated into half and fell.

The messed up tree was only 5 or 6 feet as it were.

Furthermore, he saw that the crow was perched on that wrecked tree.

At the point when the tracker moved near that crow,

He strolled by checking it out.

Yet, the crow continued to caw toward another path.

At the point when he went close to that crow,

The two of them looked up close and personal.

When the crow saw him, it quit cawing.

Be that as it may, it kept on seeing him.

This unexpected way of behaving of crow causes the tracker to feel somewhat awkward.

It resembled the crow was affirming that it cawing for him.

Presently it saw him, so it quit cawing and began checking him out.

Presently this tracker strolled sowly into the freedom,

Furthermore, went close to the crow and checked it out.

Then, at that point, abruptly that crow...

Seemed to be this.

He additionally peered down to see what the crow was checking out,

Presently there he saw a skull in base of that tree.

The tracker, who was terrified by this, took a gander at the crow once more.

Now that crow was additionally checking him out.

Envision, what is happening was entirely awful.

The tracker, who was so frightened, denoted the guide where he was currently,

What's more, quickly took off from that point.

He went to the area with wireless assistance and quickly called the specialists.

Specialists likewise come there right away,

Furthermore, the tracker got out whatever happened to him.

He tells about the crow and the skull under the tree.

So the police went there to check and the skull was there as he said.

In any case, that crow was not there.

Skull as well as a femur was there.

Two shoes were flawlessly organized and kept there.

Close to that shoe, a belt was perfectly rolled and kept.

Furthermore, there was a coat close to that belt.

A wallet was tracked down in that coat,

Inside that wallet Robert's ID card and some cash was there.

Presently the police began to look, whether they could find something else.

Yet, nothing was found.

Robert's bow and bolt was likewise not tracked down till the end.

There is certainly something wrong for this situation,

Furthermore, when they found there was an injustice,

The FBI came nito this.

First what the FBI said is,

Robert had been shot.

Yet, from that point onward, they said that Robert kicked the bucket on the grounds that a tree fell on him.

On the off chance that Robert kicked the bucket due to the fallen tree, where did his body went?

What has been going on with his body?

In any event, when we accept that it was hauled by some creature,

How his shoes, his coat, his belt were flawlessly organized and kept.

In the event that a tree fell on him,

For what reason would it be a good idea for him to organize his shoes and belt perfectly?

Assuming there is nobody, who organized everything like that?

Additionally, where did his bow and bolt went?

However it was formally pronounced, that he was passed on by a fallen tree.

What his family and the people who were believed is right there...

Somebody on that slope side,

Or on the other hand something could have gone after him.

Be that as it may, regardless of whether he was gone after,

His two kid were there as it were,

So his sound should be heard to them.

Since there the sound travel excessively far.

Yet, nothing was heard that way.

Regardless of whether an individual went after Robert,

Why he didn't take the cash from Robert's wallet?

Aside from that,

Where Robert's body was found,

Is close to the gathering point where the young men were pausing.

So in the event that he was hit by a tree,

Or then again in the event that an assailant went after him,

He ought to have been found during the principal search itself.

Why he was not seen as then, at that point?

There might be two explanations behind this,

In the first place, everybody may missed Robert without seeing him.

Or on the other hand Robert probably won't have been there until the serach was finished.

From that point forward, they could have brought Robert and put him there.

Where could Robert up to that point have been?

Furthermore, something odd about this case,

Is a tracker tracked down Robert's body by an exceptionally odd crow.

Perhaps absolutely it very well may be a happenstance.


About the Creator

Roselien Linda A

Stories have the power to inspire, teach and connect us to the human experience in a way that few other mediums can.❤️

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    Roselien Linda AWritten by Roselien Linda A

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